*~*March Mummies*~*

wow button- what was the problem with MIL? we have some people in our family that arent happy about it. its more about them deciding we have enough kids. they were happy for the first 3. with 4, 5, and now 6- people have started expressing their rude opinions. we have decided to ntnp the rest of our lives and let the Lord decide what He wants us to have, so i guess they better get used to it:haha:

its so sad people cant find any joy in new life being created:nope:

well im over the moon you ladies are havig babies. i know they will be blessed and you will too! so add one person to the excited list for you:flower:
i am thining of gettinga t shirt printed with

o we are not trying to repoppulate the earth, just out number the idiots lol
LOL hun im sooo sick too. havent vomitted yet, just very nauseous off and on all day. ugh! i have taken a couple zofrans over the last couple days. the sea bands don't seem to help me

I hate that you are sick, but I am so happy that I am not alone. At least you aren't vomiting. I can't eat without it coming up. Dr. prescribed me Phenergan (Promethazine) for it. But I can't take it every four hours, fall asleep and not mind my children all day. DS1 is 13, but only physically, lol I wouldn't trust him to keep an eye out for the other 2. Plus make them a little no-cook lunch. I think he would feed himself and go back to his video game. lol lol My DH is off this weekend, so I may have to cave in when he wakes up an take the pill.

I wanted to try those sea bands. My cousin swears by them, but I think when she used them their effectiveness was all in her head. :haha: The nurse gave me a morning sickness friendly menu to help the situation. Thumbs down on its effectiveness, because my little bean just hates food.:rofl:

:rofl: i have def been there. im waiting for the vomitting to start. any second, any day now. my ob says to eat crackers but it doesnt help me when the sickness really kicks in. its sad when you plan what you wanna eat based on what you are ok with throwing up later:wacko: my girls are 11 and 12 and do pretty good with keeping my 4 yr old and 19 mo old busy, but i also have a 5 mo old. so theres no getting out of that:dohh: my DH is good about helping out real good, but would be nice if i could find a way to keep him home and still get paid just til morning sickness is over:haha: hope yours doesnt last much longer hun!

:rofl: Yea the nurse (so sweet) so naive to the problems I am truly having handed me those menu suggestions with grace, and a true belief that all my problems were solved.:nope: Who can't eat a bowl of soup without vomiting?! Who does that?! ME! ME my dear! My little bean loves to consume wind-pie and Air-pudding (nothing). :rofl:Poor DH, he watches me after I finish eating, I start gagging, he says "Oh God." And hold his stomach. :dohh:

If you find a way to keep your DH home and he still gets paid, let me know so I can keep mine home too. My kids would be in heaven if Daddy was home all day with them, allowing them to do the things that Mommy just wont let them.

I hope it doesn't last much longer either, thanks so much. I have been busy with enrolling the kids into a new school. OMG, all those packets of paperwork and the supply shopping and for goodness sake the UNIFORMS!!! This is the one time that my children truly gave the fitting room a run for the money. lol
MIL has alot of issues with me, basically I took away her son! she doesn't control him anymore and she hates that!

She was horrified last time because 'what will people say!!!' because we decided too concieve our baby before we got married, our wedding was booked (we got married when we were 25 weeks pregnant), we wanted our baby too be born after we were married so timed TTC accordingly but she just was not happy
eek and forgot too add ............

I just found pea pod's heartbeat on the doppler!!!!
fngrscrossed- lol- my DH cant watch me or he gags along with me. poor thing. i know people mean well with their suggestions on what to eat, but im just trying to survive right now. i had crackers and water for breakfast yesterday, yay me! haha my kids would love for dad to be at home taking care of them too. i know exactly what you mean:haha:

