Kirsty, the spotting must be old blood.
Maryanne, so what happens normally? Do you have bleeding with second baby if sth does turn out to be wrong?? With my DD at 12 weeks they saw a bleed and said it could have been a twin (but I don't know why they said that). This time they also looked for a second pregnancy as I ovulated twice (from both sides I think).
Re me - panic over for now. Baby measuring 10 weeks and all looks normal and heartbeat of 154 (I asked the woman if it's too slow but she said normal). Although the charts online say this heart rate is 5th percentile, but I just can't worry about that now until I get my panorama stuff back.
I have to say that every time I go for a scan sth worries me. Last time yolk S a measured 5.4 (now 5 days later it's 5mm). Now the heart rate measures slow, but at another place they told me heart rate shouldn't be measured trans- vaginally as it's not accurate, and she did measure it transvaginally.
I have no idea why I don't feel sick?! Now I have the heart rate to worry about and about the panorama results. I wish they would hurry up!