March Monkeys 2016: 21 boys and 15 girls born

Hey ladies sorry I've been MIA but schooI started back last week and its been chaotic. Plus DH is on Miami this week so it's just me, DS, a crazy schedule and2 doctor's appointments! My ultrasound is tomorrow so yay! My mom will watch Sam so I can go in peace. As for fruit all I wanted last pregnancy was cantalope and watermelon. This time it's just watermelon. How strange we crave similar things.

NDH I'm so glad you're ok.

Dawn I'm so glad baby is well.
Anyone else having trouble locating maternity pants? I'm 5'11" and can't find a store that has more than one color/style pants in my length!

Super frustrated.

I didn't realize I was going to have trouble. Old navy usually has long ones but it seems they're only carrying one color/style right now. I'm hoping this will change come fall.

I think that right now stores are in between summer and fall clothes so they don't have much of either. Have you tried online?

Yeah, that's where I've been looking :/
They moved my scan from Friday to Thursday to get me with my own doctor (he's out Friday). :happydance:

It couldn't come a minute too soon.
Stuck, try gap maternity! I noticed they sell tall length. They have 40% off sales fairly often, so you should be able to get a fairly good deal if you hang on til a sale :thumbup:
Old navy has a decent selection of maternity jeans. I believe they come in long too... I got some there when I had a coupon and they had a 30% off sale. I ended up getting a really good deal.
I don't know what it's like where everyone else lives, but in my city it's so hard to find maternity clothing. Hardly any stores stock the maternity range in store so you have to order online and can't try before you buy. The couple of stores that do stock maternity in store only have very minimal.selection so end up going to their website anyway. I remember last time I was pregnant I hunted high and low for hours (freezing my ass off in a non maternity coat i couldn't do up over my bump) for a winter maternity coat & once I found one i swore i was keeping it forever!! Luckily I am pregnant same time of year so most of my old maternity clothes will do!
Mama Swan, same here. Only clothes which are nice maternity are online. At least you have some from before.

Mama Bat, happy birthday!

Azure, great scan :)

Fezzle, we are in Woolacoombe but weather not great. Still, very relaxing.
Nice! We go camping in Mortehoe sometimes and then usually go to Woolacombe for breakfast.
Oh lovely Woolacombe, I love it there :) can't beat a bit of the south west!

I am back in bed today (it's 4pm in the uk) having been unable to sleep due to a lovely sciatica flare up. I have sobbed and sobbed through the rest of the day because I was so tired, but have now had a bit of decent sleep at last! What a good use of my day off :/
Oh no mama duck hope it eases soon for you.

mama fox enjoy your hols.

Mama swan I hate the fact that most maternity us online. I ordered some from George at asda as had that from there last time and was decent quality.

Hope everyone is well X X
Anyone else looking for a doula? I just met with mine today!! Super excited! :happydance:
I saw someone mention a facebook group. Do we have a secret facebook group?
Had my follow up scan from 2 weeks ago when there was just a sac!

This time there was a little bean clear as day with a heartbeat of 140 <3


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In other news we got to see our little one today!!!!
Measuring 3 days behind at 8w5d but we got to hear the most perfect heartbeat <3 so in love!!


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Lovely pics hopefull and bombshell!!

Hopefully il have some good news later... I have my much awaited scan at 1pm today to finally have a decision made of viability and dates... Keep your fingers crossed for me! I'm not having any pregnancy signs really apart from very sore nipples and slight insomnia... My mom still doesn't know as she's been poorly and until I get confirmation iv not wanted to tell her and worry her!
I'm thinking of telling my eldest daughter today, she's nearly 14 what's everyone's take on telling people and at what stage?

Ps sorry for anyone's sad news, congrats on the good news and fingers crossed il be back later
H xx
Lovely to hear the good news of all the scans showing healthy beans.
Good luck with yours today bigbelly2.
Have a good day ladies x x

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