March Monkeys 2016: 21 boys and 15 girls born

Amytrisha, just read back, sorry to hear your sad news :( look after yourself and hope to see you back when you're ready.
Babber wouldn't stay still enough or get in position for any measurements, it's a proper wriggler, so that means we have to have a rescan in three weeks (such a shame!). I am absolutely in love with it, can't wait to see it again :)

AWWWW all these scans of everyone's bubs making me impatient lol. Not sure if I get my scan at this appointment when I'm 10+5 or my next

Beautiful scan curlyrose!!
I'm excited because DH gets paid in a few days and I'll be 10 weeks tomorrow - can officially try the Intelligender test!!!

Anyone else try it? I know it's not guarantee but I am super excited just to be able to take a photo and put it on my "old wives tales" poster board for our gender reveal party!
Great pic Mama Duck! So lucky you get to go back again :) Amazing how much they move isn't it? Was so surprised how much turning and wriggling baby was doing but yours must have been much more!
Little lily, I'm a teacher too. I teacher ESOL to K-5 (4.5 -11ish year olds). I worked up to & on my due date. I ended up giving birth that evening :haha:

Just saying so to show - you don't HAVE to stop at a particular pre-planned point. Stop when you're ready. Play it by ear.

Amytrisha, again, I'm so sorry for your loss Hun! :hugs:
Little lily, I'm a teacher too. I teacher ESOL to K-5 (4.5 -11ish year olds). I worked up to & on my due date. I ended up giving birth that evening :haha:

Just saying so to show - you don't HAVE to stop at a particular pre-planned point. Stop when you're ready. Play it by ear.

Amytrisha, again, I'm so sorry for your loss Hun! :hugs:

Thanks Bella, I do plan to but that's what I have in my head as likely. Will be 36+5 and in a very challenging school so think I'll be ready to go. Also it ties in nicely with half term so will get a week extra maternity pay while I'm off.
amytrisha, sorry for your news :cry:

bombshell, yes, I was going to ask if you had done the test, im dying to know although I am convinced that I am having a boy.....this will sound awful and I shouldn't really say but I really don't want to find out the sex of this baby, I would like a girl and im worried when I get confirmation its a boy I will start to panic etc (purely because of what happened last time with my son, pregnancy and birth).
DO you all think im crazy and awful?:shrug:

I have my scan tomorrow at 11, im a bit nervous as iv been getting some sharp pains in my side over the past few days, im hoping its nothing but it may also be a water infection....

iv had my 12 week scan apt come through for sept 10th at 1020, however, they have said that I have to go back the week after for my bloods etc....does this matter? im thinking of the nuchal scan and the bloods that you have to have done alongside the measurements or are they done at 16 weeks?

my mind has gone blank lol

h xx
bigbelly2 - nooo you're not crazy and awful, girl!! at first I did not want a boy at all!!! - but now that I see how much DH wants his little boy finally and saw baby photos of DH and he was so adorable, hoping to have a little boy that looks just like him!!!! I'm in love with the idea of a boy now.

I just did the test and it is a clear boy result! guess we'll see!
Hi everyone :hi: .....Im a little late to the party. I kept hearing about you, so I thought I would look you all up. :)
Bombshellmum - it will be interesting to see if the gender test is correct :)

DH would love another boy since we already have everything from Isaac and they could share a room etc.
I however would love a girl as i feel i would like a Daughter. I am amazingly close to Isaac and he is so cuddly and affectionate when he wants to be, but part of me just sees me with a Daughter too. Financially, we will feel the pinch more with a girl as we will have to start again with clothes, bedding etc, but it wouldnt be the end of the world. We will be finding out what we are having, we did with Isaac and i found it helped me bond with the bump easier.

Has anyone had any cravings yet?. I am not sure if i would call it a craving but i have really been fancying cornbeef, mash and spaghetti hoops, i ate it twice last week and i am having it again for tea tonight :), once i get the thought of it in my head i kind of have to have it!. With Isaac i craved burgers and chocolate milkshake..... its a shame i dont seem to do healthy cravings.

Hope everyone is well....... my tiredness has come back like a freight train hitting me head on, i feel really rubbish today. Not helped by a grumpy, over tired nearly 3 year old on my hands.

