March Mummy's - waste time with me

Because of being tight on money, we've decided against buying a king sized bed (family bed, no cribs or bassinets). That means I need to rearrange the two mattresses in the bedroom to allow for enough space for the 4 of us (me, husband, toddler, and baby). Baby, toddler, and I will be on the full and husband will be on the twin. Would be great if I could get the toddler to sleep with my husband, but I doubt it! We'll see. A dresser would be nice too, but I think I might just grab some boxes from the garage and use them to organize the baby clothes.
I just did my GD glucose intolerance test earlier this week. Hopefully all is well. I read something recently that breastfeeding can throw off your numbers.

Anyone else planning a home birth? My first was a home birth and I'm planning the same this time around. It is with a different midwifery practice though, as I lived 3.5 hours from here when I had my first. Last time was a licensed midwife, but not a nurse midwife. This time around, there is only one option for a non-nurse-midwife and she's scary. She's also unlicensed. Therefore it was a no-brainer to go with the midwifery practice that only has nurse midwives. They're separate from the hospital which is why they can do home births. It is more expensive though and until this month, I was off insurance! Glad to be on now, but I don't think my insurance will pay for the actual delivery. Luckily it does cover well-baby checks though.
I'm due march 18th but guessing march 2nd. I went into labor at 36+5 weeks with both my other two pregnancies and assuming the same for this one.

I'm huge, I'll be 30 weeks in two days and have gained a whopping 28 pounds and not just belly. :cry:

My lower back is always aching and it takes all my energy to get up off the couch at the end of the day. I'm really regretting buying a house with two floors. The top of the stairs is like an endless journey for me and catch myself just sleeping on the couch to avoid "going up there," and cry when I think about how I used to run up the stairs excitedly to get my son up from his nap and race down the stairs to start his cartoons.

I miss being my normal active, overly energetic skinny self. My boobs are huge and I hate it. Too heavy. I'm swollen and look like an ogre. I was soooo cute when pregnant with my son and just had the bump. This time arounnd and I gained everywhere like I did with my first child and thinking it's a "pregnant with a girl" thing. Thankfully, this is my last pregnancy, and stopping at 3.

I feel like my husband thinks I'm pathetic because I'm only 30 weeks and moving slowly around the house like a 9 month pregnant chic should, not a 30 weeker.

I'm depressed today. Sorry for rant.
Northern - Hope the GD doesn't throw off the plans for a vbac. Are you in Canada? Your screen name sounds Canadian :)

Kate - Hope you get your vbac as well. I've heard recovery from a section can be long and draining compared to vaginal.

Sarahbear - Hope the bed situation works out. I've never been much if a co-sleeper. My kids were all do squirmy! Even now when my 2 year old ends up in our bed it's nothing but kicking and punching! Lol I would live a home birth, but we have no midwives in the area and the nearest hospital in iver and hour away. I was interested in the birth centre in the city but wasn't impressed with the midwife I was offered. We've chosen a smaller town hospital birth about a 1/2 hour outside a big city. They seem very good :)

All you ladies have great bumps! I'll probably take my next bump pic around 30 weeks.

As for a shower....none for me as this is my 4th baby and we pretty much have all we need.
Nursery is ready as I just moved my 2 year old out of it. Just needs a good cleaning and some organizing. Planning on pulling out some gender neutral clothes in the next few weeks (don't know what we having)....
Hi ladies I'm due 20th March with my first. We have bought most of the major stuff but still have some more bits and pieces to get like sheets and blankets etc. And DH and BIL are going to rearrange our two spare rooms to accommodate for the nursery. The larger one has a spare bed for guests and the smaller one is DHs office. But the guest room is going to be rearranged so to fit DHs office and the spare bed and his office is going to be the nursery. The temperature doesn't fluctuate as much in the smaller room so thought this would be better for our lil man. Still so much to do until our little one arrives. Looking forward to going on maternity leave, only 8 weeks left to go!
I'm due March 10th and I too feel gigantic. And I can't sleep more than an hour or two at a time 'cause I have to pee so much.
Ladies you all have such great bumps! Mine is tiny by comparison :( I'm very thin and long bodied though so guess there is plenty of space in there! My fundal height is spot on which surprises me because I honestly don't look that big.
We have most things we need as we have a DD already, just topping up on done clothes and getting new moses and cot mattresses as the old ones have been sitting in the loft for nearly four years. Annoyingly, I know there is a bag somewhere up there with baby pram suits and hats but I can't find it anywhere! Hopefully it will be hot by the end of March but we've had snow in April before so who knows!?
Katestar gorgeous bump!!!!!!!! I so hope you get your VBAC. The fact you want to even attempt it though is great! Was your son a planned section due to previa or something? Or were you an EMCS? I was so terrified lf ending up with an EMCS with my son because an inductiom at 33 weeks was probably going to fail, bit luckily it was quick and perfect. Didn't even get the drip, just had the prostalglandin (cervadil)

I was induced at 33 weeks with my son due to PE, the PE problems arose at 29 weeks. But here i am at 32 weeks with not a blood pressure or PE problem in sight! My daughter i went into labour naturally at 39+3 and gave birth at 39+4. So one termie and one premmie.

