March Monkeys 2016: 21 boys and 15 girls born

A friend gave me some sea bands bit they just made me feel worse, I think it is because I really don't like the inside of my wrist being touched, i get goosebumps and feel a bit sick if i need to itch it.

I started bleeding again yesterday but only when i wipe. I'm thinking it's because I've had a busy couple of days where i have been on my feet a lot and had to carry my 2 year old quite a bit too. i woke up this morning and still blood when i wiped, then a bit later there was more blood afef a bowel moment but now it seem to have stopped again. I rang our ADU but they don't deal with anyone under 16 weeks pregnant.The midwife was lovely and gave me advice on ringing my GP to get referred to early pregnancy unit. I havem't rang because it has stopped and just hate ringing my doctors, always feel like i will be fobbed off or nothing will happen now because it's Friday.
Joo, go see your GP, will make you feel better. Hope it's ok.

Fezzle, I bought a bra extender just to make mine a bit bigger and that seems to be doing the trick for now. Maybe try that until you can get a new one?
My problem was more that with my normal bras, the cups are too small now, so the wires are digging in underneath and it's all coming out the top! So I've just been wearing sport bras but some aren't supportive enough and some just give me one big uniboob. I got a bra at mothercare today though that was exactly what I wanted :thumbup:
Mama Swan I hope that everything is okay with you and your bean. :hugs:

Glad that you found a new bra that you like Fezzle. :thumbup:
Last time I had a huge problem with underwire bras but this time my boobs haven't even been a tiny bit sore and I don't think that they've gotten any bigger yet either. I'm sure I'll be ready for a maternity bra sometime during the 2nd Trimester though.

This is my third pregnancy, but I've never seen a little bean with a heartbeat before! This is officially the farthest I've made it!

I can finally let go of some of this anxiety! HB 172, measuring three days ahead of schedule.
No, my placenta was already out by then, & stitches were "done" so I dunno if it was that. I lost a lot of blood too - I needed 2 transfusions afterward :wacko: hope this time around is better for us both!!

Thinking about trying to sea bands too - I'm so tired of constantly feeling sick!!! Can't even believe I haven't actually vomited yet, but I constantly feel like I'm about to!

Mama penguin, that is fantastic news!!! So happy for you!!! :hugs:
Congrats Mama Penguin, that's amazing news! I'm so hopeful that this is your rainbow, how exciting. :happydance:
Do you happen to have a scan picture to share with us? :flower:

I'm also considering trying Sea Bands, I'm a total wimp when it comes to any kind of stomach pain or discomfort but I have an incredibly high pain tolerance for everything else.
mama penguin - awww congrats! so happy to hear that!! :hugs:

joo - i would go in and get checked as well, even if it's at the ER. then again i freak over everything, but at least they can assure you everything is fine! hope the bleeding stops! it is always so scary.

bellarosa - all i know is that sounds horrible lol. hoping you don't have to go through that again!! and yes that's why i want a completely medication free birth this time - the recovery from getting that dreadful epidural was awful. my upper back hurt so much afterwards for like a week and i couldn't walk. my down stairs area felt perfectly fine as i didn't tear or anything, it was just that darn epi!!! everyone is going to think im nuts, but am i possibly the only one that didn't wait the full six weeks to DTD again? we only waited 4 days :shy:
Been reading and keeping up with the thread, but viewing everything through the savage grumpiness of digestive discomfort and hormones. I will try and actually reply to stuff over the next few days though rather than just complaining :p
I'm over it! I don't know if its right to complain, because no symptoms means I could still be freaking out ... But I am over feeling sick!

I had a good couple weeks, only nauseous in the evenings and here and there throughout the day. Then surprise! Two days ago - all day, never ending! I vomited while taking a shower last night! And since I had practically nothing in said stomach it was mostly just ...stomach acid or whatever comes up when it's empty. Today hasn't been any better and my husband doesn't seem to care that I feel like shit 24/7 and that I should just try to "suck it up". I am considering either murdering him or divorcing him (or my hormones are) ...and then I am crying over everything. I also managed to poop after 4 days of nothing today so maybe I should be thankful for that.

This is by far my "worst" pregnancy yet and I hate to say that. I hate to feel this way. But I am just fed up, overwhelmed... You name it.

Sorry for my rant ladies. I hope I can be forgiven later for it ...but I just need to vent somehow. :(
Aww Silas, I know what you mean. Sadly enough this pregnancy is rotten and it's actually the easier of my two pregnancies so far. Fortunately DH has been relatively sympathetic as far as not telling me to suck it up or demanding that I help more with household chores, but he's been annoying the hell out of me with talk about this being our last baby since apparently I can't handle pregnancy well and how much he hates it when I'm pregnant. Lots of hugs to you hun, sometimes I wonder how more husbands don't get divorced or murdered by their pregnant wives, lol. :hugs:
Mama Otter, hope the meds help your nausea. I've got it badly with this pregnancy too and its hard-going... Of course i'm grateful to have strong symptoms as I know that's generally a sign of a healthy pregnancy but sometimes I just want everyone to leave me alone so I can ride it out in peace which obviously is not going to happen lol! :blush: Also, I've heard a lot about the Ramzi theory being very accurate so fc this is the case for you and you are indeed team pink. Great scan pics too! :flower:

