March rainbows 2018

Sorry it has been so long, we are in solid cluster feeding mode right now and I am exhausted.

Kristy, I am so sorry you are going through so much! That is terrifying. I hope you are all doing much better now , sending positive thoughts.

Karoolia- I was about too say how lucky, but it sounds like he is back doing what my little one is doing. She sleeps roughly 2 hours at a time during the day and now has a solid three hour wake up time during the day and at night. Sleeping 2-3 hours at night with normally one good 4 hour sleep at the end of her sleep schedule. Luck me her witching hours are between 12-4am when she only wants to be held, rocked and fed like a linebacker.

Sweetkat, so many colds! Hope your family feels better soon. Scarlet fever is so scary

We are also finding her poop diapers are now once every 3-4 days. Dr said not too worry about it. Yay.
Exclusively bf for the most part now and her weight, although still on the low side, is getting up there and on track.

Planning our meet and greets so that is fun. Everyone is very excited to see her.
oh I am lucky. From what I hear only getting up twice in the night is pretty amazing at this point. During the day though, I'm with you. My mother is here and I asked her to watch him while I laid down for a minute and I ended up passing out for several hours. Of course I woke up to a grumpy baby who wanted to be fed. I know the frequent feeding means he is growing and that's good, but it definitely becomes exhausting!
I need to get my mom here more often. I am so freaking tired and honestly starting to get snappy. Like I get no sleep at night and have no break during the day and my husband comes home after work and complains about how he is tired. So annoying.
Hey ladies! So sorry for all the illness around a lot of you. That had to be hard with newborns! Hope you all are well now!! Sorry I was lame at keeping you girls updated! I had my baby girl, March 26th at 12:42pm.
Went in for induction at 6am, 6:30am pitocin and 2cms 30%... Dr broke my water at 10:30am got the epidural 30 mins later because water breaking really set off intense labor, went from 3cm to 10cms in 30 minutes and the Dr was delivering for another lady and was almost too late for me. She came running in the room, and 1.5 contractions later out came baby Guinevere Ivy, 6lbs 3oz and 19 inches long :)
She's doing great, almost 2 weeks old now and breastfeeding, although not as smooth as my first daughter, is going ok and she's gaining weight at a good rate, Thursday she was 6lbs 8oz, so right on track.
Healing was smooth, I didn't tear this time so it was easy breezy on that term but I seem to have gotten epidural side effects as I've had a constant headache for 2 weeks now. Mortin covers it for a few hours then it wears off and it's right back again.. Hopefully it'll stop soon otherwise in making a phone call Monday to get it checked out. It's wearing me out. Hope you all are well and enjoying your little snuggly babies!!
How are you doing ladies? DD2 is 8 weeks today :)

Hope you are all ok.
We are good. Alfie has recovered from meningitis and he is very lucky it hasn't caused him too many problems. It's caused his left eye to have weak muscle so it doesn't always open properly and gets a bit swollen, hasn't got great oxygen flow through his body so his skin is always very mottled and a weak stomach so is on lactose free milk but thankfully he should out grow all those problems and the dr said he's very lucky he is walking away from meningitis with only those problems. Fingers crossed as he get older we don't notice anything else. I'm suffering bad anxiety with him because of what he went though but hopefully I can get over that soon and stop worrying as much. Alfie had his first jags on Wednesday and I'm dreading it. I'm so scared it spikes his temp and he gets ill because I know it's going to be a big trigger for me :-(

Hope everyone is doing good xxxx
Kristy - I am so glad that Alfie is getting through this terrible illness with only those issues. That must have been terrifying to go through.
We had our first jabs on Wednesday as well and she has been so super sleepy it freaked me right out. I wish I slept the whole time with her instead of checking on her temp.

Darling - congrats hun, glad the labour was smooth! Breastfeeding is so hard so glad that is working out.

Hi Sweetkat!

Afm we had a rough patch with breastfeeding
I have low supply, confirmed by my doctors and lactation consultant, so we are still adding formula but I am still breast feeding and pumping so that makes me feel better. I have literally tried everything.
Hubs father died suddenly a couple weeks ago and my once built up supply has tanked since. That and emotionally we are all really raw.

Hope everyone I saw doing well
So sorry about your father in law and your milk supply, myshel!

My little one is doing great, 6 weeks on Monday! Unfortunately it looks like I am one of those mothers that ladies and delivery triggers issues, in in the hospital with double pneumonia and possibly cardio myeopothy. They said after having a baby it can make you develop heart problems and that either the pneumonia set it off or it set off the pneumonia. I'm in shock because I came to the er over shoulder pain no coughing or anything that would suggest pneumonia except short breathing, but I swore that was because of the pain of my shoulder

I can't breast feed my daughter for 24hrs minimum while i wait for the ct contrast to leave my system. Then we'll see, I'm on pain meds and high dose antibiotics and they said I'll be here at least 2 days :(
Oh no darling, how scary!
Hope you are doing better??
Looks like baby girl is dropping my boob lately for the bottle.i a, frantically pumping to save even a little bit for the freezer for later because my supply dropped again. So we are doing half breast milk half formula so she gets some at least every day hoping to make it too three months. At 11 weeks this week!!!

