Mama Otter, hope the meds help your nausea. I've got it badly with this pregnancy too and its hard-going... Of course i'm grateful to have strong symptoms as I know that's generally a sign of a healthy pregnancy but sometimes I just want everyone to leave me alone so I can ride it out in peace which obviously is not going to happen lol!

Also, I've heard a lot about the Ramzi theory being very accurate so fc this is the case for you and you are indeed team pink. Great scan pics too!
Mama Wolf, i'm in the UK but since my labours were both inductions they were pretty 'medicalised' from the get go... It seems you have to really fight for anything that veers from the norm with them but i'm determined to do that this time if I don't go into labour myself (i'd love to but after 2 post dates inductions at 41+4 and 41+6 I think i'm just someone who bakes them longer!

) I'm laughing my head off at the idea of you sitting in the tub and refusing to move!

Hope you get to have a more positive labour/birth experience this time
Dawn, i'll have to give the bands a go. I'll try anything at this point! Going to stock up on all things ginger tomorrow too
I'm so sorry TTC, just read your most recent journal entry that confirmed a CP

Thinking of you and wishing you all the best for when you're ready to try again
Poor you Stuck, I had a similar experience a few nights ago at my birthday meal but I got my dinner boxed up and I had it the next day when I felt like it a bit more. Can't wait to properly enjoy food again!
Fezzle, I got measured for bras in M&S yesterday

Not just because of pregnancy (I don't find my boobs change much to be honest, even when breastfeeding, I think i'm a freak of nature in that way lol!) but because I've felt for a while like i'm wearing the wrong size and it seems I was a cup size too small. I bought 2 in my correct size and the comfort is amaaazing

Glad you got sorted at Mothercare, nothing like having a bra that fits well!
Bella, so sorry to hear of your previous birth experience

I can definitely relate as with my first I had a nasty tear (2nd bordering on 3rd degree) and lost 2.5 litres of blood when my uterus stopped contracting (I had 2 units transfused aswell) It took me ages to feel OK again but if it's any encouragement/comfort to you my experience with my second was much better afterwards as I didn't tear at all and only lost a minimal amount of blood. I was put on a drip after i'd had baby and placenta which was supposed to reduce the risk of me hemorrhaging and i'm recommended to have it this time aswell just as a precaution

The main difference I found was how well I felt afterwards compared with my first, I really hope your experience this time is a more positive one too
joo, hope everything is OK! I reckon (going by the experiences of others I know) since it's your second bleeding episode EPU would offer you an early scan so it might be worth trying to get in touch with them for peace of mind
Mama Penguin, great news you must feel so relieved
Aww Silas i'm sorry you're feeling so rough

Like you this is my third pregnancy and it's definitely been the hardest in first tri at least. I haven't vomited as yet but I sometimes wish I could just cos i'd get a bit of relief from the incessant nausea then. Hope it doesn't last too much longer for you!