March Monkeys 2016: 21 boys and 15 girls born

Amp and Lilly what lovely pictures of your scans, I'm really happy for both of you!

Bombshell I hope you feel better and can clear up and anamosity with oh he does sound stressed, but why should you bare the brunt?!

My hubby has really surprised me this week, he's a very traditional, old fashioned guy as in men go to work and provide, women are the home makers etc... He's not very good at opening up and literally says get on with life, don't worry, what will be will be and we have no control...
He doesn't get the fact that I'm still worried about this pregnancy because of the first few weeks, my weight and previous pregnancies (not his children) and just looks at me confused when I try to tell him why I'm worried!
Anyway.... He said today I know your worried about things, I know wel have our 12 week scan in 2-3 weeks but iv booked you a private scan for Friday to try and help reassure you!!! I was really shocked and really pleased. I'm struggling for money at the minute and although if I could id have a scan every week I can't afford to pay lol
Do you think I'm being a bit neurotic or would you have a scan if it was offered?

Everyone else I hope your feeling well!
H xx
Bigbelly- I guess it depends on how expensive it is and if you really can afford it. Me, I'd take it for the peace of mind and that was sweet of hubby to schedule it!
Bigbelly, how sweet of him!!!

My DH is very similar. I was out of town this weekend and when I got home last night he wanted to go out for dinner (very unlike him...he would rather save than spend) and when we got home he hugged me from behind and held my belly and was telling me that he thinks it's a girl and how he's been referring to my belly as a "she" since we found out.

Then today when I had my bleed, I texted him at school tellin him I was going to the doctor and he came home to go with me. Told me not to leave without him. Again, not typical DH behavior as he's in school right now and not like normal work when he can go in and out as needed.

Feeling the love today from him from my spot on the couch with my feet up.
Aw, bigbelly and stuck, bless those DHs! Mine has been very up and down. He's worried about money and feels a lot of pressure from other things e.g my Bro in law is a very 'fun Dad' always making silly noises and funny faces and very extroverted which is lovely but my dh is kind of quiet and more calm and worries he will be compared somehow. I keep telling him there is more than one way to be a great dad and I know he will be great but he worries about this and other what I think of as small, insignificant things but they are big to him.

But today he keeps looking at the scan pic and we planned out the nursery (he drew it on a napkin in the restaurant tonight) and its been wonderful. I think it's a rollercoaster for us both.

Sorry, that was a ramble but I'm just saying, men have different worries to us. They don't know how to express how they feel too well so be patient I guess?
And AMP, great scan.
Buttercup, can you change my due date to 2nd of March please? Will change my tickers tmrw.
We're getting rid of the pacifier with DS, it's heartbreaking.

But, my good news is I definitely started feeling the baby today. Some soft kicks and wiggles! So happy!
Loving these tales of DH sweetness. So cute! Definitely enough to bring a tear to the eye of any hormonal preggo!
We're getting rid of the pacifier with DS, it's heartbreaking.

But, my good news is I definitely started feeling the baby today. Some soft kicks and wiggles! So happy!

I'm sure getting rid of pacifier :baby: is difficult azure girl!

Must be great feeling movement though. I asked the sonographer yesterday and she said as it's my first, probably won't feel anything until about 20 weeks which seems ages away but at the same time is only 7 weeks. Can't believe we will find out if we are team blue or pink in 7 weeks!:blue::pink::happydance:

Bigbelly, did you decide whether to go for the scan?
We're getting rid of the pacifier with DS, it's heartbreaking.

But, my good news is I definitely started feeling the baby today. Some soft kicks and wiggles! So happy!

I'm sure getting rid of pacifier :baby: is difficult azure girl!

Must be great feeling movement though. I asked the sonographer yesterday and she said as it's my first, probably won't feel anything until about 20 weeks which seems ages away but at the same time is only 7 weeks. Can't believe we will find out if we are team blue or pink in 7 weeks!:blue::pink::happydance:

Bigbelly, did you decide whether to go for the scan?

Littlelily- I first felt movement with dd at 16 weeks and she was my first:thumbup:
Me too - I also felt at 16 weeks with my first! It really varies I think. My SIL was pregnant at the same time and I remember she didn't feel until 20 weeks at least. So don't be surprised if you feel it sooner!

