March Monkeys 2016: 21 boys and 15 girls born

Dawn that sounds so rough! How are you feeling now? Hoping your pain is easing up and your DH stops sulking soon - being pregnant makes everything feel so much worse!

And yeah KalonKiki described league pretty well. It's just an online game, but it has a huge professional scene with millions up every year in tournaments and competitions. I can't say anything about my OH's team JUST IN CASE someone stumbled across it I'm afraid, though obviously I'll be able to open up about it more once it's all come out. Mainly, fans are borderline obsessed with teams (at least, some are) to the same extent as football really, except league of legends teams only have 5 players on a team so it's far more focused, it can get pretty intense. Everyone is probably going to blame me for ruining his life, ruining his career and spread junk about how he's going to suck at the game now :) Honestly I'm scared about it, but I'd rather I was the scapegoat when I'm more removed from the community than him having to take all the flak. It is quite scary though, I'm not sure we'd speak out about it until we absolutely had to. It's a new scene so not as progressive as other sports (it's counted as an e-sport) and mainly online - which means the community is flooded with online trolls. It's actually known as the most toxic game in the world, but also over 1% of the world population plays it currently so I suppose it's not surprising.

In better news away from all that, my OH seems to be starting to adapt to our situation. Obviously it was a shock pregnancy and he's struggled getting his head around it, but the last two days he's been asking about everything I eat (is it safe for baby etc) and really taking care of me. We also named the bump just to make it a bit more personal and we've started talking about saving funds for it too. We're being very cautious because it's so early, but it's the loveliest feeling watching him get more excited and protective!
joo, i'm so terribly sorry. massive hugs. i know how awful it is. :hugs:
Oh Joo, I've been thinking of you all day. So Sorry to hear your news. Take some time for yourself. Sending hugs. Hope you will be back here soon with your rainbow.
joo- sorry to hear your news. Take good care of yourself :hugs:
Joo. I am so sorry to hear your news. My thoughts are with you. Take care xxxx
Oh Mama Swan, I'm so sorry for your loss. I hope that all goes well for you and that you get your rainbow soon. We'll miss you. :hugs: :cry:

Dawn I'm sorry that you're in so much pain. I really hope that it eases up for you soon. I deal with chronic back pain that I inherited from my father but it's at least manageable. :hugs:

Fiora I completely understand not wanting to say anything for just in case. When you're ready though let me know, I'd be happy to cheer for your OH and his team in the pro games. :D
I'm secretly hoping that he's in Unicorns of Love because they are currently my and DH's favorite team. They're the whole reason we started watching the pros play in the first place. :haha:
Joo, so sorry to hear your news :( look after yourself and treat yourself to something lovely. Hope to see you back in the preggo boards as soon as you're ready.

Fiora, that sounds hard going for you and him tbh, what a shame the community is so vile, I hope they don't make life for the two of you too difficult.
So sorry for your loss joo, wishing you the best and really hope you get your rainbow baby soon <3 :hugs:
Joo- My first miscarriage was diagnosed as a blighted ovum at 7+3, but I was almost 11 wks when I miscarried an 8+3 sized sac. Doctors always highlight the worst possible scenarios. My natural miscarriage sucked, make no mistake, but it wasn't the scary ridiculously painful thing I'd been lead to believe it would be. A few Tylenol took the edge off and my bleeding stopped within a few hours of passing the sac. I would choose that route over the D&C every time, but I also truly understand how hard it is to carry that around with you and wait.
Joo, I am so sorry for your loss. I know what you're going through. Take good care of yourself. Hope you get your rainbow baby soon :)
How are you Mama goat?

Stuck, you? Not heard from you in a few.

