March Monkeys 2016: 21 boys and 15 girls born

Congrats on all the scans ladies. As for symptoms, mine are mellow as can be. Fatigue, moodiness, and hunger have been the strongest up till the past day or two. Now I'm freaking out because the ms isn't hitting like I thought it would. Hoping for a little something to help ease my mind
Thinking of you Dawn. Let us know how you got on.

Like I said before, not many symptoms at the mo. Tiredness, finding it difficult to sleep, gas, slightly light headed on and off.

well my spotting (only when i wipe), has continued on and off for the last two days so today i phoned the midwife who recomended phoning the gp for an emergency appointment so that they could refer me to the early pregnancy unit or going to A and E, well going to A and E seemed a bit extreme as i am not in agony its more a niggle in my tum and lower back, but i suffer lower back pain anyhow. i get a sharp pain in my tummy when i sneeze!
anyway, i spoke with the practice nurse and she agreed that it seemed ludicruous that the midwifes cant refer to early pregnancy unit. I have spoken with a dr and now need to go down at 5:30pm tonight so that he can feel my tummy and then refer me..... the mind boggles..... i explained i am not in extreme pain just a bit of lower cramping but i had this with my other son. the discharge was more when i had been laid down and got up from a nights sleep, mostly brown but some pink but still only when i wiped and on and off through the day i am getting tinges of brown, stringy discharge when i wipe. i asked if he could refer without seeing me, but no.

so who knows, off to dr's later and will hopefully get a referal to early pregnancy unit where i think they will scan to see what is going on. If your of the praying persuasion please pray for me and my baby. Thank you.

:hugs: hoping everything is ok!! <3

so i saw the dr, he examined me and my middle stomach area was tender to touch, the bleeding has actually eased off a bit but i have noticed i notice it more if i have been sat down for a few hours (kind of like it pools), its still only when i wipe though which i think is reassuring.
He is reffering me to the early pregnancy unit but i dont think i will hear till tomorrow now. He did say that its common in pregnancy (which i knew from when i had the same Issue with Isaac's pregnancy), doesnt help the worry mind.

Thanks for your kind thoughts.

Keep those prayers and positive thoughts coming, i appreciate them.

Dawn xx
Iv not had any nausea or sickness, I'm very tired and keep yawning but then I struggle to sleep at night, lots of pressure down there, but today iv got really sore boobs, my nipples are ever so tender and they feel really cold and tingly ... Weird lol
Wouldn't it be great to feel like this all the way through!
H xx

so i saw the dr, he examined me and my middle stomach area was tender to touch, the bleeding has actually eased off a bit but i have noticed i notice it more if i have been sat down for a few hours (kind of like it pools), its still only when i wipe though which i think is reassuring.
He is reffering me to the early pregnancy unit but i dont think i will hear till tomorrow now. He did say that its common in pregnancy (which i knew from when i had the same Issue with Isaac's pregnancy), doesnt help the worry mind.

Thanks for your kind thoughts.

Keep those prayers and positive thoughts coming, i appreciate them.

Dawn xx

Where abouts in the uk are u dawn? If u go to a&e they refer u immediately that's what happened to me
Fingers crossed for u
H xx
I am In cheshire. The EPU is only open four days a week from 8.30 am to 11.30 am utterly ridiculous.
I'm reassured I'm not in agony and it's brown blood not red. Still its difficult not to think the worst. Not heard from anyone tonight so hoping for a phone call tomorrow to book me in at EPU. X x


so i saw the dr, he examined me and my middle stomach area was tender to touch, the bleeding has actually eased off a bit but i have noticed i notice it more if i have been sat down for a few hours (kind of like it pools), its still only when i wipe though which i think is reassuring.
He is reffering me to the early pregnancy unit but i dont think i will hear till tomorrow now. He did say that its common in pregnancy (which i knew from when i had the same Issue with Isaac's pregnancy), doesnt help the worry mind.

Thanks for your kind thoughts.

