Kakae we're in the same waiting game

I really hope both our dates were wrong and it all works out for us both!
I absolutely can't consider abortion at this point. I feel like I've already processed, and seen it during our scan, according to midwife everything was healthy (will find out for sure in another 2 weeks) regardless of no HB and I don't want to abort a baby because my OH and his family find it inconvenient.
OH doesn't want it as he's convinced it will ruin the rest of his life. He said some really nasty stuff, like "whoever you date in the future, you think they'll want to take you on when you have a child too??" and "you really think you can do uni with a baby??" etc. I pointed out to him he still would be spending 7-9 months of the year abroad with LCS and even if we were together I'd spend most of the year alone which I'm prepared for, but he still resents having to be around for those 3-5 months of the year.
I'm older than him, and his family think he's too young. He is too young, honestly, I assumed he was older when I met him (he looks & behaves around 25, is in fact much younger) but Jesus Christ we didn't plan it. It was a mistake, but we were both involved, and I can't imagine a family that raises a son to not take responsibility for his actions and choices??? It might not have been the plan, but the fact they're scheming ways to try and get me to abort, it just makes me sick.
He's back home until the 15th, so preparing myself for whatever bullshit they decide to throw at me. Although, after walking out of the cafe yesterday mid argument, I'm not sure if I'm going to hear from him again at all. Nothing so far.