March Monkeys 2016: 21 boys and 15 girls born

Officially bloated out of regular pants. Feeling HUGE for only being 8+3
I know what you mean Stuck, hence all the questions about maternity wear. Just want a proper bump already instead!
KalonKiki, are you trying to break me? I have such a soft head for weddings, even the photos of total strangers make me cry, absolutely beautiful! Also, we are 27 and 30 and very much enjoy a spot of gaming too!

I am another who will need maternity clothes soon, just to accommodate the bloat! Trying to put off maternity bra and clothes shopping until after 12 week scan though if I can. I'm "lucky" that I had room to grow in my old bra due to my previously minute boobs, but there is definitely no more space to be found!

Finally, for me, preggo signs seem to have found their way to the top of the pile again, finally noticeable over the cold. I feel sick, refluxy and cannot sleep through the night again. I feel all at once relieved and slightly disappointed, sleeping was quite nice for a bit!
Ugh, feel so crampy this morning and just started my 12 hr work day. But who knows, maybe just need to drink a bit more water and see if that helps. :(

I don't need clothing, yet. But my jeans are uncomfortable so I'm mostly in my stretchy pants. :haha:
My lips have been so dry recently?! I'm trying to decide if it's pregnancy or just the cooler weather we have had this week!

Either way, I'm ready to buy shares in the Chapstick companies.
So for past few days I will get random periods where I feel shaky and dizzy like I have low blood sugar. Once or twice I felt like I was going to pass out but luckily after eating something it slowly subsides. I dont remember this happening with dd until after I found out I had gestational diabetes and they had me taking pills to control my blood sugar.

I ended up going to get checked out by OB yesterday and he pretty much told me to keep a snack with me at all times in case I feel like that again and if it keeps happening they will do other tests but pretty much said what I described was normal...anyone else dealing with this? At least they did check on the baby and heartbeat was fine. (Was an ancient sonogram they pulled into the room rather than the one they normally use so I couldn't see anything other than a white blob. But I did see the flicker of the heartbeat!)

Feeling pretty crappy today. MS much worse than it has been but no where as bad with dd.

Bombshell- do you eat when you take your prenatal? I notice if I dont eat enough then they make me sick too. But if I eat well they dont bother me. I would take them with your biggest meal and see if that helps.

Hope all of you sick ladies feel better soon! I had a nasty sinus infection a few weeks ago and it was horrible. Hot showers and microwavable face masks were my best friend.
I still have my belly band leftover from my pregnancy with DS so I've been using that when I need to but I've been trying to wear lounge clothes and loose dresses when I can because the belly band hasn't been great with my nausea and neither has wearing a bra. My regular bra still fits, but the underwire is killing me (I don't have much of a torso so I carry in my whole stomach area) so I may have to try on my nursing bra in the next size up soon to see if it fits better.

Also I threw up for the first time this pregnancy last night and threw up again this morning. I managed to make it almost a whole week longer without throwing up with this baby than I did with DS but I knew I couldn't keep it from happening forever. :(
Iv put a post in first tri re my scan, but il repeat myself here lol

4th scan went well.... Sac present, yolk sac present, hb STILL present!! My dates have changed and iv been put back 4 days but they said will confirm and give a deffinite edd on my 12 week scan.
The sonographer was a right moody mare so I didn't see much, or get a pic.
She said I have pcos and she was surprised I conceived especially as I was on the pill also lol (this little one must really want to make an appearance lol)

Now the long 4 week wait til next scan, just booking in appt next wed now! H xx
Bombshell, glad the scan went well :)

Stuck, I've had really chapped lips too and been sooo thirsty. Drinking so much water but doesn't seem to help.

AMP, I have had a few light headed/ dizzy episodes and my doc gave me the same advice, keep snacking and drinking. But it is horrible to feel you might faint.
I have also had those dizzy spells/ but I actually do have hypoglycemia so just assuming mine is from that :p

I didn't have gestational diabetes with DD, but my doctor says I am at risk for it with this one since I have the low blood sugar. Which is funny, everyone in my family makes fun of me because normally people with it have weight problems/are over weight, but I'm normal weight :haha: it was actually hard to get my doctors office to even test for it as they thought it was just my thyroid. Weirdos!!
Kakae - i hope everything is ok. i have been checking in for your update.

Right ladies, i have had my procedure. All went well and I felt better immediately after waking up - the fear was just gone. So I think now is an appropriate time to say goodbye to this thread . Thank you all so much for your kind words and reassurances , it sure helped at what was a lonely and frightening time :) Good luck to you all and enjoy every minute, it won't be long until 2nd tri! Take care xxx
Kakae - i hope everything is ok. i have been checking in for your update.

Right ladies, i have had my procedure. All went well and I felt better immediately after waking up - the fear was just gone. So I think now is an appropriate time to say goodbye to this thread . Thank you all so much for your kind words and reassurances , it sure helped at what was a lonely and frightening time :) Good luck to you all and enjoy every minute, it won't be long until 2nd tri! Take care xxx

Glad everything went well with your procedure and you feel better, hope you get your rainbow baby soon :hugs: lots of baby dust!!!
So for past few days I will get random periods where I feel shaky and dizzy like I have low blood sugar. Once or twice I felt like I was going to pass out but luckily after eating something it slowly subsides. I dont remember this happening with dd until after I found out I had gestational diabetes and they had me taking pills to control my blood sugar.

