March Monkeys 2016: 21 boys and 15 girls born

Oh dear, a lot of sickness on this thread. I suppose it comes with the territory with the baby sapping up lots of our energy and vitamins. Really doesn't help not being able to take medication though. Hoping we all have more energy at the end of 1st tri. Is that how it works ladies who have been here before?

Fiora, I understand the shock. Getting pregnant when it was planned was a bit of a shock and a slow realisation that our lives will never be the same again. Think DH is still coming to terms with it. He is very supportive but I know he's worried about finances and will mourn the holidays a while (we like to travel a lot and spent a lot of time saving and planning for trips).
But a baby doesn't mean your plans aren't a possibility, just need to be adapted or on hold for a while. You can still travel and get married on the beach. What a great experience for a child :)

Mama Goat, glad you're ok. Not long to wait til your scan, yay! I think in a few wks we'll be seeing lots more lovely scan pics and they'll look like real babies ( rather than floaty little blobs like my 7 wk one).

Mama Sparrow, so glad you saw the hb. Sounds like you are going through a very tense time. I hope the time goes fast to 12 wks and you can soon relax.

NDH, how are you?

Kaekae, hope your blood results come bk soon and reassure you.
Sorry for everyone who's been ill! We're off to Venice on Friday and will be away from home (Venice and a cruise) for 11 days, so I'm worried about getting ill from travelling or from the heat!

kakae- good luck with your blood results! How far along are you?

Fiora- I have those moments of feeling not ready too even though I'm 39, we've been TTC for 2 years, have done loads of travelling, have no debt, are established and stable in our careers, have supportive friends and family, bought a house last year and just got married. We made a baby bucket list and there's nothing major on it we still want to do, but yet I still feel like I want a little bit more time! I had a mc in Dec and the due date was the past weekend and even though it was a bit sad, I felt like now would have been too soon! Overall we're looking forward to more than we'll miss though and make sure we don't take for granted things like spontaneous dinner and cinema trips after work or laying in bed for hours reading on the weekends.
Blood results haven't come back with good news I'm afraid. I'm meant to be 7w4d and my hcg levels were 2000 two weeks ago, today they are 6000. My midwife says that isn't enough for a viable pregnancy. I have an emergency scan tomorrow but I'm afraid its all over :(
Kakae, sorry to hear it doesn't sound like good news, I don't know a lot about the hcg levels and what they should be, but is there any chance of a slight miscalculation of dates at all? I'm going to hold on to optimism for you until scan tomorrow, fx for better news after that.
Big hugs Joo. I hope the D&C goes off well and you get your rainbow baby very soon.

Kakae I'm crossing my fingers the scan brings some good news!
Joo, I'm so incredibly sorry for your loss, Hun! I really hope you get your rainbow baby soon!!! :hugs:

kakae, I am sorry to hear your bad news. I too hope tomorrow's scan shows that everything is miraculously fine :hugs:
Kakae. I shall be praying that the scan brings you positive news and that there's maybe just a discrepancy in your dates. X X
What crappy news. Joo, I'm so sorry. I hope everything goes smoothly for you and you get your rainbow very soon.

Kakae, I'm keeping my fingers crossed for good news for your scan :hugs:
I think I need a maternity bra. Mine are so uncomfortable now.

Fezzle, is yours from Mother care good? Did they measure you? I don't know if I need a different size or just different type.

So many of my clothes are too tight and struggling to find any good (not too pricey) maternity wear. It still seems crazy that I'm looking already I think!

Dawn, I ordered a dress from Asda which should come tmrw and hope it's good cos they are a good option.
littlelily- I've only worn it once so far but it's very comfortable and looks much better under clothes than my sport bras! I got measured, but I think I've been wearing the wrong size anyway before I got pregnant. This is the one I got:,default,pd.html
And I got it in a grey stripe too which I had to order online since they didn't have it in the store.
Had my scan yesterday and baby is measuring 5 days ahead by my dates and 4 days ahead by the date of my last scan which puts my due date at the 29th February lol, leap year baby! Will probably go over and have a March baby though, we'll see :)
Well I have another scan tomorrow, we saw hb last Wednesday so it will be interesting to see the difference in a week!
Fingers crossed all is ok

Hope you are all ok, sorry to hear your sad news
H xx
Add me to the sick people! Post nasal drip and sore throat. I have been treating it with chamomile tea and honey and lemon. Great flavor combo!

Fiora, DH plays league with his buddies occasionally, definitely not a pro like your man.
Big belly, exciting for you tmrw :)

Azure, hope you are feeling better soon
Lots of hugs to those who are sick! :hugs:

Kakae I hope that your scan tomorrow brings good news. :hugs:

Fiora I know exactly how you feel hun. DH and I were only 7 months into our relationship when we got pregnant with our DS back in January 2013. It was really upsetting at first and DH was definitely not happy about it, in fact it's like it was in denial the entire time that I was pregnant. But then when DS was born and placed on my chest for the first time it felt right, like he was meant to be there. He's so perfect and wonderful and I can't imagine my life without him now. Also an unplanned baby doesn't necessarily mean that your plans for the future are ruined. DH and I just got married this June and had a beautiful wedding and DS looked so adorable in his little suit. Our big day was perfect, and all the more so because our handsome little man was there to celebrate it with us. :cloud9: <3

Here are a few pictures from our wedding/reception:

The man to my left in this second picture is our friend Curtis. He's the one that introduced us to LoL. :D

Also I'll be 24 in October and DH will be 30 in November and I don't think that we will ever "grow out" of it, lol. We're a gaming family for life. :winkwink:
keely - those are beautiful photos!! congrats on your wedding!! <3

sorry about everyone else who is sick as well lol. it really does suck! hope we all feel better soon!!

bigbelly2 - so glad everything is going well for you, hurray for another scan tomorrow!

I am SO horrible at remembering to take my prenatals everyday. I have missed pretty much all this week. I finally took them today and nearly threw them back up. I am taking the gummies, as I have a hard time keeping the normal pill form down - also with DD they tasted good, this time around I gag and cannot stand taking them. I think I will try and switch, only thing is, can I keep them down?? Ugh.

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