March Mummies 2011

Glad you could get something done. Kirima is asleep in my arms and I have been having a really hard time getting her down into her cot - will try again soon. I got most of my house done sort of except the kitchen :)

Lol, its my DH who would need persuading - I'd be wary of doing it and need to make some arrangements to keep everyone safe, but I'd be happy to put myself through it again. DH just says NO! No more children.

Hoping to get a Saturday job (just this Saturday) - will phone tomorrow as I really need some money and this is perfect for a start. Hope its still available. I am also working a week in October - just need it to pick up a bit more but I wish I could find a part time permanent job.
Thanks for all the messages, were so excited, those who are in a similar position did you find it very hard to believe it was a Girl? i just cant get my head around it i keep thinking that the sonographer has got it wrong ! x
Thanks for all the messages, were so excited, those who are in a similar position did you find it very hard to believe it was a Girl? i just cant get my head around it i keep thinking that the sonographer has got it wrong ! x

I felt like that as well, had days were i was sure they got it wrong but had a pic to prove she was a she :winkwink:
natty i can understand that. i had 2 girls, then my first boy. i guess i didnt second guess it cuz they were right about my girls so i just assumed they were right. all of mine have been correct. with my 4th they guessed at the nub and said girl, but he was a boy. at my 20 week scan with him they said for sure he was a boy. i think the nub theory can be tricky though. now you just have to start looking at girly stuff!!!! :cloud9: so happy for you. that should even out your home a bit :happydance:
Congrats Natty on girl. Cant believe how far pregnant you girls are already!

We'll honeymoon over, 'twas fab but my god I missed Phoebe too much.

My sister is pregnant which is exciting. We will probably start trying at Xmas!
thanks roonsma! its going much too fast for me!

nix- so happy you had a good time. i know what you mean about missing her so much. i have only been away from mine twice. both times was before i had the boys. i went to another state for a wedding and had to be away from my girls for 4 days when they were 5 and 6. then later that same year we visited some friends in another state where we were considering moving. we were only gone a couple days that time. both times i cried at night cuz i missed them so much. they werent even babies. im glad your home safe, and how nice your sis is pregnant. hope it goes smooth when you start ttc!
everyones pregnant!!! anyone else with me on this one?? lol seriously never known anything like it! baby boom!!!
If af is back by xmas i want to start trying then too Rach.

Man my kid has a lot of energy today. Im beat LOL.
<----not pregnant :) we will be waiting a few years....but happy to see and hear of new pregnancies :happydance:

i'm just sitting here at work pumping :mamafy: my how my days are different now. on leave i would be nursing o down for a nap about now and catching a few zzzzzz's myself...sigh--no more. just pump pump pump :mamafy:
Hugs, I know I am hoping and dreading that at the same time, hoping I will be pumping when I go back to work as it will mean we are still BF but dreading having to do the pumping bit itself - I know what you mean about feeling like a cow ... how many Oz are you getting now? is it getting easier to make sure she has enough for the day?
Hey ladies!

Wow, I didn't mean to be away from this thread so long. I miss you all and enjoyed catching up on the news!

Can't believe Natty that you are already far enough along to know the gender. WHERE does the time go, LOL! So happy for you that it's a girl! With two older brothers, she will definitely become the little princess of the house!

Blessed, hope you are feeling well hon! So excited to find out which team this time!

Meanwhile, can't believe that we all have SIX month olds! GAH! LOL! I love all the photos! We want to get some 6 motnh photos of Ethan taken soon. I need to get on that or he will be 1 before I do it LOL!

We go to the dr. today for Ethan's six month checkup and shots. Just.can't.believe they are six months already! He is doing well, can sit up unassisted for a period then falls over any which way LOL. I keep hoping he will crawl, as he wants desperately to be mobile, but he has always hated tummy time so much that (now that he can roll over) he won't stay on his tummy long enough to practice or learn. I'm not sure but think he may skip crawling, unless he learns to roll forward into a crawl from sitting. Like Olivia, he seems to fall forward onto his face if he starts trying to pull his knees up when on his tummy. He can't seem to figure out the arms part! :rofl:

I got a good laugh at the bumbo discussion, because we have the same problem getting him out of it. He can still sit in it for the moment, but I have to pry it off his bottom to get him out!! I actually took it back upstairs yesterday because we don't really use it any more. I get a little misty every time he outgrows something, because the time really does fly and I hope, but am not sure, we'll be able to have a second (probably start trying 1st of the year).

Ready, I REALLY hope Jadyn settles down at night for you. I am so sorry! We have been very blessed that Ethan settled pretty quickly into a good night routine and, for three or four weeks now, usually wakes us 0-1 times per night (just for a paci, no feeding). The only hitch we will be facing soon that we know of is getting him out of his swing for naps and into his crib for those. I dread doing that, but know the swing won't last forever!

On that subject, for those whose babies are sleeping at night well - what time do you do the last feeding and put them down? We're at about 9:30 but hubby thinks it should be 8. I really don't think he's ready for that yet, although he does often fall sound asleep after about 8:30. I am just unsure about doing his last feeding then, because we will almost have to skip a feed to do that. THoughts?