I ended up going to get checked out by OB yesterday and he pretty much told me to keep a snack with me at all times in case I feel like that again and if it keeps happening they will do other tests but pretty much said what I described was normal...anyone else dealing with this?

Yep. A few times. Food seems to do the trick. Even if I wasn't hungry. Hope your symptoms ease soon!
Kakae - i hope everything is ok. i have been checking in for your update.

Right ladies, i have had my procedure. All went well and I felt better immediately after waking up - the fear was just gone. So I think now is an appropriate time to say goodbye to this thread . Thank you all so much for your kind words and reassurances , it sure helped at what was a lonely and frightening time :) Good luck to you all and enjoy every minute, it won't be long until 2nd tri! Take care xxx

Again, I'm so sorry for your loss. Glad to hear everything went well. I hope you catch your sticky rainbow soon :hugs:
We will miss you Joo. Take care and hope you get your rainbow very very soon x
Joo, glad you're feeling better now it's done, thank you for letting us know how you are and I hope to see you around when you're ready again :)
Kakae - i hope everything is ok. i have been checking in for your update.

Right ladies, i have had my procedure. All went well and I felt better immediately after waking up - the fear was just gone. So I think now is an appropriate time to say goodbye to this thread . Thank you all so much for your kind words and reassurances , it sure helped at what was a lonely and frightening time :) Good luck to you all and enjoy every minute, it won't be long until 2nd tri! Take care xxx

I'm so sorry for your loss, sending lots of hugs, luck and baby dust for the future :hugs:
Thank you so much for all your kind replies to my message :hugs: I've had a rough 2 days and just sat here sobbing reading through all the reassurances.

OH really doesn't want this baby. He's been being compliant & supportive, but it came out yesterday and exploded today. When we first found out, we both considered abortion but after some research I decided it wasn't something I would be able to do - I'm a very emotional person and it would haunt me for the rest of my life. I know I would never regret keeping it, but I would regret aborting, so I ruled it out. Turns out OH was hiding that he 100% wants me to have an abortion - even now. I wrote about some of this on facebook but I'll re-type/explain more details here, he was hovering around yday.

Yesterday we started arguing and midway I started getting extreme cramping. We went to the EPU immediately and had a scan. I should have been 7+3 going by my last withdrawal bleed, but the midwife put me at 5 1/2 weeks. We saw a sac, fetal pole and yolk, no hb. Midwife was really upbeat, said my dates must have been wrong but everything was measuring perfectly, although she did book me in for another scan in 2 weeks - I assume to check there is growth and everything is okay. It's very stressful, my boobs stopped hurting as much so I'm really paranoid something is wrong, and I wont know for another 2 weeks! Also I had to have conceived between the 3rd-13th July which would put me at 6 weeks not 5 1/2 so yeah I'm just panicking like hell atm.

As soon as we left the scanning office, OH blurts out "it's only 5 and a half weeks, so we can kill it now!!". When we'd first considered abortion, one of my points was that it would have been easier to consider if it was 4 weeks and less developed. He'd assumed now we knew I was earlier on in the pregnancy, I'd instantly abort. I didn't react well, but we pushed the argument down. I had fully explained all my reasons for wanting to keep it, but he'd obviously ignored all of those in the hope I'd abort. I said no, I wouldn't be aborting. He said he understood, and we went on to have a nice evening.

He left today to go back home and see his family. Before he left, we had a coffee and were talking about everything. I said when he sees his parents, to make it clear they can contact me anytime (Skype, email, phone call) to get more information, and I'd be happy to completely involve them and saw their role as important as my own parents' role. They live in another country, and I'm sympathetic to the fact they may feel neglected or uninvolved, so I was trying to be nice. They're unhappy about me being pregnant, with his Mum even asking if I had been sleeping around with other people (!!) so I said to OH "they can contact me about anything, but tell them not to contact me if they want to talk about abortion. I've made my decision, and it was one of the hardest of my life, and I don't need more guilt or upset, especially when the stress is affecting the baby". Queue massive argument. Turns out he'd been planning with his Mum for her to contact me once he was home, to try and pressure me into aborting.

I'm absolutely furious. I walked out of the cafe, and haven't spoken to him since (was about 3 hours ago). I'm just leaving him to it at this point, midwife said the stress was causing the cramping and to take it easy, so I just can't take on another battle. I'm really devastated that he wants to abort that badly though, and that his family would DREAM of trying to force me into aborting. Makes me feel completely sick to my stomach. Fuming, and hurt. Looks like I may end up in this pregnancy totally alone :nope:
Fiora- that's such a difficult situation your in, but your right the stress won't be helping you or baby. Maybe your OH will come round, I guess these are discussions and decisions you will have to make in the future . I 100 % get your decision over not wanting an abortion and I hope in time your OH can see your viewpoint too. But for now, take care and rest.

Joo - I'm glad everything went as well as could be expected with your procedure. Gentle hugs and lots of baby dust to you for a rainbow baby soon.

Fiora, I cannot imagine how this feels for you, but I just want to give you the biggest hug right now. What a knob he is being, I'm sure he has his moments, but that is really unpleasant, especially using his family to pressure you from another country, that's just not on. Is there a particular reason why they're all so keen for you not to have this baby? It seems baffling at the moment.

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