March Monkeys 2016: 21 boys and 15 girls born

I don't even know what to think. Like, I know my uterus is tipped back and doctors aren't radiologists so if anything is off from the norm, they aren't going to be as capable as a specialist. What pisses me off is that she didn't have time to read the radiologists full report. Baby is still pretty small at this point and with a uterus being, you know, 3d, it wouldn't surprise me if baby was hiding. But for the tech to not see ANYTHING? No, somebody is missing something. I'm sorry, I would have noticed passing it. I don't know much about a blighted ovum, would that be smaller and easier to miss on a scan? Would levels correspond with that? Questions I should have asked my doctor but she was clearly ignorant.
Ok. I'm thoroughly confused. They couldn't find ANYTHING in my uterus. HCG levels were 36,000. She said she had no idea what was going on but she hadn't read the radiologists report, just talked to him and he said he didn't see anything that would constitute a viable pregnancy. I asked about molar and she said they are rare and the radiologist didn't mention seeing anything at all. No sac, no pole, no fetus, no tisse etc. Just a lot of fluid. I KNOW I found a heartbeat about a week ago. It was at 180. Haven't been able to find one since. The doctor told me there was no way I found one this early. Also that there was no way I found one at 8w 5d with my son. She insisted that, basically, I was lying and that she has never found a heartbeat before 13 weeks.

Worth noting :
She couldn't find my uterus in either a Trans vaginal or Trans abdominal ultrasound. She sent me to radiology and they did both also but told me nothing while they were doing it other than it was tipped back. (which I knew and told everyone ).

I'm fully ready to accept this isn't a viable pregnancy, but things aren't adding up to me. I go back in 2 days for a repeat beta and a week for a repeat US.

At this point I feel like a medical anomaly.

Wow thats insane. I hope things work out for you:flower:
Kat, don't know much about blighted ovum but as far as I understand it, even with that there should still be a sac?

Like you say, you need to speak with a specialist. Is your scan next week? Can you phone ahead and request a specialist to be there in order to get some answers?
Nikki, cute scan! Awesome that your doc does 3D ones :thumbup: I'm planning to get a 3D one at 28 weeks at a private scanning place, had them with my other 2 and they're lovely to look back on :) Also congrats on team blue, our first lady to find out!! I'll update the first post...

Bella, lovely scan :flower: Sorry to hear DH and DD couldn't stay in with you though, what a mean tech :( Hope you're feeling a bit better about it now, I would be upset aswell :hugs:

bigbelly, that sounds like a wise decision by the midwife and must be reassuring for you :thumbup: Sorry to hear you had PE last time, fc it doesn't happen again with this pregnancy.

Oh wow Kat :( Can't imagine how you must be feeling at the moment being in limbo like that but I really hope that you get some answers soon as to what exactly is going on. I'll be thinking of you and keeping fc for a positive outcome :hugs:
In a continuation from bombshell (I think)

You know you're pregnant when...

Your dad offers you his car, which is far more sensible than yours, much lower mileage and much safer and newer and although you know it makes total sense, you can't help but sob for an hour because you'll miss your old car so, so much.

I feel absolutely unhinged, I've been emotionally all over the place anyway, but this is absolutely ridiculous, poor OH putting up with me like this.
I had my NT today, baby looked great! Measuring even further ahead, I think that I grow babies really well. And the baby looks like it has chicken drumsticks for legs.


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I had my NT today, baby looked great! Measuring even further ahead, I think that I grow babies really well. And the baby looks like it has chicken drumsticks for legs.

Lol it does! Cute scan, glad everything looked great!
Has anyone else been told they have a retroverted uterus (tilted uterus aimed towards the rectum) ? May be why I didn't show with DD until way later on (about 6 months) I literally had no belly. This time I'm not so sure, sometimes I swear I'm getting a belly but I'm also preparing to not show again like last time until around 5-6ish months. My theory is since it is leaning more towards my ass that's what's making my ass bigger :haha: I have a backwards bump!!
Beautiful scans Bella and Azure!

Kat hugs. That is so bizarre :(

I have a scan this afternoon. I was so excited but when I called to confirm they said kids aren't allowed. So I have the same situation as Bella. Only I can go in :( anyway hoping all goes well. And I've booked my 12 week scan for September 10th at a place that will allow my son. Phew!
I had my NT today, baby looked great! Measuring even further ahead, I think that I grow babies really well. And the baby looks like it has chicken drumsticks for legs.

Thats so funny because when I had my scan at 8 weeks I said the outline of the baby looked like the shadow of a roast chicken!:rofl:
Thank you all for your support. My levels are dropping so it looks like I'm out. I wish you all happy and healthy pregnancies. Take care.
Sorry to hear that Kat, hope to see you back in these forums soon enough. In the mean time take care of yourself.
So sorry to hear this Kat. I hope you get an explanation and good luck ttc again when you are ready.

Have been so excited for my 12 wk scan and now it's nearly here (Monday) am getting pretty anxious about it :(
So sorry to hear this Kat. I hope you get an explanation and good luck ttc again when you are ready.

Have been so excited for my 12 wk scan and now it's nearly here (Monday) am getting pretty anxious about it :(

Me too Littlelily! Mine is at 2pm!:dance:
Kat I'm so sorry to read your news . Take care of yourself . I hope you get your rainbow soon xxx

I've my booking appointment and scan on Wednesday . They are doing it early 11 weeks ( really early lol) due to me having a previous mmc . I'm so scared but trying to remain positive .
So sorry to hear this Kat. I hope you get an explanation and good luck ttc again when you are ready.

Have been so excited for my 12 wk scan and now it's nearly here (Monday) am getting pretty anxious about it :(

I can't look past mine, it's not until Wednesday, but everything is centred on it, I am struggling to think about Thursday or Friday even. I'm still excited, but also terrified all in one, still so glad I paid for the early scan though as I cannot imagine how stressed I would have been now without that!
Hugs Kat. I'm so sorry. Hope to see you back with a rainbow!
I can't look past mine, it's not until Wednesday, but everything is centred on it, I am struggling to think about Thursday or Friday even. I'm still excited, but also terrified all in one, still so glad I paid for the early scan though as I cannot imagine how stressed I would have been now without that!

This is exactly how I feel Curly. Someone asked me about Tuesday and some other days next wk and I just seem to have a mind block until the scan. Like you, I had an early one at 7+ wks and it was reassuring but now it's 'what if something has gone wrong between now and then?' Just hoping so much everything is ok. Also worried about the Nuchal Translucency test part. They say you hear within 3 days if you are high risk but not til 2 wks if it's low so no news is good news but the waiting???? Horrible.

Sorry for the anxiety rant.Think I've just spent a bit too much time thinking about it today.

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