Keep those prayers and positive thoughts coming, i appreciate them.

Dawn xx

Where abouts in the uk are u dawn? If u go to a&e they refer u immediately that's what happened to me
Fingers crossed for u
H xx
Dawn hope you get reassurance in the morning . As you said its brown blood which is good , no pain which is good and happened before to you :) I have a feeling all will be ok :)

Thanks guys for the responses for symptoms its reassured me no end :) I have to stop allowing myself to " worry " I'm gonna try really hard just keep busy as when I'm busy I don't think so much !!!!! Thanks again xxxxx
Can people describe their symptoms at 7 weeks . Mine are different to last time , I know each pg is different but would love something to compare how I feel now too if that makes sense . I don't feel half as nauceous as last time , I have gone off most foods .. Feel exhausted and icky for periods durning the day . I've the odd dry heave if I let my tummy get empty but last time had it all the time ..

I had no symptoms! I posted on here about it and got no reply :shrug: had every symptom going in my last pregnancy. The only thing was I could get tearful and choked up about anything and everything xx
Fingers crossed for you dawn. I had some.Brown spotting and moderate cramping/back ache too. I'm sure everything will be fine :hugs:
Can people describe their symptoms at 7 weeks . Mine are different to last time , I know each pg is different but would love something to compare how I feel now too if that makes sense . I don't feel half as nauceous as last time , I have gone off most foods .. Feel exhausted and icky for periods durning the day . I've the odd dry heave if I let my tummy get empty but last time had it all the time ..

I had no symptoms! I posted on here about it and got no reply :shrug: had every symptom going in my last pregnancy. The only thing was I could get tearful and choked up about anything and everything xx

Sometimes when I post in here no one responds, either. I just assume because the thread moves so quickly.
But no symptoms are normal my MIL didn't have any symptoms with all 3 of her pregnancies. Hang in there!! :)
Can people describe their symptoms at 7 weeks . Mine are different to last time , I know each pg is different but would love something to compare how I feel now too if that makes sense . I don't feel half as nauceous as last time , I have gone off most foods .. Feel exhausted and icky for periods durning the day . I've the odd dry heave if I let my tummy get empty but last time had it all the time ..

I had no symptoms! I posted on here about it and got no reply :shrug: had every symptom going in my last pregnancy. The only thing was I could get tearful and choked up about anything and everything xx

Sometimes when I post in here no one responds, either. I just assume because the thread moves so quickly.
But no symptoms are normal my MIL didn't have any symptoms with all 3 of her pregnancies. Hang in there!! :)

I've only been here a few days, and the thread moves SO fast. I'm glad we've got such a lively group, though!
I just had my first massive throw up attack... out of nowhere. I feel awful. I wasn't able to completely close the bathroom door and my two year old came in and snuggled next to me mid-throw up, my husband came in and took him out once he figured out where he went. Looking back it was really sweet.
I just had my first massive throw up attack... out of nowhere. I feel awful. I wasn't able to completely close the bathroom door and my two year old came in and snuggled next to me mid-throw up, my husband came in and took him out once he figured out where he went. Looking back it was really sweet.

Awwe that's so sweet! I could see my 3 year old doing that too! Your LO was worried about you, mama!! :)
So jealous of all the early scans! As I knew my dates I don't get a dating scan do the first scan I get is at 12 weeks. So that's September boo!
Also I'm due the 25th if someone could add me to the due date list thanks :)
You'll be in my thoughts Dawn. I hope all is well!

Our first ultrasound is in about eight and a half hours! I'm super nervous about baby being okay. I just want to see that little heartbeat! I have a nagging suspicion there might be two in there but we will see! :)
All the best Dawn! Send you positive vibes xxx

I have been nauseous for the last few days and yesterday I was so hungry and craving hearty foods like pasta and pizza. Ate pizza last night and felt better and today for lunch had sausage rolls, pizza and pasta! So much for my healthy eating! If this keeps up I will be the size of a whale by the end of 9 months!

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