March Monkeys 2016: 21 boys and 15 girls born

Bombshell, she took over 45 minutes to stitch me up afterward & Said I had a lot of swelling. I kept feeling this build up of pressure, felt like I had a knife in my rectum. Our parents were in the waiting room & it had been forever so I finally sent DH out to talk to them. When he left the midwife came back in & reached her arm up into me & was presumably pulling out blood/clots etc? Hurt worse than labor. I grabbed her arm (which was in me) and yelled "what the hell are you doing to me?" & I do t even think she responded. This happened a few times (knife stabbing pain, followed by her arm up me, pulling stuff out) til they finally determined I needed vaginal surgery. They put me out & redid my stitches. Turned out I had a hematoma. That's why I want a doctor this time around. She has since left the practice, by the way...
TTC oh no!!! :hugs: I hope they're wrong & betas come back normal! Keep us posted Hun!!! :hug:
TTC I hope it's not a CP and that your beta #s look good. :hugs:

Oh my gosh Mama Tiger, I can't even imagine, wtf. :nope:
I really hope that your birth experience is more positive this time. :hugs:

I had my appointment and it went very well. I really like my new doctor and he surprised me with an ultrasound! Apparently he only does the early ultrasound (7-9 weeks) with an old machine that he has in the office. It was lovely that DH got to be there to see baby on the ultrasound screen this time, he wasn't able to last time. March-Mallow is looking good, measuring only about a day ahead and had a nice strong heartbeat (no idea how fast it was, I think the machine was too old to be able to do that). It's good to know that only one baby is in there and that s/he is healthy. Also according to Ramzi's theory it's a girl so it will be fun to see if that's right or not. It was correct with my DS so you never know. :D

I'll post my scan pics later, first I need to get DH to scan them onto his computer and email them to me.
Sorry TTC! I hope they are wrong.

That's awesome KalonKiKi so glad it went well! And you got to see bubs!!

Bella - what happened to you sounds horrific! I hope your next delivery goes so well it erases that traumatic experience!
DH just took me for Korean food. I managed to drink 2 ginger ales and not eat my dinner.

He was super sweet about it though. Hurried through his own meal so we could come home. Feeling a bit better now that I'm back on my place on the couch.

In so exhausted I have trouble getting up and moving around. Tonight I'm having some stretching my and a little tight feeling in my belly. Hoping its stretching and nothing more.
Aww, sorry you weren't able to eat your dinner Stucki, the first trimester can be so rough sometimes. We'll all be out of it soon enough though, it appears most of us are at least halfway through now if not 2/3 of the way through. I'm sure that it's just stretching pain, your symptoms and scans have all been great and I have a good feeling that this is your rainbow. :winkwink:

Here are the pictures from my scan. :D
Mama otter, glad your appointment went well! Exciting that all signs so far are pointing to girl!!! I know that's what you wanted!!

Thank you Silas & mama otter... I hope next time goes better too!!!
apaki: big hugs to you :hugs:

TTC: I hope your HCG levels come back ok xxx

Sorry to the ladies who are suffering nausea! I find if I continue to eat, I feel ok.

Just got back from my OB app and she scanned me. Measuring 7w4d so spot on my due date of 21st March. Saw a heartbeat too which was lovely! booked my 12 week scan for 9/9- can't wait!
Thanks Mama Tiger, I really am hoping for a :pink: bump this time. As awful as my pregnancies have been so far I'm not sure I have the strength to do it a 3rd time and I really would like to have one of each at least. That and I'm not sure I can convince my DH to go for a 3rd! :haha: :blush:

Yay for a good appointment and scan Ruby! :happydance:
keely - beautiful scan, yet again!!! really hoping you get your little girl :) :baby:

stuck - i have those same feelings, especially at night! and when i get up too fast, it feels like pulling!

bellarosa - OMG!!!!!! that does sound horrific!! and she isn't a midwife anymore? WTH!! good lord - did anyone tell you what she did was wrong or anything? I would faint if someone stuck their arms in me and pulled out what they did from you! you poor thing, I just want to hug you right now lol. the worst part of my labor was mainly the doctor missing my spine and hitting my nerve over and over for the epidural. i was in so much pain and it didn't even work! are you worried that the same thing might happen again?

TTC74 - FX it isn't a CP. bigbelly2 had some false bad news a week or so ago, hoping you do receive better news about it and that everything goes smoothly for you!! :hugs:
Apaki and ttc, thinking of you both.

