March Monkeys 2016: 21 boys and 15 girls born

oh my days my friend has just messaged me to say that if you look at the pic on the left it looks like the baby has the biggest willy ever lol its the connection to the placenta but my god its very realistic if you look haha
I cant stop giggling

h xx

Ha ha! How funny. How do you feel now it's 'official' big belly?

We still haven't told many people, mainly because we haven't seen them. There are still a few close friends I'd like to tell face to face so will wait til I see them before telling everyone I think. But one of my best Friends is coming tonight for the weekend so am looking forward to telling her. So nice when you have a scan to show people too.

It feels a bit more real now lol
I asked at the scan about telling my son and she said that once the pregnancy has got to 8weeks the risk of mc goes down to 98% and most people wait to make the announcement until after their first scan as that's when they know if all is ok and see the hb etc so she told us as we'd had ours early to go ahead and announce!

I'm still getting funny tummy pains, it may be pcos or just part and parcel, I'm not sure. Not bought anything at all either.
Were hoping to book a week away in Spain oct half term with the kids (were desperate for a hol, last was our honey moon 14 months ago)lily your hol sounds lovely!

How are you all announcing to everyone your news?
H xx
I am not buying anything until we know what we are having. I have all the major stuff already, but of course I will be buying pink if we are blessed with a girl, other wise we are good.

I would love to know what we are having before we tell my mother and family. Because then we can tell her by showing her or tell her she finally gets a pink one to hold hahaha. It would break her "are you crazy?" comments.
We announced after an early scan since we saw the heartbeat. Honestly, I knew I would tell people if something went wrong anyway, so I decided I wasn't going to keep it this big secret. The only downfall is everyone thinks I'm much farther than I am since they have known for a while. I have to be like "nope, just 11 weeks yet".

We did a picture of our kids via Facebook. Honestly, told my mom from the start, along with DHs immediate family but Ihave such a big family it was impossible tto tell everyone in person so Facebook was my best and most convenient option.
Lovely photo bombshell, your dd is a cutie :)

Any updates ladies? Anyone done anymore shopping lately. I love seeing what you are buying/making. Mama Hen, did you finish the blanket yet?

Thanks girl!! :) she was wearing these gloves we use for this elderly lady that lives with us :rofl:
I'm not doing any shopping either until we know the gender! I might get a changing table since I love the cherry wood and the bassinet thing that sticks on the side of the bed! but that's probably all until the scan :flower:
Curly, lol I know she does like quite serious! She's usually quite smiley for the camera but I think the anaesthetic was still wearing off at that point, or she was cross that I disturbed her snacking :haha:

bigbelly, cute scans especially your 3D one!

Lily that sounds like it'll be a lovely trip, i'd really like to go to Madrid one day :)

I finally told my parents and sister today... They seemed pleased but surprised which I did expect! :winkwink: We'll tell OH's family on Monday as it's his birthday and we're visiting them. I'm also going to tell a few friends and our family will be free to tell their close friends/other family but i'm not putting anything on Facebook yet. Not sure when we will. I announced on there right after the 12 week scan with both girls but I just don't feel in any real rush to this time.
AftG, most women here get at least 3. I had 4 with my first and more than I can remember with my second but I have reservations about their use so I'm opting out this time.

We've still not told my parents and each only have one one friend who knows. Not sure when we'll start telling people but I'll probably do a Facebook post on my would be due date in October. I've had 4 consecutive miscarriages - this baby was conceived on the cycle that started the same day as my first due date, and yesterday was my second.
Actually I think I'll start telling people at 13 weeks when I'll finally have left first tri :haha:
I moved to a different state and started a new job. The biggest downside is I have to go 4 weeks without insurance, and no 12 week scan. I may go to a private 3d/4d place just to see that everything's okay. It's going to be a long month.
I know it's bad but this pregnancy has me craving root beer and dr pepper. I limit myself to half a can a day which I think is pretty good while still allowing myself to taste my craving :)

It's horrible though - if I don't eat the MOMENT I get hungry it all goes down hill, quickly! I start getting chills, nausea, feeling like I'm going to faint, shaky, the whole enchilada. But I am pretty sure that's just the low blood sugar acting up even worse now since I'm pregnant!
Anyone else experiencing this?
I know it's bad but this pregnancy has me craving root beer and dr pepper. I limit myself to half a can a day which I think is pretty good while still allowing myself to taste my craving :)

It's horrible though - if I don't eat the MOMENT I get hungry it all goes down hill, quickly! I start getting chills, nausea, feeling like I'm going to faint, shaky, the whole enchilada. But I am pretty sure that's just the low blood sugar acting up even worse now since I'm pregnant!
Anyone else experiencing this?