Dawn My pg is going well, as for symptoms. I was way more sick in my last pg. So I am handling this one well. Boobs are crazy sore early on, loads and loads of pulling and stretching, back aches, and i pee ALL THE TIME!! Though I do have to say that when I am hungry I feel icky and slightly nauseous.

As for cravings? Well I crave things then the next time i have them I really don't like them. I was craving Franks hot sauce for a bit, but once I had it I was don't with it. The only thing that I still want is sweeter things, but not sickly sweet, then I feel gross. I had a slurpee and I felt horrible after. So I try and have sweeter fruits and such.

I too am more tired today. I have good days and bad days. Today is just a bad one. Doesn't help that my youngest doesn't want his dad to get up with him in the mornings, so I feel awful when he screams like his dad is killing him, when I need a few extra winks. **sigh**
Welcome allforthegirl :) I've been feeling pretty tired and a bit sick after being better for ages. I thought second tri was all about being over that!

No cravings really apart from generally feeling really hungry, then as soon as I've made myself something, feeling full or sick after a few mouthfuls. Annoying.
Hi all :) pregnancy is weird !!! Lol..... I'm hungry , sick .. Don't want any food and starving all at the same time !! No cravings in fact I don't want to eat anything ...NOTHING SOUNDS GOOD .... I really struggle with what to eat ..... Errrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Hi all :) pregnancy is weird !!! Lol..... I'm hungry , sick .. Don't want any food and starving all at the same time !! No cravings in fact I don't want to eat anything ...NOTHING SOUNDS GOOD .... I really struggle with what to eat ..... Errrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

i am the exact same way at times. I just have to eat something, and hope and pray I don't feel horrible after. :winkwink::haha:
Hello and welcome allforthegirl!

I've been eating everything still, doing better at getting some variety, fruit and veg, into my diet, so that's something, but I have an absolute weakness for bacon Supernoodles, I'm eating 2 or 3 packs a week! Poor babber is going to have the worst stuff going through to it. Food is giving me terrible reflux still, so although I am eating a lot, I am suffering after!
Hello and welcome allforthegirl!

I've been eating everything still, doing better at getting some variety, fruit and veg, into my diet, so that's something, but I have an absolute weakness for bacon Supernoodles, I'm eating 2 or 3 packs a week! Poor babber is going to have the worst stuff going through to it. Food is giving me terrible reflux still, so although I am eating a lot, I am suffering after!

Have you tried Zantac or another over the counter acid reducer??
I'm sorry ladies. I completely know where you are coming from. I do really well with canned raviolis!! It isn't a craving per say but it always settles so well and then I don't feel so blah. :dohh: So I do end up eating that a couple times a week. Otherwise, really bland food I do okay with. Like beans and toast. Forget eating meat. A few bites and then DONE.
Lily, I think 36 weeks sounds manageable and should fit in nicely with the school hols :) With DD1 I was working full-time in a nursery toddler room (1 year olds) and worked until 36 weeks. She was 12 days late so I actually got fed up waiting at home and wished i'd finished a bit later! With DD2 I worked 3 days a week in the same nursery but with different ages (covering absences, hols etc) until 38 weeks nearly and she was a full 2 weeks late which wasn't any less frustrating the second time around lol, but I felt ready to finish by then so i'll probably stop work at that point with this pregnancy too.

:hugs: so sorry again Amy, hope you're doing as well as can be expected.

Ostara, glad things are going well for you! Girl/boy twins possibly too, how cute is that! Update us when you find out for sure :thumbup:

Aww curly how cute, sounds like you'll have an active one! :D

Welcome allforthegirl! Let me know your due date and i'll add you to our list on the first page :)

Dawn, my cravings have been quite random and fleeting! Rarely for anything sweet though which is very unlike me! My appetite is quite poor at the moment which is the same as in my pregnancy with DD1. One craving I always seem to have in pregnancy though is anything vinegary/pickled, yum :)

Left, hope your scan went well? :flower:

Been at the hospital today for my little chicken's cast change, third trip to theatre with anaesthetic and she took it all in her stride bless her! Still can't believe she's going to be a big sister in March :)

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