Can't believe I'm nearly 10 wks! :)
I don't know if any of you ladies are suffering with nausea buy I have had it terribly. Yesterday I relented and brought some travel sickness bands with the pressure points on and all today I have had no nausea. May be coincidental or a placibo effect but right now I'm happy x

Good to know! I have some but haven't tried them yet. I can usually deal with the nausea by snacking all day, but next week I'm going to be in Venice (lots of boats) and then a cruise and really hope I'm not puking the whole time!
TTC74- :hugs: I'm hoping the best for you!

Kiki & Ruby- great scans!
Has anyone (especially in the UK) bought any maternity bras? My bras are no longer cutting it. I was going to try M&S, but not sure if there are better places to look. I usually get bras from Bravissimo but we don't have one in my city to get a new fitting.
:hugs: ttc

I love the sea bands. Have been wearing them since the beginning and they really do seem to take the edge off.

Sorry to all the ladies who are still sick. I had my first serious almost puking moment this morning and it was not fun at all, I'm glad I haven't been suffering very much...but I suspect that the bands are doing a lot more for me than I think!

Weekend is coming!! Anyone have big fun plans?
Oh, I wanted to add that while on my hunt for maternity clothing I came across

They offer 40% off for first time users and free shipping over $50. It's online consignment and with the 40% off it was worth it. The prices were reasonable and they had a lot of nice, name brand stuff!

I'm so tall that I prefer to buy used, because someone else has already washed it and shrunk it for me :)

It's worth checking out if you're looking for gently used stuff! I wouldn't buy again without the discount but I got 7 tops, 2 dresses and a jean jacket for $96.
I don't know if any of you ladies are suffering with nausea buy I have had it terribly. Yesterday I relented and brought some travel sickness bands with the pressure points on and all today I have had no nausea. May be coincidental or a placibo effect but right now I'm happy x

On the days I have been really bad they seemed to help me as well. You just have to make sure you position them correctly.
keely - beautiful scan, yet again!!! really hoping you get your little girl :) :baby:

stuck - i have those same feelings, especially at night! and when i get up too fast, it feels like pulling!

bellarosa - OMG!!!!!! that does sound horrific!! and she isn't a midwife anymore? WTH!! good lord - did anyone tell you what she did was wrong or anything? I would faint if someone stuck their arms in me and pulled out what they did from you! you poor thing, I just want to hug you right now lol. the worst part of my labor was mainly the doctor missing my spine and hitting my nerve over and over for the epidural. i was in so much pain and it didn't even work! are you worried that the same thing might happen again?

TTC74 - FX it isn't a CP. bigbelly2 had some false bad news a week or so ago, hoping you do receive better news about it and that everything goes smoothly for you!! :hugs:

I don't know if she's not a midwife anymore - I just know she's not at the women's group of midwives & ob-gyns that I go to... Supposedly, when she stitched me up, she stitched over an open artery and blood was pooling under the stitches, which is what was causing me pain. (This is the reason I want a doctor this time). Nobody told me what she did was wrong... But I never went and complained about her or anything either, and maybe I should have. Maybe I'm crazy for wanting another natural/unmedicated birth after that!!! My mom even suggested a c section might have a better recovery than I had last time around! (I was in pain down under for months afterward). As for next time, I was told my chance is no higher than anyone else's of having a hematoma happen again, so FX!!! And FX especially for a shorter pp healing period! I def wasn't expecting to feel so rotten "down under" for so long!

So sorry to hear about your epidural experience! Is that why you want to skip it & go natural this time?
Bombshell, she took over 45 minutes to stitch me up afterward & Said I had a lot of swelling. I kept feeling this build up of pressure, felt like I had a knife in my rectum. Our parents were in the waiting room & it had been forever so I finally sent DH out to talk to them. When he left the midwife came back in & reached her arm up into me & was presumably pulling out blood/clots etc? Hurt worse than labor. I grabbed her arm (which was in me) and yelled "what the hell are you doing to me?" & I do t even think she responded. This happened a few times (knife stabbing pain, followed by her arm up me, pulling stuff out) til they finally determined I needed vaginal surgery. They put me out & redid my stitches. Turned out I had a hematoma. That's why I want a doctor this time around. She has since left the practice, by the way...

This happened to me too (but not the botched up stitching that you mentioned in a later post). I was so uncomfy and couldn't move because she was rummaging around inside of me (it was either to do with the placenta or they were packing me before I went to theatre as was losing a fair bit of blood). I ended up looking up and saying "What the hell are you doing?" It came out a bit snappier than I intended, I can't remember her reply but I know it was with an air of "jeez what's your problem!" .

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