March Monkeys 2016: 21 boys and 15 girls born

Thanks so much for your support ladies. It means such a lot.
The bleeding has stopped now but it has been on and off for days. I wonder if the walking aggrivated it...... I was pushing my nearly 3 year old in his pram and he is not small. I am resting now.
Very confused by the on and off bleeding and that sometimes its brown and other times pink but still only when i wipe (bar a very tiny bit in my pants after my walk).
I am trying to stay positive and will hopefully get some good news on monday.

I just asked my husband if he wanted some of my macaroni and cheese....he said yes.

Thinking positive thoughts for you Dawn! I'm sure that everything is okay with your little bean, especially since the spotting has only been brown and pink, you haven't been in pain, and you had this with your DS. :hugs:

Sorry I've been absent ladies, I've just been so busy lately! And feeling super sick. The last couple of days I've had to really fight not to throw up. The nausea is constant, I never get any relief from it. :sick:

Less than a week until my first prenatal appointment and hopefully only about a week until my first scan. :happydance:

I hope that everyone is doing okay. Sorry to all of the ladies that are feeling sick! Also do the ladies that are worried that they haven't been feeling sick, more than likely you are just extremely lucky. Many women never get sick during pregnancy and still have healthy babies. Trust me when I say you do NOT want to be sick all the time. :haha:
I've been starting to feel a little nausea the last couple of days. I had very little morning sickness with DDs. Hopefully that won't change with this pregnancy! I'm starting to wonder, though . . .
Hi everyone :) dawn I have everything crossed for you , Monday must seem like an eternity away . As bad as our health care system is if I went to a&e in out patients , I might have to wait a few hours but I'd be seen !!

As for me I had a icky feeling day :) well from about 12 till an hour ago . Now I'm starting to get that weird hungry feeling ..... If I leave it too long ill feel uck again . Only problem can't think of one thing I want to eat ..... Boobs burning today too . A good symptom day for me :)
i had virtually no symptoms with my ds until about 7 weeks.

this time around, my boobs are already killing me!!
:hugs: to all you ladies suffering with nasty first tri symptoms, or indeed those worrying about a lack of symptoms. It's such a worrying time and I think we know/can find out so much these days that we're much more aware of what can go wrong than maybe our mothers, grandmothers etc were. My symptoms come and go, which was true for my other 2 pregnancies aswell. Some days I feel nauseous all day and others I barely remember i'm pregnant, I figure it must coincide with baby having growth spurts.
Dawn, fingers firmly crossed for you that the bleeding isn't anything sinister. A friend/colleague of mine bled heavily (red blood) at around 6 weeks with both her kids and they're absolutely fine. Hope Monday comes around quickly for you :hugs:
Radiance, love your announcement it's super cute :) Also, so exciting that it might be twinnies in there, keep us posted!
Ruby, lol i've had some days like that where I just want to eat the contents of the fridge, cupboard etc! Crisps are my latest obsession, onion rings in particular :D
bigbelly, glad everything looked as it should do on your scan. Not sure what i'd do with regards a private scan... I had them with my girls but won't be with this one as we can't spare the cash at the moment. If you won't really miss the £60 though it could be worth it for the reassurance.
AMP, congrats on the successful scan :)

AFM, had my booking in today which was pretty much as expected. It's a different hospital to where I had my daughters and their protocols are slightly different but not drastically so. I'm classed as high risk due to my BMI being over 34 and my previous post-partum hemmorhage (lost 2.5 litres after having DD1, no problems after DD2 though) but I don't think it'll make much difference to my antenatal care unless any other problems arise. One minor annoyance was a comment the phlebotomist made about this baby being a surprise. I said no it was planned as we wanted them close in age. Thought it was a bit weird for a health professional to make a comment like that though! :wacko: On a happier note my 12 week scan has been booked for 18th :)
Thank the lord for nausea medicine and toast. I felt like I was going to vomit each time I took a breath and my children are being little monsters! The medicine usually only last 30 mins-2 hrs but I'll take it! Can we just fast forward the next 5 weeks or so?? :(
I took off my sea bands this morning and spent the day kind of nauseous...especially around meal time!