Hope you are both ok :)
apaki, so happy to hear you saw a HB that's great news. Roll on the 21st! :happydance:

Congrats and welcome Fiora :flower: My oldest was a surprise so I can relate to those early emotions you go through but it's amazing how quickly you adapt and get excited for your new arrival! :thumbup: Online fandoms for some things are so intense, hope you're able to ignore any negativity over your pregnancy as much as possible. There's some right weirdos out there and I bet it's just online 'bravado' with most of them :wacko:

joo :hugs: I'm so very sorry for your loss, thinking of you and hoping your D&C goes smoothly.
Joo I'm so sorry for your sad news :( ill be thinking of you on Wednesday . Make sure and take really good care of yourself xxxxxx
How are you Mama goat?

Stuck, you? Not heard from you in a few.

Hope you are both ok :)

I'm doing well. Thank you for asking :) just biding my time until my scan next Wednesday. Picked up baby's heart rate on the doppler yesterday. Haven't heard it since, but I'll keep trying daily. At least. Hehe. Your scan is in two weeks? Gah, this waiting is torture. I've always had one by 7 weeks so this feels like forever!
So sorry Joo :hugs:

I have been feeling better myself the last couple of days aside from here and there. I am enjoying the break but worry if it will come back with a vengeance. My allergies are going crazy, so that stinks. :/

I've managed ice cream and chocolate the last two days which was nice as before it made me nauseous. :haha:
katoro - you can hear baby's heartbeat on the doppler at 7 weeks???

Ugh I have a terrible cold/sinus thing going on. My head hurts so badly, as well as the rest of my face. Even my teeth are aching!! This really sucks. DD was sick yesterday and the day before, I knew I was going to catch it. Stayed in bed all day while MIL watched DD for me. Now DH is taking care of her, thank goodness for daddy!! He's been so gentle and understanding lately with me being sick nearly all day everyday.
Sorry to hear Joo, take care of yourself xx

I have requested a second lot of hcg bloods which I had taken today. I just have a nagging feeling something isn't right and I don't have a scan for another month. Hopefully it will put my mind at ease.

Hope everyone is well :)
bombshellmom being sick on top of being pregnant must be awful! Hope you get better soon!

Woke up at 4.30am this morning having a panic attack. Hasn't happened in a few months but I am quite prone to them. I hope that it's a one off though.

Kalon I will definitely tell you!! xD and thanks for explaining/understanding so much, a lot of people don't "get" the gaming scene at all! Especially as I'm 25 my age group tends to have "grown out" of it!

Buttercup84 it is weird when it's a surprise. At first I just felt numb and like I couldn't believe it. In some ways I felt quite sad because I had so many plans with OH, holidays, getting married & buying our first house and it felt like we were losing all of those plans. We said we'd have kids in 4-5 years, after he was done traveling around the world gaming, and meanwhile we'd save so as soon as he was done we could buy a house. We had plans to travel and get married on the beach. Then I got pregnant, and now it feels like those things wont happen. I'm a bit scared about whether or not we'll get through it as a couple, which I think stems from always thinking I'd be married before having a baby. Those feelings also made me feel really guilty, because I know so many people try so hard to have babies and it happened to me without trying which seemed so unfair! Real mix of emotions. OH was also really not accepting, so the fact he's coming around, being more open about it and being more supportive just makes everything feel so much easier!
Bombshell - I hope your horrible cold clears up soon, it's such a pain when you can't do anything about it, must be even harder with DD to look after too, glad you've got help there!

Fiora - sorry to hear about your panic attack, hope it's a one off, where I work we use 'grounding techniques' to help people through them, I would have thought a quick Google would explain these if you don't already know them. Personal favourite is feeling the textures around you and describing them, worked a treat when I had he beginnings of a panic attack myself too.
I have a miserable cold too :( blah. Dosing up on vitamin C rich foods and making chicken soup for dinner to try to beat this quickly.

Fiora I used to get panic attacks a lot (I have social anxiety disorder) but thankfully haven't had one in years - the last one was when I was 38 weeks pregnant with my second and it had been a couple years prior to that as well. But I remember the feeling well - truly awful.
When you're able to share my hubby would like to know what team your OH plays on as well. He used to be a pretty hardcore LoL player (no where near the level of the pros though of course) but he has played only sporadically for a few years now.

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