March Monkeys 2016: 21 boys and 15 girls born

Buttercup... Those casts look familiar... Has your little one got clicky hips or congenital dislocation?
H xx
dawnlouise - we will see!!! lol I know a few people it was right for, but some others it wasn't so only time will tell :) cornbeef actually sounds really good right now. I've been craving chipotle really badly but we don't have one near where I live :( the struggle! i love pasta and pasta sauce :D

buttercup - awww so sweet !! hope your LO gets out of that cast soon!! adorable!
Hello and welcome allforthegirl!

I've been eating everything still, doing better at getting some variety, fruit and veg, into my diet, so that's something, but I have an absolute weakness for bacon Supernoodles, I'm eating 2 or 3 packs a week! Poor babber is going to have the worst stuff going through to it. Food is giving me terrible reflux still, so although I am eating a lot, I am suffering after!

Have you tried Zantac or another over the counter acid reducer??

I am chugging gaviscon, but need to make a Drs appt anyway, so going to ask about this too. I am sometimes waking up with my throat so swollen from all the acid that I can almost feel it touching on the inside.
Buttercup... Those casts look familiar... Has your little one got clicky hips or congenital dislocation?
H xx

Her left one was dislocated from birth (she was breech for ages, only turned at 38 weeks so that was probably a factor) but the pavlik harness didn't work so she had to have a closed reduction which also didn't work and then an open reduction which did thankfully. She's in this cast til November then a shorter one just on her legs til January i'm guessing so a while to go yet but luckily she's a good natured baby and it doesn't phase her too much :)
Buttercup... Those casts look familiar... Has your little one got clicky hips or congenital dislocation?
H xx

Her left one was dislocated from birth (she was breech for ages, only turned at 38 weeks so that was probably a factor) but the pavlik harness didn't work so she had to have a closed reduction which also didn't work and then an open reduction which did thankfully. She's in this cast til November then a shorter one just on her legs til January i'm guessing so a while to go yet but luckily she's a good natured baby and it doesn't phase her too much :)

I thought it looked familiar!
I have had too many surgeries to mention! (Was my right hip) but unfortunately for me I need a replacement, mine was dislocated from birth but until my mom paid for me to be seen privately it wasn't detected... 18months old I was in casts...
Apparently it happens around 24 weeks of pregnancy, my son and daughter were both fine thankfully! I caused so much mischief in my casts, I even managed to climb the stairs haha
H xx
Buttercup... Those casts look familiar... Has your little one got clicky hips or congenital dislocation?
H xx

Her left one was dislocated from birth (she was breech for ages, only turned at 38 weeks so that was probably a factor) but the pavlik harness didn't work so she had to have a closed reduction which also didn't work and then an open reduction which did thankfully. She's in this cast til November then a shorter one just on her legs til January i'm guessing so a while to go yet but luckily she's a good natured baby and it doesn't phase her too much :)

I thought it looked familiar!
I have had too many surgeries to mention! (Was my right hip) but unfortunately for me I need a replacement, mine was dislocated from birth but until my mom paid for me to be seen privately it wasn't detected... 18months old I was in casts...
Apparently it happens around 24 weeks of pregnancy, my son and daughter were both fine thankfully! I caused so much mischief in my casts, I even managed to climb the stairs haha
H xx

Oh wow, it's amazing how many people you come across who've had experience with hip dysplasia even though we've never seen another little one in cast outside of the hospital! Scary how many are diagnosed late in this country, it seems they're much hotter on it on the continent especially in the scandi countries where they scan all babies at birth. Did your children have scans due to your history? We've been told the new baby will get one by 6 weeks old so just keeping fingers crossed they're fine. Our oldest didn't have it so it was a bit of a shock initially with our youngest. She's a monkey in it though, crawls and pulls up to standing now and is totally eyeing up the stairs! Now you've told me you learned to climb them in cast I think i'd best be on my guard lol!
They didn't have scans initially, they were examined very in depth and then Maddy had a scan at around 6weeks, tommy was 6weeks prem so I think had extra checks but I found it strange he wasn't scanned as apparently it's more common in boys ... They can do measurements on an ultrasound now from 24weeks too!
The amount of surgeries iv had are ridiculous due to the time lapse of diagnosis, I was bed bound for 12 months at 8 in hospital on traction, came out with an orthofix and pins on the outside of my leg, was walking (hobbling) round sainsburys and the bloody thing fell off!! Iv also got a drill piece still in my bone in my leg from a surgery lol I'm very unlucky... It affects my walking etc but this is purely because I wasn't treated early enough!
My mom said I was a right tinker in the cast and it didn't phase me at all... I got up 21 stairs! So yes be careful lol
H xx
Buttercup your Lo has the sweetest face. I'm sorry she's been through so much but glad she takes it like a champ!

I too have been eating not so good things for baby. Ramen cup of noodle has been one thing that I can always eat and it doesn't seem to make me sick. I feel awful because it's no good but it's the only thing that sounds even remotely appealing most of the time. I haven't been able to eat meat or sandwich bread since very early on and just thinking about it still makes my stomach turn. Good thing were getting close to 2nd tri, hopefully it'll get better.
Welcome AFTG :). We share a due date :)

Oshtara, at least your Dr is guaranteed to be right about at least one of the babies ;)

Buttercup your dd is adorable :). Its a good thing she's taking it so well. My dd had to have her hips scanned because she was persistent breech from 20 weeks and born breech vaginally as well, but luckily her hips are fine.
BigBelly, I think DDH is actually more common in girls than boys as the form I was given at birth to take to her hip ultrasound had different risk factors and being female was on the list but not being male :shrug: regardless of gender though if there's family history of it it should definitely be checked for at 6 weeks.
Getting short of breath? I mean, if I did anything even remotely physical I sound like I just ran a marathon and I struggle with breathing properly. Never last too long, but is anyone else experiencing this??
Buttercup, I love the expression on your DDs face in that pic, something about it is very stoic!

NDH, yes to shortness of breath, makes me feel so unfit, even more so than I actually am!

We did our Facebook news sharing yesterday (both have friends across the country) it was absolutely lovely to share it. So much grinning all night :)
So what does everyone actually consider 2'nd tri? There is so much conflicting stuff! Some say 13 weeks others say 14 weeks:dohh: I think with dd I just went with 13 weeks.
AMP I think technically it is 13 weeks, you are so close!! Congrats to all those transitioning into the 2nd Trimester! :dance:

NDH right on!! Have you had a scan to confirm the date yet? I (im)patiently waiting until Sept 9th, or when ever my OB calls me for my first appt., as I always get scan with his appt.

I am feeling so down this emotional, it sucks. I just want to crawl under the covers and hide from the world.
My big fat preggo book said 2nd tri began at the start of the 13th week, ie 12+1. As that makes me already second tri, I am going with it!

Got the date today for my second attempt at my dating scan, just three weeks to wait until we see our wriggler again :)
Ooh exciting Mama Duck :) Do you think they will change your due date? They changed mine to 5 days earlier.

Allforthegirl, I feel you. Mostly feel really happy but get small periods of low or irritable which I can't explain. Weird hormones!

How is everyone else doing?
I feel so sick today. My ms seems to be getting worse not better !!!! I just want to WANT to eat ! When I think of eating its like a chore .... Uck ....
Mama Fox, their best guess made using the measurements gained from babber lying in a less than ideal position, confirmed the private scan, so would leave me as due March 6th. Actually, Buttercup, can I change my due date on the front page to 6th please, ta! I'll then update it again if the next dating scan gives a different date.

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