Yes bombshell, I get this too. Not chills but light headed and shaky, it's horrible. Was really hungry last night when we went with friends for dinner and was really looking forward to it but could only eat about half my plate, felt full and bloated and a bit sick. So irritating. Just have to have small meals/snacks throughout the day.

Mama Penguin, that sounds like a lot to cope with. Are you ok? Are you happy about the new job? It's not great but I guess 4 weeks isn't too long to go without insurance. A private scan sounds a good idea to make sure everything is ok with baby and reassure you.
Hi ladies! Sorry I've been MIA, but I'm a teacher & just returned to work this week :cry: it's been an exhausting week. Still debating on whether to do the genetic testing... We didn't for DD, but since they went from quad screen to a blood test, I'm considering it for this one. DH is still against it. Anyone else?
We're getting the combined screening test at the 12 week scan, which includes a blood test and the nuchal measurement. My scan date is 10 Sept. We've told family and close friends, and I've told necessary people at work, but we're waiting to get the results of that screening test before telling most people.
We are also getting the combined screening at the 12 week scan (8th sept), to be fair I have agreed to it but if the results come back high risk for downs syndrome we wouldn't have further tests to confirm, or rule it out. I guess we could just prepare ourselves that we were maybe at higher risk. I think based on age my risk factor was 1 in 460 (I'm 34).
See, that's the test we opted out of with our DD. The reason im considering a t this time is they're simply yes/no to each possible complication (as opposed to "1 in 450" as you said dawn - that would drive me crazy - which is why we decided not to with DD). And all based on a blood test. But I'm also just... Not sure if it's better to know about complications ahead of time bs when the baby is born.
We'll do the Harmony test if the risk is high, but not the CVS or amniocentesis. I'm 39 so my risk will already be elevated, so I'll take that into account to decide how likely it really seems once we get the combined test results back.
I think here they still don't give us a straight yes or no at least that's my understanding. Maybe you have a different 'better' test there. I think our tests can more accurately predict your chances so rather than the stock 1 in 450 based on age it could come back as 1 in 20 for example, so when I think about it I'm not fully sure why I'm having it as hearing 1 in 20 for example would freak me more than the one based on age........... All that said if memory serves me right from Isaac i think my predicted risk was 1 in 500 and something but after the tests came back as 1 in 1000...... something for me to consider I guess

See, that's the test we opted out of with our DD. The reason im considering a t this time is they're simply yes/no to each possible complication (as opposed to "1 in 450" as you said dawn - that would drive me crazy - which is why we decided not to with DD). And all based on a blood test. But I'm also just... Not sure if it's better to know about complications ahead of time bs when the baby is born.
I had the NT scan/bloods. Did the same with the girls as i've always thought if there was a chance of Down's syndrome/other complications that the test picked up i'd like to be mentally prepared. Not sure what we would have done regarding further testing, I think it's something we would have had to decide on if we'd been faced with it. I've been low risk with all 3 pregnancies thankfully, with my DDs they gave me an actual figure but this time I just got a letter with 'Lower Risk' stated in it.
We will be having these quad test as babber wouldn't lie right for nuchal bit. We've already decided that we will keep it even if downs is high risk, I wouldn't want an invasive test, but would be happy for further scans, as they can sometimes see more physical signs of chromosomal difficulties. We only want to know so that we can be prepared if babber might need extra support after the birth, as it would affect where I give birth if we know we will need a hospital.
Same as all the UK ladies, I've had bloods/NT measurement taken and they give you low or high risk which does translate to a number but only call you in for extra tests if you come up high (which I haven't). Do whatever will cause you less stress Bella.

How is everyone today? I'm back at school tomorrow after 6 wks off and dreading it. Trying to plan what to tell my head teacher.Plus planning snacks and how to get through my days without as much caffeine!
Wow I slept horribly last night. Got up to pee twice, and then third time before 3am I couldn't go back to sleep. Around 4:30 i finally just decided to get up and read and have some hot tea.....Well started to read and the tea made me very very nauseous. So I ate a mint tums, crawled back into my bed around 5:15am. Then to top it all off I got back up with my LO at 6:50am......I tried to talk to my DH about getting up but he is so hard to wake up, I just got up with him. I did however finally coax him out of bed around 7:30am so I could go back. I did have to get up (or so I thought) so DH could go to Physio, but apparently he doesn't have to go until 1pm :grr: I could have kept sleeping..... I have couple things left to do before my older boys go to school tomorrow, so I am dragging DH with me. HA!
I'm am feeling a bit sick today, but nothing too intense, thankfully. I am exhausted though, assuming these things will ease off once I am officially in 2nd tri, or at least a couple weeks in - I hope. I would like to have some energy...and feel like a normal person again.

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