i know what you mean about school too, ugh. and since education budget is getting cuts around here we spent over $200 just for enrolling them. ours dont have uniforms, just a gym one. that amount doesnt include back packs and supplies though. i dont even want to know what we spent all together on clothes, enrollment, and supplies for school this year. if i wasnt already sick from ms i would be sick from that!:dohh:
button- yay for hb!!!!! thats an amazing feeling:cloud9: i wouldnt worry too much about peoples judgements of you. if you live for what people think about you, you will never be yourself. im sure she isnt perfect and theres probably a lot of things people would say they think she did wrong. its so easy to point out what we dont like that someone else is doing instead of loving people where their at :hugs:
well last night my dh told me that i am not the only pregnnt woman looking after 2 babies and feeling sick, i tried to point out that other mums might get dinner made for them but he was not convinced lol i wish he could feel this bad for 1/2 a day so he would understand and not just think i am moaning
Oh boy. If my husband said that to me it would be on Like donkey kong. I hope he thinks the couch is comfortable and knows how to make his own sorry ass some dinner!:haha:
Blessed - I totally agree that's why I we decided to have a home birth. I believe God provides and protects. I trust my body too because God created it and it is meant for birth.

Button - Congrats!! Yay! That's so wonderful!! I really can't wait for that!

2ndtime - Maybe you should do nothing all day but sit on your rump and see what he thinks of that. Then maybe he can appreciate it more. lol I told my husband (he used to be a party hard person) that the first trimester is like having a hang over all the time. After that he has been at least a little more sympathetic. Cooking a baby isn't exactly easy.
i told him the hangover thing lol but didnt seem to work lol

as for the couch we have both kids in the bedroom with us so the couch is a treat lol need to move house we live in a one bed
Just noticed there are 2 March 2012 threads. Guess I'll post here too, not sure if there is a difference or if anything will be merged. I'm due the 17th though I suppose that could change after our first u/s on Aug 12th. I was faithfully recording my periods and of course forgot to record my June period so I don't accurately recall when it started. We can't wait for our u/s next week! What ever happens we will still be March 2012.
i love my doc. she called and checked up on me yesterday and is scheduling a scan purely for peace of mind. i know the Lord is working through her to give me the best care possible. :cloud9: cant wait to see our little baby!
blessedmomma thats great news!

I am feeling awful right now, we have just announced our pregnancy and well I have upset 2 friends :( Both are desperate for baby's of their own but for 1 reason or another are unable too at this time have them, so now I feel totally awful and guilty that I am now pregnant for a 2nd time :(

Told the parents at the weekend, my parents are over the moon as expected and hubby's parents ...... well we got a reaction that I totally expected :( I don't know why they can't just be happy for us :(
just woke up after a 3 hour nap with my two little ones so thats a result lol

anyone eles worried their little one will come early and end up being a feb 29th baby i hav alreadu told dh i am spendin the 28th and 29th of feb laid on the sofa with my legs crossed lol i guess it would be ok but i really dont want my lo to only get a birthday every 4 years
button- you have nothing to feel guilty about in any way. its sad that they are so desperately wanting a baby but not getting pregnant, but they should still have joy for you. im sure if they got pregnant they wouldnt want to have someone act upset towards them. sometimes we have to put our own feelings aside to share in someone elses excitement so we are not envious of what they have. hopefully soon they will be bigger than their emotions and decide to be happy with you:hugs: and as for your in laws- well sounds like you cant do anything to please them really, so theres really no point in trying. im glad you have parents who are overjoyed for you! thats the way it should be :flower:

2ndtime- i hadnt really thought about it, but i wouldnt want a leap day baby either. hopefully that wont even be an option for me cuz that would put my LO almost 4 weeks early. i would like to be very near my due date this time.
Button- I was that girl in their position, so I can relate. It's really hard when it is, or at least seems, so easy for everyone else, and it's never ever you. And tbh it's a feeling you can't truly understand unless you've been there. That being said, if these two were good friends they would be jealous, and your news may sting them a bit, but they should still feel happy for you. If they aren't, they don't sound like very good friends. I wouldn't wish infertility on my worst enemy, let alone a friend. You being pregnant with your second is a wonderful happy gift. Don't let sour people make you feel any different :hugs:
I tried everything I could too make it easier on them (I know I can't make it easy but you know what I mean), I made sure I told them rather than them finding out off others, I just so wish for both of them that they could have their own babies :(

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