Marie Claire readers to test Avon products


BnB Co-Founder ~ Retired
Aug 31, 2006
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Do you love testing out new skincare products? Or have you always fancied being a beauty writer? We are looking for six Marie Claire readers to help us test a selection of Avon products over a period of six months. Avon is the world’s leading direct seller of beauty and skincare products and its innovative products have been used by women in the UK for nearly 50 years. The successful applicants will join a panel that will try out and report back on different products by email. A selection of the panel’s feedback will be published in the magazine, along with their names.

To thank you for participating, all members of the panel will receive free products worth £100 from Avon as well as all the products we ask you to review. Plus you’ll have the chance to win a fantastic luxury holiday for two in Catalonia, Spain, worth up to £2,000. The winners will stay in a medieval castle dating back to the 14th century which has been beautifully restored into a boutique hotel with a fantastic restaurant. You’ll stay on a half-board basis and your flights to and from Gerona from London, car hire and travel insurance are all included.

If you’re interested in joining our review panel, send us a postcard with your name, address, telephone number and the reason why you think you would make a good panel member. Just send your details to: Marie Claire/Avon Beauty Campaign Panel, PO BOX 32778, IPC Creative, King’s Reach Tower, Stamford Street, London SE1 9LS. The panel will be selected on 1 November 2006.

To be eligible you must be available to test and feedback on products between 1 November 2006 and 30 April 2007. Terms and conditions apply.
So don’t delay, drop us a note and you might be lucky enough to be one of the first people to test out the breakthrough product of the future or even win a week’s luxury break in a boutique hotel in Spain.

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