March Monkeys 2016: 21 boys and 15 girls born

I agree emmy! When not pregnant sometimes if I'm horribly nauseous I help myself get sick then I instantly feel better. Of course it's not the healthiest thing to do so it's out the window now.

It will be my first time around family today since finding out. FX I don't spill the beans!

Happy Fourth of July US ladies :)
Hey everyone can I join? Found out last week I was pregnant, my doctor thinks I'm due Mar. 1st but didn't account for my long cycles. Based on my dates and tests I believe I'm due Mar. 7th and am currently 4 1/2 weeks now. Currently just feeling exhausted all of the time and achey. Not much nausea but its still early (hopefully I skip the nausea part :p). VERY sore boobs today!!! It comes and goes... I've always had smaller bbs so for me bigger ones should be an interesting perk to pregnancy lmao. :p
Hope everyone is feeling good and enjoying their early pregnancies :)
I agree emmy! When not pregnant sometimes if I'm horribly nauseous I help myself get sick then I instantly feel better. Of course it's not the healthiest thing to do so it's out the window now.

It will be my first time around family today since finding out. FX I don't spill the beans!

Happy Fourth of July US ladies :)

I usually get sick when I am brushing my teeth so if I really need to be sick I just brush the back of my tongue a bit too far back and it comes up so easily when I'm pregnant. I am almost never sick when I'm not pregnant and I would hate to make myself sick but sometimes u just need to feel better! Xx
Hey ladies. I joined the February thread based off my LMP but I am certain I'll be due in March once I go to the doctor. So can I join?

My guess is March 12 for my due date but that is truly just a guess based off when I got my positive. That would make me 4 weeks today.

I'm feeling a little nauseous today and getting full really quickly when eating. My bbs feel full and are only a little sore today, but I notice that changes throughout the day. xx

Wishing all a h&h 9 months xx
I'm now super excited about this pregnancy! The fear is gone and I'm going to enjoy every single day :) DH and I decided we will be team yellow. It's going to drive everyone crazy, I'm sure but something about not knowing the gender appeals to me. Has anyone else been talking about all the fun stuff yet?
We've talked about it... We'll be finding out the gender - I'm just not patient enough to wait! Lol. We've talked about names and he keeps suggesting stupid names - it's getting to the point where he won't be allowed any involvement in the naming process lol. We've also talked about how we'll cope if it's twins (ivf pregnancy, two embryos transferred, so it's a very real possibility).

I just hope our baby(ies) stay with us because we're already attached and losing them now would be awful :(
Yay for the 3+ emmy. I held out until yesterday and got mine. I'm done with the tests for now. I have an u/s booked for July 14 to make sure bean is in the right place and doing ok.
Congrats to the new ladies!

How many weeks will u be at the scan? About 7? I think I want one around 8 weeks so I can see heartbeat and know everything is ok. I was going to try and hold out this time till 12 week scan but I don't think I can!!

I will be 6+5 (ish). I had an ectopic so each pg I've had an early scan to make sure things are in the right place. I think I will ask for another around 9 wks if all is good. After the mmc I am very anxious about things and just want the reassurance.
We have a short list of names already too. We've had them picked since the last pregnancy. DH was also good at finding/coming up with the craziest names for a while lol not sure where they get these!? Twins would be awesome!

It's always awful to lose babies no matter when it happens. I hear so often that women "try not to think about it or try not to bond too much" in case of a loss but in the end losing a baby is losing a baby and it'll always hurt like hell. Might as well enjoy every minute, no regrets! :)
Emmy :lol: I gagged a couple times brushing my teeth today I've never done that before.

Silas :hi: I can't wait to find out your edd! :)

We definitely will be finding out the gender! We've already got a first name pretty much picked out for a boy and we have a couple we like for a girl.

I hope to be having twins! I know it's probably not likely though. Hubby would die :haha:

5 days until my first appointment!
26 days until my first ultrasound! :)
We don't plan on finding out the gender either. We wet team yellow with my son & with our angel baby who we named Elliot.
We have a few names short listed from previous pregnancies. I like fairly unusual names so DH took some convincing as he prefers quite conventional names.
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It said page could not be displayed. Is it a secret group? I'd hate for any of my friends to that I've joined it
Hey, last time I was on I forgot to say that I'm due on the 13th! For those who liked the March Monkey banner I turned it into a link so you can add it to your signature if you'd like! It came out kind of big on village photos, but it looks like bnb resizes it automatically.

Just go to edit signature, add image, copy and paste the link and voila!
Whoa! That image was way too big. I'll try to make it smaller.
I've always had smaller bbs so for me bigger ones should be an interesting perk to pregnancy lmao. :p

100% this, mine are teeny tiny, but are starting to grow out of my bra, literally never had this experience before, they've always been too small for the smallest size in the store, and now they're starting to spill out!

Hello also, and hi to all the other newbies :)

I think I'd like to be team yellow too, if only to avoid the influx of crap aimed at one gender, I can't abide boys in blue and girls in pink, it makes me fume, thankfully all my friends and family are aware, so should avoid this in the future! I would like to see a heartbeat as early as I can though, any other uk ladies considering a private scan before the 12 week one?
Yeah curly rose I think I am going to book a private scan at around 8 weeks. My 12 scan is booked for the 17th August x
Sorry for not replying to this thread for a couple of days, just updated the first page now! Congrats AMP1117, Nikki1979, azure girl, brenn09, caz_hills, kittykat7210, struth, BabeAwait, SophBabes, Autumnflower, mewolkens, SilasLove I added you all :flower: Hope I didn't miss anyone!
Will do the name poll now aswell :thumbup:
Here is the poll link, also added to the first post! I'll leave it up about a week then use the option with the most votes :)
Here is the poll link, also added to the first post! I'll leave it up about a week then use the option with the most votes :)

I'll make a banner for whatever the winner is!

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