I'm only 9 weeks and I could swear I can feel flutters at times....... but surely it's too early!
I was 17 weeks with Rylie when I felt her move!

I'll be 10 weeks soon, yay! I'm not having very much nausea lately, kinda making me worried!! Sucks that being so early we really have no way of knowing!
Amp and Lilly what lovely pictures of your scans, I'm really happy for both of you!

Bombshell I hope you feel better and can clear up and anamosity with oh he does sound stressed, but why should you bare the brunt?!

My hubby has really surprised me this week, he's a very traditional, old fashioned guy as in men go to work and provide, women are the home makers etc... He's not very good at opening up and literally says get on with life, don't worry, what will be will be and we have no control...
He doesn't get the fact that I'm still worried about this pregnancy because of the first few weeks, my weight and previous pregnancies (not his children) and just looks at me confused when I try to tell him why I'm worried!
Anyway.... He said today I know your worried about things, I know wel have our 12 week scan in 2-3 weeks but iv booked you a private scan for Friday to try and help reassure you!!! I was really shocked and really pleased. I'm struggling for money at the minute and although if I could id have a scan every week I can't afford to pay lol
Do you think I'm being a bit neurotic or would you have a scan if it was offered?

Everyone else I hope your feeling well!
H xx

Aw how sweet of your DH!! I'd be surprised too lol
Another scan! Excited to see pics when you're done, hope it goes well! Mine is tomorrow, I have to work a full shift before it, that is going to be the longest shift I have ever worked!

I am just full of acid, so much reflux, it's vile and constant, eugh.
Mama crab, good luck with your scan :)

And Mama Duck, will be waiting for an update on yours tmrw.

Still buzzing after my scan, find myself smiling about it all the time.
I first felt Isaac move at 16 weeks, and i was (and still am) plus size so i was suprised i felt him so early..... its lovely feeling them move.

Well should have been my scan today (till they put me back based on early scan), im gutted, Feels like i should be further along than i am.... though im not 100 % convinced of the dates they gave. 12 week plus 3 day scan will be on 8th september which seems an eternity away. All my pregnancy symptoms have gone (apart from tiredness) and i am worrying myself stupid.
on the plus side i have not had any spotting for about a week i think, which is fab. Hubby was even lucky enough to be alowed to DTD last night (TMI sorry!), i was worried it would lead me to spot again but it hasn't ..... surely a good sign, right?

hope everyone else is good xxxx
I felt my first at 14+2 - and by 16 weeks the kicks were very obvious even dh could feel them.

My second I felt flutters from 12 weeks but I didn't feel strong movements til 18 weeks due to an anterior placenta.

I felt this baby for sure at 10+2 and think I was feeling him sooner BuT not quite positive it was peep.
I know you girls will call me crazy, but I swear I've been feeling this baby since I was just a little over 8 weeks. Just slight flutters. I feel crazy for even saying so, but I feel it every 1-3 days or so, and sometimes multiple times per day! Baby was really in the move during my scan, so maybe that has something to do with it?!
Dawn, glad you are feeling better and had no more spotting. Take it as a good sign :)

I got weighed at my scan appointment and told my bmi is a bit over 30 which puts me at risk for gestational diabetes and I have to do a test at 26 weeks. So mad at myself! Was doing ok with my weight but being pregnant the last 3 months has meant I've eaten what I wanted.

Has anyone else had the test before? Where you have to fast and then be tested? Doesn't sound good.
AMP, lovely scan! Looks like he/she is grabbing their feet :)

Lily, I had the glucose tolerance test at 28 weeks with both my girls (both our mums have type 2 diabetes so regardless of my weight i'd have had to have it for that risk factor anyway) and it wasn't so bad. You fast and then have blood taken, drink some lucozade (it's quite a lot so hopefully you don't mind lucozade lol!) then your bloods are taken again a couple of hours later. Most ladies pass (I did both times) so try not to worry too much.

With movements in my previous pregnancies I felt DD2 move earlier (about 14 weeks compared to 16) but I felt stronger movements earlier with DD1. I remember they were very strong with her at my 20 week scan but with DD2 not so much.

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