March Monkeys 2016: 21 boys and 15 girls born

with my son i had no symptoms really, well sore boobs for a day and a bit constipated, no sickness etc...... needless to say all was fine. some women just dont get symptoms and some women have symptoms that come and go, i think its just one of those things. don't worry.
Its not long till your 12 week scan, very exciting :flower:

Not feeling very pregnant today. Hate that it makes me worry. My midwife asked me about symptoms and I said I have had some but they are sporadic and nothing too severe. She seemed a little concerned but not worried. Just can't wait til 12 wk scan. 11 days to go.
Fiora - I have been through your post and felt like the other ladies have covered anything I could say but I am so sorry you have to deal with all this at such a special time in your life! Babies aren't always planned but they are such a blessing. And I'll just say that my mother had me at 19 and my father didn't stick around and she did an amazing job and in the end raised 3 children on her own and still found a caring, successful husband to take us all in and whom my children call their grandfather. So none of that bs your OH is saying has any truth. If you end up raising this child alone you will go to uni, you will find love again and you will be happy. And in the end you definitely will be the one that won - because you'll have that beautiful child. Best of luck to you with your little one. I hope your next scan goes well. xx
Fiora, I feel like it's all been said, but please know that I'm here for you too, Hun! Chin up! :flower:
Ahh you're all so amazing, thank you :hugs: I'm going to try and push it out of my mind for now, I wont have to deal with him until at least the 15th so enjoying the peace! I've had 3 panic attacks today but I'm hoping they'll subside the longer he is out of the picture, he causes me so much stress and anxiety. What an ass.
I have another scan on Thursday. Fingers, toes and all that can be crossed need to be crossed. My mw isn't hopeful but I've been doing a heap of research and early scans been out is super common and often 'catch up' again. I mean I don't know the exact date of ovulation or conception but I know my LMP and I know when I DTD and when I got a bfp. So maybe I ovulated later and got a super, super early bfp. And scans can be a week out too. Then (you can see I've been busy on Dr Google lol) hCG levels in around 25% of women DON'T double or whatever the hell they are meant to do. I'm just over 6000 so in the right range for scan date, or just out by my LMP date. And after 6000 they are way slower to go up as they start to peak at 7 weeks. I will know for sure in a week at the next scan but I honestly think I may be still in it. I've had no major cramping (only slight twinges) and no bleeding or spotting. I still have sore breasts and on occasion I'm getting heartburn. However in saying that I have come to prepare myself for it to be over on Thursday. My hubby is super supportive and says we will try again whenever I'm ready if that is the outcome.

I've been doing the exact same research and getting the same answers! My Mum was also on the case googling and she's convinced I'd be at least 6 weeks too! Have everything crossed for you that all is fine in there. It's terrifying because on one side of my mind, my brain is yelling at me that everything stopped growing and it's over anyway, and the other side is being logical and saying I'd probably have symptoms if anything was wrong and all is probably fine. Aaaah! Counting down to your next scan, is it thurs the 20th? I have mine on the 25th.
What are everyone's thoughts about starting a new job while pregnant? I just got a call from a bank down the street from me and they wanted to schedule an interview, which I said yes to. But I don't want to tell them I'm pregnant as I worry they'd find an excuse to not pick me.
Honestly, DH makes good money and I don't absolutely NEED to work but the extra money would help so much especially while I'm pregnant as we need pretty much everything since MIL gave away everything from DD.

And I'd also like to be able to save more. Just not sure how my new job would react once I told them. That's if I get it but I'm generally fairly well at interviewing.
I wouldn't start a new job whilst pregnant but that's only because here you need to be in the same job for at least a year before you get 18 weeks paid and up to a year off with the option of returning to your job. If you've only been in your job six months you get the 18 weeks paid but that's it and any less than six months you don't get anything.
Oh and thanks ladies for your mind words. Six more sleeps toll the scan lol, yes it will be the 20th Fiora. Sorry you have to wait even longer with yours, it's torture isn't it!
Bombshell, I think the rules in America are harsh regarding maternity anyway aren't they? Assuming you're not moving from security to less security, I would say absolutely do it, the money will be useful as you say.