Yeah, I had previa so planned section at 38 weeks, was pretty easy to be honest & I recovered well but really want to try & experience a natural labour, really hoping it works out for me :)

I'm glad all is going so well for you so far, I'm sure you'll make it to term sweetie :)
Hello all, im due 1 March, hoping slightly earlier as first was born at 34 weeks and my husband is out of the country around my due date because of work.

Im huge all over, not suffering too much - anaemic, short of breath, swollen ankles and pins and needles in my hands :-(
Aww Tillysmum, I hope you feel better! Those are a bunch of icky symptoms, lol. But the end result makes it more than worth it!

And hello ladies :) I am due March 15th. Currently 29w 5d pregnant :) In comparison to all of your beautiful bumps, mine is quite small! Ob/gyn says that I am measuring on time - guessing baby is all jumbled up in there somehow, haha.

We actually just finished painting the nursery and have most of our necessities. Just need to buy some more newborn onesies and other hospital bag essentials. Also need to set up the nursery with the crib and all.

Recently had my 1st glucose tolerance test and failed it :( ob was shocked because I have no fam history and according to her I am really skinny. Did my 2nd 2-hour test on fri and really hoping its negative for gd. Don't want to worry more about this pregnancy :( Already spent a night at the ER due to fast heartbeat (120 bpm). Praying for a healthy and safe remainder of pregnancy and postpartum!
Great to see a March thread ladies. I'm also due March 11, first baby!, seems there are a few of us due this date how exciting!

I have my baby shower this Saturday, so really looking forward to it and have my antenatal class on Sunday, to learn all about the birth options at our hospital. We have most of the nursery sorted, decorated, with cot put together, bassinet, clothes, nappies, pram, baby capsule! As for health wise, feeling alot of upper back pain (tried everything to no avail, physio, pilates, massage), also have low blood pressure, so get dizzy spells, anemic so on iron tabs, but other than that feeling good, baby moving alot, also have a scan next week to see if my low-lying placenta has moved up, fx, looking forward to seeing baby again! :)
Baby is jammed up under my ribs making it impossible to take deep breaths or reach for anything. I feel like I'm being stabbed in the lungs. So much fun.
Baby is jammed up under my ribs making it impossible to take deep breaths or reach for anything. I feel like I'm being stabbed in the lungs. So much fun.

Ugh, my son used to do that, I swear I had a foot in my ribs the entire third trimester with him! This one is still pretty free, sometimes movements are really low down, sometimes high up.
I'm due March 20th. I actually feel like time is flying. I guess being a first time mom I want to be super prepared so I'm starting to panic about having everything ready. Less than 11 weeks just doesn't seem like much time. I am however finally getting to that "over it" point. It's gonna be a long couple of months. I'm only 5'2" so I just feel like there's no more room in there!
I really struggle to get around. It's been like this for a few weeks. But seriously it's as if I'm about to pop when i still have so long to go. I am anaemic with this pregnancy also, my lower back pain and pelvic pain ir horrific, some days i can barely walk, if i go shopping i can't go for more than an hour because then it's just too much on my body and i end up sitting down every 5 minutes. If i spend an entire day out and about then i spend an entire 2-3days trying to get my pelvis and back to recover. Not to mention the pregnancy insomnia, it's like I'm awake all day and night. I experienced that in my 1st pregnancy but not my 2nd. I can't believe how crap i feel. So different to my other pregnancies. What is the same though is my ability to have 1000 braxton hicks per day!!!! Urgh!!!! All my pregnancies are like this but i seriously have them all day long. They're triggered by just about anything. Walking, fullbladder, standing too long, rubbing my tummy and they damn hurt. They create back pain when they're happening and if i try walk while I'm having one then i get horrendous shooting pains below the bump, they also make me really breathless for some reason.

This pregnancy is really really tough and I've always been one of those women who really love pregnancy, but this one is testing me. Even had a big spew tonight!
I was much younger with my first pregnancy and feel like my body was in much better shape to handle all the extra pressure.....each pregnancy got a little harder on me physically....and now, almost 11 years after my first, my body feels much older! Lol....I blame most of my symptoms on age and physical shape. I've promised myself to actually start taking better care of my body once this final baby of mine is earth side :)
March 13th and the time just got real SLOWWWWWW over here too. lol
I was much younger with my first pregnancy and feel like my body was in much better shape to handle all the extra pressure.....each pregnancy got a little harder on me physically....and now, almost 11 years after my first, my body feels much older! Lol....I blame most of my symptoms on age and physical shape. I've promised myself to actually start taking better care of my body once this final baby of mine is earth side :)

6.5 years between mine and I am in way worse shape this time with aches and pains!

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