March Monkeys 2016: 21 boys and 15 girls born

Apaki, I really hope it's good news this morning. Sending positive thoughts x
Oh apaki :( lots of positive thoughts coming your way!!

I think I'm having another girl, but partly that's cos I can't believe I could actually have a boy after 2 girls even though I know there's every chance of that. Interestingly though I found the HB on my Doppler last night for the first time and it was to the right hand side. My dd's both favoured the left, hmm!! Hope I get a good nub shot at 12 weeks so I can try and guess... My team yellow resolve is wavering but hoping I can stay strong!
Good luck Apaki. I hope you get good news today.

I have no feeling at all about girl or boy yet. Nothing strong either way and I often get hunches about things but really don't feel strongly either way at the moment.
We saw a heartbeat!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so relieved. The baby seems to be on track. There's still the hematoma which may cause a miscarriage but they said it reduces greatly after the first trimester as the hematoma usually gets absorbed into the cervix. I've been told not to worry a lot unless I have very heavy bleeding which hopefully I won't. Next proper scan is the 21st and I'm really looking forward to seeing my tiny little bean again!
Glad all is looking good, apaki! I hope that haematoma resolves itself soon and you have no more scares!

I've been feeling like it's a boy for some reason. It might be because we have a fairly solid boy name decided, but no idea for girls, but I can picture a little boy more. And most of the guesses on my journal have been boy too! We haven't decided if we'll be Team Yellow or not yet.
TTC - SO incredibly sorry for your loss & praying you get your rainbow baby soon! :hugs:

Buttercup - YES! Your story really does make me feel like I have hope - thank you for sharing!!!

Bombshell - DD had been saying brother/Jacob when I asked, but she's switched to sister/Jacob! :haha: personally, my gut says it's a boy. My gut said she was a girl, so maybe I'll be right again :) I would truly be happy either way though!

Apaki - so relieved for you! :yipee: You must feel so amazing right now!!!
Hello :flower: Can I join in?

I've been stalking for the last few days but was too scared to write anything (being superstitious) but especially yesterday this all started getting far more real and I think I need some people to talk to who are on the same track as me!

My edd is 27th March but I spoke to my Dr and got referred yesterday for a dating scan, which should happen in the next couple of weeks. 99.9% sure I conceived in the first week of July, but as I'm one of the rare few who managed to get pregnant whilst on the mini pill they have to double check my dates in case I'm a few weeks further along.

I had absolutely no idea I was pregnant. I stopped my pill 3 weeks ago, waited for AF but nothing came. I had sore boobs and period pains for a couple of days before stopping the pill so thought nothing of it as it's very usual for me, and just decided to wait for AF to come... Still waiting :haha:

Symptoms wise I've thankfully slid past the worst of ms, I get slight nausea if I haven't eaten for a while but that's it. I still get mild cramping everyday which feels like AF but in a slightly difference place, very odd, and my body temp is BOILING all the time. I am very tired, I fell asleep in my chair yesterday mid Skype conversation, it's very very weird!

This is my first pregnancy, unplanned obviously and so I'm very much clueless about most things. I am a bit jittery about my scan because all I have so far is 3 positive pregnancy tests so I have a lot of worries about whether everything is okay... Somehow feel like I'm going in blind, but then I suppose everyone is???

By the way, NDH I shot you a FB friend request for the FB group, figured if I join in here I may as well do it properly! :blush:
Glad everything is good apaki and there was a heartbeat!

I keep getting the feeling boy as well, fezzle I agree with your logic as we already have our boys name picked out and are still up the in the air about girls.

I'd like a girl, ALL of our friends have boys. Every. Single. Friend. There isn't a girl among them! So I'd like a girl mainly to have one but if we have a boy, I'm sure there will be plenty of great hand me downs! Lol

Either way I'll be happy but part of me really wants all of the big hair bows and the ruffled pants!
Thanks ladies! :hugs:

Welcome fiora!

DH took one look at the screen today and said boy. I'm still hoping for a girl though since we already have a boy! I'm glad we're finding out. I couldn't wait till next year!
My OH was convinced girl at first scan and we had a boy :lol: chuffed for you apaki :)

Who do I add to be added to the FB group? Or could you add me? / aimdirectfire is my FB link :)
Ok Ramzi method ladies. Any guesses?
Great news Mama Sparrow.

Welcome Fiora. Don't worry, lots of us first timers don't have a clue either! We are just rolling with it
I'd like to join the FB group too! Is there someone I send a friend request to?
Glad that all is well with your bean Mama Sparrow! The first trimester can be so scary, I'm ready for us all to be in the second trimester already, haha. :hugs:

It's hard to tell Stucki, I can't really tell if you're in the middle or to the left. You should ask your doctor/tech during your next ultrasound, they should be able to tell you. I think that you're having a girl though. :D

Welcome and congrats on your :bfp:, Fiora! :wave: :flower:
Do you happen to play League of Legends perchance? I play and it's the only time I've heard of the name Fiora before. :blush:
We'll be in second tri before we know it, pregnancy flies!!
Sorry TTC, just read through your update :-(

Welcome Fiora and congratulations :)

Well I am still bleeding. It is starting and stopping but gradually getting worse and accompanied with a backache. The bleeding and backache is at its worst tonight, so my OH is taking me to A&E in the morning so I can be referred to the Early Pregnancy Assessment Unit (EPAU) and then hopefully the EPAU will see me on Monday. I am hoping and praying it is something simple like an infection, but deep down I know it's bad :( I will let you all know either way, but please keep me in your prayers xx
apaki - Aww so glad you were able to see the heartbeat !!! <3 really hope that nasty hematoma leaves bean alone and allows you to have a smooth rest of your first trimester! :)

buttercup - i've heard the dopplers are good to invest in i just worry i wouldn't be able to get anything done i'd be sitting listening to bubs heartbeat all day :haha: and right side means boy, right? hmm you could finally be having your boy!

bellarosa - same here :) will be interesting to see if our intuitions are right this time as well. so cute how our LO's will have a guess as well, DD says it's a boy and a girl but there's only 1 on my ultrasound :haha: but she really wants a sister! she tells me she wants to be elsa so baby can be anna!

fiora - welcome welcome!! and congrats on your first pregnancy! i also just stopped taking the pill on 6/14 is when i started my sugar pills, was so ecstatic when we got our :BFP: at 7dpo 7/9!!! everyone is always a bit worried before their scans - i was terrified we wouldn't find a heartbeat! hope everything is well for you!

stuckinoki - funny how we just have those "feelings"! i would also love the pink and ruffles and all of that again, and all the girls names we love!! cannot seem to agree on boy names!

keely - :shy: DH and i played league for a bit, now our game of choice is WOW or GTA :D

joo - FX it is nothing and that your bean is fine <3 :hugs:
I'm keeping you in my thoughts, Mama Swan. I hope that all is well with you and your bub. :hugs:

Heidi I used to play WoW a lot before I met DH. I just can't do the $15 a month payments anymore though, it stopped being worth it to me a long time ago. DH and I tend to play a lot of Diablo 3 together on the 360.

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