Kakae and Fiora, I so hope that your research is backed up by good scan news over the next weeks.

Littlelily, try not to stress, scan is coming up, and symptoms do come and go, which is normal. Mine are up and down all the time.

I'm still full of chesty cough, wondering at what point I need to take myself to the Drs to check for an infection, I've left them too long quite often and been told off, and not sure I can be doing this this time!
curlyrose - pretty much! I worked at a bank that I recently resigned from for about 2 years, but I was part time and received no benefits/paid maternity leave anyway since I wasn't full time. I haven't asked this particular job yet of course so not sure how soon they'd give me benefits. DH just started his new job in May and they gave him benefits right away, thankfully.
Guess I'll just have to wait and see!
Fiora honey you can absolutely still go to uni with a baby. It will be a different experience and might take a little longer than usual but it is definitely possible. I wanted to go to school this fall to work on my teaching degree but I feel too sick in the first trimester and I'd be giving birth in the middle of the 2nd semester if I went in January so I'll have to wait until next fall.

Kakae and Fiora I hope that both of your scans bring good news. :hugs:

Heidi I don't see anything wrong with starting a new job as long as it works out okay and doesn't inconvenience you. America really is terrible with maternity benefits though, did you know that we're the biggest country and the only first world country that doesn't have guaranteed paid maternity leave?
Fiora, my OH mentioned abortion when I first found out with DD1 since it was so early it was "just some cells anyway" (his words) I made it clear that it wasn't an option for me just for an unplanned pregnancy though so that was the end of that. He never mentioned it again so i'm guessing it was just the shock. I feel upset for you that your OH is pushing the issue and trying to get his family involved, that's not on at all and i'm sorry you're having to deal with that and that you've been suffering from panic attacks :hugs: Also, I can totally relate to the guilt you feel around others struggling to conceive and it's happened to you by accident, all I will say is try not to let that eat away at you too much as it's not your fault. Whatever happens i'm sure you'll be an amazing mum, really hope that your dates are just off a bit (also I know it's hard to date accurately very early on with scans) Thinking of you and keeping fc!

Mama Otter, love your wedding photos you looked beautiful in your dress :flower:

Great news on the scan bigbelly, roll on 12 weeks :)

joo, take care and all the very best for when you TTC again. I'll keep an eye out for your next BFP/rainbow baby :hugs:

kakae, keeping fc for you that all is OK! :hugs:

bombshell, I think i'd be inclined to give it a go especially if you're not too worried about the maternity benefits and it's more to have some extra cash/savings in the short term :thumbup:

AFM, 11 weeks today! My scan is on Tuesday and I can't wait, i've been listening to the baby's HB on the doppler every night but i'm anxious to have that visual confirmation that things are ticking along as they should be. My anxiety/depression has been quite bad with this pregnancy and some days are really tough at the moment, i've never been on any medication for it and i'm not overly keen on starting any in pregnancy but I feel like I need to do something. I told the midwife how I was feeling when I booked in but as I don't have a proper diagnosis she didn't seem to think it was that important and didn't put anything down in my notes about it. Might just make a GP appointment and see what they suggest...
Littlelily I hope the next 11 days fly by for you....
Then the next 14 for me!
Looking forward to hearing your good news
H xx
Thanks Big Belly :) and buttercup, not long at all to wait for your scan! Is it mainly the pregnancy causing you anxiety do you think or something else? Maybe a visit to your gp would help.
Just wanted to say adieu and wish you all luck. I went to the RE today and they still couldn't even find a sac. My hcg has plateaued at about 150. So, they diagnosed me with a pregnancy of an unknown location and gave me a shot to clear everything out as a precaution since it could be ectopic. Unfortunately, the shot prevents me from trying for another 3 months. :cry: At any rate, I'm headed back over to the TTC boards.
TTC 74 I'm so sorry for your loss and hope that you get your rainbow baby soon. :hugs:
So sorry TTC74 <3 much love and hugs to you right now :hugs: how inconveniencing that you have to wait 3 months from that shot, my heart goes out to you. hoping you get your rainbow bub soon.

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