So instead of being reasonable, I allowed myself to eat far, far too much food and now I'm nauseous again.

So I'm laying on my couch, put my sea bands back on and am watching tv until I feel normal again.

Another lazy day!
:hugs: Dawn. Its going to be a long weekend for you. I hope you'll get good news on Monday.

Radience that is just the best pregnancy announcement :thumbup: I've never dome a cute announcement and we weren't even going to say anything this time for as long as we can get away with it but you make me want to do something like that now :p. But we will still probably wait.

I hope I'm not stepping on anyone's toes, but I've gone and made a secret group on Facebook as a follow on for here since there are always ladies who spend more time on Facebook than forums and would rather a Facebook group, and others who like to be in both.
To join you'll have to add me on Facebook (if anyone else would like to volunteer to add people as well once you've joined please do) in order to get added to the group since its secret.
Mama bat would you be able to add the info to the front page so people can find it?

My Facebook profile is
I'm working on my announcement picture!! Something is missing but I can't quite put my finger on it. I also have no idea when I want to share. :wacko: I always share right away. I am dying to share but I also think it would be fun to surprise everyone when they least expected it. :winkwink:

How about, when you post it write, "Pink, green, purple or blue, March is when our baby is due.". That why you aren't giving anything gender specific, and your just happy to have a baby.
:hugs: Dawn. Its going to be a long weekend for you. I hope you'll get good news on Monday.

Radience that is just the best pregnancy announcement :thumbup: I've never dome a cute announcement and we weren't even going to say anything this time for as long as we can get away with it but you make me want to do something like that now :p. But we will still probably wait.

I hope I'm not stepping on anyone's toes, but I've gone and made a secret group on Facebook as a follow on for here since there are always ladies who spend more time on Facebook than forums and would rather a Facebook group, and others who like to be in both.
To join you'll have to add me on Facebook (if anyone else would like to volunteer to add people as well once you've joined please do) in order to get added to the group since its secret.
Mama bat would you be able to add the info to the front page so people can find it?

My Facebook profile is

I sent you a friend request, Mama Hen! My name is Keely Ellis. :D
We have a Facebook group for my last pregnancy group that was made after the babies were born. While we're pregnant I prefer to be on the forum, but once all of the babies are born a secret Facebook group is a great way to stay in touch with everyone since most people stop posting on the forum after the babies have been born. :thumbup:

Radiance I completely forgot in my last post to let you know how excited I am about the possibility that you could be carrying another set of twins in the group! Also I love your announcement, so cute and original. :happydance:
I just took a cb digi weeks estimator in hopes of seeing it change from 2-3 to 3+ weeks. To my surprise, it had dropped to 1-2 weeks. Guess I should start tempering my expectations. I'm freaking out.
Big :hugs: TTC. Have you had blood work dome to check your hcg? The digi weeks estimators are notoriously inaccurate and might be causing you to worry for no reason. Its so stressful though :hugs:
A second test showed me back at 2-3 weeks. So, I'm hoping something went wrong with the first test.
TTC I refused to use another digi after the first because with my son I never progresses past 2-3 despite my blood HCG being over 10,000! They are SO inaccurate! Try not to stess, maybe see if you can go for bloods? X
Junk! Junk! Junk! Those conception indicators are junk! Mine did the same and scared the ever loving crap out of me :/
Junk! Junk! Junk! Those conception indicators are junk! Mine did the same and scared the ever loving crap out of me :/

You had one wrong wrong, too? I hear a lot about people never reaching 3+ but I don't see much about people having a fallback reading.
^^ stucki had one go to 3+ and then a few days later another one said 2-3
I promised myself I wouldn't use the conception indicators. I would worry wayyyyyy too much!!

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