Fiora, my OH mentioned abortion when I first found out with DD1 since it was so early it was "just some cells anyway" (his words) I made it clear that it wasn't an option for me just for an unplanned pregnancy though so that was the end of that. He never mentioned it again so i'm guessing it was just the shock. I feel upset for you that your OH is pushing the issue and trying to get his family involved, that's not on at all and i'm sorry you're having to deal with that and that you've been suffering from panic attacks
Also, I can totally relate to the guilt you feel around others struggling to conceive and it's happened to you by accident, all I will say is try not to let that eat away at you too much as it's not your fault. Whatever happens i'm sure you'll be an amazing mum, really hope that your dates are just off a bit (also I know it's hard to date accurately very early on with scans) Thinking of you and keeping fc!
Mama Otter, love your wedding photos you looked beautiful in your dress
Great news on the scan bigbelly, roll on 12 weeks
joo, take care and all the very best for when you TTC again. I'll keep an eye out for your next BFP/rainbow baby
kakae, keeping fc for you that all is OK!
bombshell, I think i'd be inclined to give it a go especially if you're not too worried about the maternity benefits and it's more to have some extra cash/savings in the short term
AFM, 11 weeks today! My scan is on Tuesday and I can't wait, i've been listening to the baby's HB on the doppler every night but i'm anxious to have that visual confirmation that things are ticking along as they should be. My anxiety/depression has been quite bad with this pregnancy and some days are really tough at the moment, i've never been on any medication for it and i'm not overly keen on starting any in pregnancy but I feel like I need to do something. I told the midwife how I was feeling when I booked in but as I don't have a proper diagnosis she didn't seem to think it was that important and didn't put anything down in my notes about it. Might just make a GP appointment and see what they suggest...