Spring has finally sprung!
Myself little bit is better than none. So sorry you are having issues but glad you are able to give some still! You can do it.

So I was in hospital for 3 days with double pneumonia and a pleural effusion. Some mild heart issues, but otherwise ok. I go back for chest xray, to verify it's all cleared out. Was definitely scary and has definitely made me decide w are done having kids. I just hope whatever damage was done won't affect me too much, i want to be there for my kids and not struggling with anything. Guess time will tell. Hope everyone else is well.
Ladies hope you and the babies are all ok.

We are 14.5 weeks here and growing fast. She is in clothes for 6-9 month olds although sleepsuits for 3-6 months still fit her :)

She is the biggest cutie ever and I soooooo want another baby. In fact I have wanted one since the second she was born :).

I haven't even got my period back yet so can't try, otherwise I swear we would be lol.
Hey sweetkat!!!
Our little 13 week old was only 10lbs 11oz last week haha. She was born small and is growing fine so we are not worried, just happy she is healthy and happy.
She is wiggling and coo’ing and trying to talk back it is amazing. I also would love another one, but we had such a hard time getting pregnant that I doubt it would happy quickly.
I think DD is about 15 pounds now. She was 90th centile for both weight and height at her 8 week check up and I literally can't pull some clothes for 3-6 months on. They are waaaaaay too small.

I can't try even if I wanted. No period yet. I had it 2 months after giving birth with DD1 and DD2 was born 20 Feb so 3.5 months but no period yet :(

I also had a hard time getting to DD2 as had 3 MMCs and OH has high sperm fragmentition so I would rather start right now....
I haven’t had my period either, but my doctor told me we can still get pregnant although it’s not as common. I’m going to slowing down breast-feeding soon so I think she will start soon
Hi girls glad to see you and your littles doing great! We're great on this end too. Miss Guinevere is cooing ahhing, rolling, and being a very happy smiling baby. Sweetkat I'm with you there in the fact af hasn't even shown yet but a few weeks ago I got globs of ewcm so im thinking she just might be coming back soon. I ebf, but she's been sleeping 6-7 hours every night so i think it's possible. The stress of trying for her was a lot so idt id actively try for another. But my son (8) keeps asking me to give him more siblings, and my husband surprised me of saying he'd be okay with more... haha so we're awful with BC anyways so we will probably just ntnp.. Im pretty infertile so not imagining it'll happen but who knows. Haha
Hello ladies, how are you all doing? DD2 is almost 10 months, time has flown :)

I am also 6weeks a 3 days pregnant with what is hopefully another rainbow, but terrified given my history of MMCs.

Fingers crossed.
Hi SweetKat! Congratulations on your pregnancy!

Anyone else trying for another? We are, but to be honest I am not sure when I am ovulating and sex is few and far between. (before it was between day 17 & 20, but my body feels so weird right now)

Eloise is doing fantastic. She has been walking since 10 months, so can now full run/bolt to an open bathroom and grab toilet paper to run away with before i can even get off the floor. She has 7 teeth, beautiful red hair that is still really short, and a cute little pot belly. I ended up pumping for awhile, but gave up after six months as she just wasnt gaining enough. I think I ebf until about 4 months. I felt so bad about it, but we started hanging out and playing more once I did this and it was such a good move.
She is sleeping great, but at weird times right now. teething those last five did a number on her and she is now going to bed anywhere between 10-1130 and getting up at 10:30
She also dropped a nap, so only on a one nap cycle right now. it seems to be working for her, but now I have to figure out how to get her to bed earlier. Wish me luck.

Her birthday is on THURSDAY!!! What?!? How did this ever happen?
The days are long but the years are short. has never been so true.

How is everyone elses little rainbow?
Hello Myshelle, didn't see your reply here. DD2 is still not walking, only crusing and crawling at super speed :). She also has a habit of crawling over to the bathroom and unrolling all of the toilet paper before I can even blink :). We also have a cat, but she is quicker than the cat at causing toilet paper chaos :)

I was having an uneventful pregnancy until 17 weeks, when I was diagnosed with a low lying placenta - 1 centimetre away from the cervix. The consultant says mine won't move because of how it's positioned at the top and will turn into a full blown placenta previa, which increases the risk of placental abruption, bleeding, preterm labour and mother/ child death. I am absolutely terrified and am on almost complete bed rest. I get up to go to the toilet and I go to scans, other than that not left the house for 15 days now...

I would rather be in hospital, but they only hospitalise if you already have severe bleeding :(. I will find out about being hospitalised around week 30, although as it wouldn't be covered by any insurance I am sure that any hospitalisation would be VERY expensive :(.

Hope you are all doing well :)

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