Mama Wolf, i'm in the UK but since my labours were both inductions they were pretty 'medicalised' from the get go... It seems you have to really fight for anything that veers from the norm with them but i'm determined to do that this time if I don't go into labour myself (i'd love to but after 2 post dates inductions at 41+4 and 41+6 I think i'm just someone who bakes them longer! :dohh:) I'm laughing my head off at the idea of you sitting in the tub and refusing to move! :haha: Hope you get to have a more positive labour/birth experience this time :flower:

Dawn, i'll have to give the bands a go. I'll try anything at this point! Going to stock up on all things ginger tomorrow too :thumbup:

I'm so sorry TTC, just read your most recent journal entry that confirmed a CP :( Thinking of you and wishing you all the best for when you're ready to try again :hugs:

Poor you Stuck, I had a similar experience a few nights ago at my birthday meal but I got my dinner boxed up and I had it the next day when I felt like it a bit more. Can't wait to properly enjoy food again!

Fezzle, I got measured for bras in M&S yesterday :) Not just because of pregnancy (I don't find my boobs change much to be honest, even when breastfeeding, I think i'm a freak of nature in that way lol!) but because I've felt for a while like i'm wearing the wrong size and it seems I was a cup size too small. I bought 2 in my correct size and the comfort is amaaazing :thumbup: Glad you got sorted at Mothercare, nothing like having a bra that fits well!

Bella, so sorry to hear of your previous birth experience :( I can definitely relate as with my first I had a nasty tear (2nd bordering on 3rd degree) and lost 2.5 litres of blood when my uterus stopped contracting (I had 2 units transfused aswell) It took me ages to feel OK again but if it's any encouragement/comfort to you my experience with my second was much better afterwards as I didn't tear at all and only lost a minimal amount of blood. I was put on a drip after i'd had baby and placenta which was supposed to reduce the risk of me hemorrhaging and i'm recommended to have it this time aswell just as a precaution :thumbup: The main difference I found was how well I felt afterwards compared with my first, I really hope your experience this time is a more positive one too :hugs:

joo, hope everything is OK! I reckon (going by the experiences of others I know) since it's your second bleeding episode EPU would offer you an early scan so it might be worth trying to get in touch with them for peace of mind :hugs:

Mama Penguin, great news you must feel so relieved :D

Aww Silas i'm sorry you're feeling so rough :( Like you this is my third pregnancy and it's definitely been the hardest in first tri at least. I haven't vomited as yet but I sometimes wish I could just cos i'd get a bit of relief from the incessant nausea then. Hope it doesn't last too much longer for you!
Aww TTC, I'm so sorry about the CP. I hope that you get your rainbow soon. :hugs: :cry:

Mama Bat I'm sorry that this pregnancy has been so rough for you, I hope that you get some relief soon. I'm glad that you found a couple of comfortable bras in the right size though and at least you only have about a month to go until you're in the 2nd Trimester. :D
So when I was pregnant with DD everyone else that was pregnant was also having girls!! I think it is kinda funny because generally speaking, at least in my family and friends when people are all pregnant together they have the same gender. I'm interested to see if we all will favor one gender or the other in this thread. I know it sounds silly but that is what I've noticed :) and of course it's not every single pregnant person, but for the most part. What does everyone think they're having?

I really think this bean is a baby boy! DH is happy as my intuition was right with DD and he hopes of course it is with #2.
So sorry TTC it is so heartbreaking to hear that - I as well hope you get your rainbow baby soon!! :hugs:
So when I was pregnant with DD everyone else that was pregnant was also having girls!! I think it is kinda funny because generally speaking, at least in my family and friends when people are all pregnant together they have the same gender. I'm interested to see if we all will favor one gender or the other in this thread. I know it sounds silly but that is what I've noticed :) and of course it's not every single pregnant person, but for the most part. What does everyone think they're having?

I really think this bean is a baby boy! DH is happy as my intuition was right with DD and he hopes of course it is with #2.

I've noticed that this is true for most of the people I know in person, but not online friends. Last time everyone pregnant around the same time as myself was having boys, I think I only knew one person that had a girl. This time it's almost all girls so I'm really hoping I'm on the girl train too.
I've also noticed that in BnB groups more boys tend to be born towards the beginning of the month and more girls tend to be born towards then end. Of course there is always the occasional girl due/born at the beginning and boy due/born at the end, this is just what I've noticed about the vast majority.

I keep trying to convince myself that this is another boy but everything keeps pointing to a girl which is making it really difficult not to get my hopes up. :haha:
I think I'm having a boy. I really don't have a preference either way, I just want a healthy baby. Girls are fun to buy clothes for but I really like the boy name we have picked out. I think that's why I'm leaning boy, because we know his name so he seems more real to me. Time will tell!
More spotting :( going back to the hospital in a couple of hours

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