Lily, I think 36 weeks sounds manageable and should fit in nicely with the school hols

With DD1 I was working full-time in a nursery toddler room (1 year olds) and worked until 36 weeks. She was 12 days late so I actually got fed up waiting at home and wished i'd finished a bit later! With DD2 I worked 3 days a week in the same nursery but with different ages (covering absences, hols etc) until 38 weeks nearly and she was a full 2 weeks late which wasn't any less frustrating the second time around lol, but I felt ready to finish by then so i'll probably stop work at that point with this pregnancy too.

so sorry again Amy, hope you're doing as well as can be expected.
Ostara, glad things are going well for you! Girl/boy twins possibly too, how cute is that! Update us when you find out for sure
Aww curly how cute, sounds like you'll have an active one!
Welcome allforthegirl! Let me know your due date and i'll add you to our list on the first page
Dawn, my cravings have been quite random and fleeting! Rarely for anything sweet though which is very unlike me! My appetite is quite poor at the moment which is the same as in my pregnancy with DD1. One craving I always seem to have in pregnancy though is anything vinegary/pickled, yum
Left, hope your scan went well?
Been at the hospital today for my little chicken's cast change, third trip to theatre with anaesthetic and she took it all in her stride bless her! Still can't believe she's going to be a big sister in March