Hugs to all those going back to work. I know it must be a LOT to juggle, especailly with pumping. I am so thankful I'm not going back any time soon. I don't think I could handle it!

Okay ladies off to shower before we go to the doc. Here's a recent pic of my little guy!


  • Ethan.jpg
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He's lovely Rotters :hugs:

Harry goes to bed about 9.30 too, i'd like to get it back to 8.30 but I like to feed him up well before he goes off! I'm going for 9 oclock tonight so we'll see how he goes :haha:

Hugs Membas :hugs:
angela- nathon sleeps from about 7pm-7am. he takes his last feed at 7pm when he goes to bed. all of mine have done this. i imagine in a couple months he will start going to bed at 8ish just from what my others have done. maybe you can try feedig him a little earlier every night and see how he does? im not messing with bedtime at the moment. it seems to be working well with him, so im just waiting on him to start changing things when he's ready. one thing i did with my girls was i would put a little cereal in their last bottle and warmed it up. it helped to keep them full through the night. you have to use a nipple with a bigger hole or make the hole bigger yourself though or they cant get the cereal through. my boys hated it and even gagged when i tried it with them. so i know it diesnt work with every baby.:flower:
Thanks roons and blessed!

He actually gets the a/r (acid reflux) formula, which has rice cereal "built in" according to his doc. I think that has been what helped us get him sleeping through the night so well. The only reason I have not moved his bedtime back (well, really his last feed, because he still falls asleep before then) is just because we are still on a pret good schedule, where he eats about 6:45, then every three hours thereafter for six feeds a day. The reason hubby is complaining is he gets the late shift on other (because I get the early one so he can go to work) so he keeps wanting to feed him at around 8 for the last night feeding, but I can't figure out how to do that while till keeping a decent interval between the other feeds, unless we just eliminate a feeding. Will talk to his doc today and see what she thinks. I dunno? :shrug:

Hugs all! :hugs:
angela- i hope you can figure something out :hugs:

i always have a pooch on my lower tummy, im not even gonna try to get rid of it -after this many kids i think it would be impossible. but today i woke up to a very noticable bump! it wasnt there yesterday thats for sure. :happydance:

Hugs, I know I am hoping and dreading that at the same time, hoping I will be pumping when I go back to work as it will mean we are still BF but dreading having to do the pumping bit itself - I know what you mean about feeling like a cow ... how many Oz are you getting now? is it getting easier to make sure she has enough for the day?

depending on the time of day but usually 4-5 oz a session. i feed her in the morning before i leave, pump 2.5-3 hours later. i feed her at lunch time and pump again 2-3 hrs later then feed her when i get home. yesterday i pumped 8.5 total and she took only 1-3 oz bottle around 12 and then came to see me for feeding at 2, and i got home at 430. so because i still get a midday feeding she isnt taking a ton by bottle. last night i gave her a 3 oz bottle just to use the pumped milk and because we are working hard on bottle training and my nipples hurt from her popping off so much (distracted easily). fed her a lot this morning so pumping now and only getting about 3 oz total (1.5 per side). i would prefer 4-5 oz but oh well. she will be here in an hour for lunch, so will bf her and offer bottle.
Kirima is not sleeping through - she's had a cold lately which has been bothering her and she's teething again. She seems to be having a late nap though - she goes down about 19:30 and then sleeps til 21:00 then wakes again for a short while. It is most frsutrating!

Can't believe so many are pregnant again and that a lot of thinking of trying again so soon. A friend of mine told me she'd run away if she heard I was pregnant again after the last pregnancy. I must admit I keep wondering what I would do if I were to fall pregnant again - might have to go and live with my mother at least til the second half of pregnancy as I really need someone around 24 hours a day to get through it safely and with someone to watch the children when I can't. So no plans of trying again soon if ever.

Right now I am trying hard to find some work - either part time or locum work but it is seeming harder than usual right now. Maybe it will pick up as summer starts arriving - it is staying light so much later now which is nice and the weather has suddenly got so much warmer.
Max is still sleeping in my bed most of the night. The hubby works graveyard shift so its usually just me and him. He will only stay asleep for 30 min or less if I put him down when he is sleeping now. It is getting very tiring, I think it is because he is teething though. He has his first tooth about to pop out on the bottom. Sorry havent been on much. I have been going to school everyday and doing everything else also. Plus hubby has been working a lot of overtime so we can get caught up financially. I have been very stressed and feeling very depressed lately. I think postpartem is hitting hard this time. I am trying to work through it. Looking forward to the weekend and the hubby being home some. Hope everyone is doing better then me at the moment.:cry: Going to go try and get a good nights sleep.
:hugs: brai. olivia is sleeping with me a lot right now too..she's gone back and forth between her bed and mine...and mixing that at night, but now she's all with's tiring for sure. i am getting more used to it, and DH is on the couch, just to give us some space in the bed. sorry you are feeling stressed and depressed :hugs: glad hubby is comign home in a few days

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