May 2010 Clomid Round 2 Buddies

I'm so sorry you're going through this, Yomo. And I'm also mad your boss betrayed your trust like that. I don't live in the UK so I don't know how the legal system works, but I think you can get some redress from this. As long as they can not physically prove that your work has suffered, they do not have any basis for this discrimination. Good luck dear. I pray you're able to get justice on this!
Evening girls,

Yomo, that is terrible!! It's hard to believe that sort of thing can still happen in this day and age. I think you should lodge a grievance! I'm thinking of you, and hope that you get a resolution on this. :hugs:

Daisii, it's nice to see you and I'm glad that you and the bean are well and happy!

Zee zee, welcome to the thread! I remember the clomid mood swings well. Hang in there, hopefully it will all be worth it in the end.

Palmer, fingers crossed the witch stays away for you love.

Thanks to all for your votes of confidence about me and my many eggs! One more scan at 8am tomorrow, then hopefully I will know when I can get the little treasures out. They are starting to hurt!!

lots of love and babydust xxx
MrsJA- wow that sounds great...16!!!! I have a good feeling about this for you....

caz - yeah hun that is how I felt also...clomid makes everything else hurt. I recently found out it is because it could make endo flare up more....which of course makes me think even more that I have it.

Yomo - I am so with you....a chore is an understatement. I really hope those people at your work get what they deserve for treating you this way!

zee - welcome hun...I can understand the mood swings...crazy what hormones can do huh!

afm I had a slight temp drop this morning so I am thinking it is heading downwards....we will see what tomorrow brings.
Jess - I'm not familiar with the IVF process so excuse my question if it should be obvious...will they be able to set some of your 16 aside for a subsequent IVF? I imagine they'll only use a few this time. Does that mean you don't have to go through this stimulation & collection process again?

Yomo - I would be in my HR department pronto. If they don't have cause, I can't imagine how they'll get away with it.

I am patiently waiting to ovulate and still enjoying a low pressure cycle. I wish I ovulated a little earlier in my cycle to cut down on the waiting game. Does anyone know if ovulating around CD18 means there could be some issue? I'm trying not to be unexplained!
omigod - 3 nights of clomid and it seriously feels like my ovaries are going to burst! Is this normal??
i haven't got endo hun my fs checked everything when i has a lap hun how is everyone today xxx
omigod - 3 nights of clomid and it seriously feels like my ovaries are going to burst! Is this normal??

Your ovaries are stimulated, so I little tenderness is ok. But clomid can also cause overstimulation (i and another lady on here experienced that a month ago) if you are worried, call your doc. :hugs:
Thanks everyone for you lovely words as well as your advice. We don't have a HR department which is really difficult. I have seeked advice and they have told me as many of you said I have to raise a grievence. I had an informal chat with my boss today, I asked her to for the reasons why I have been demoted and also asked why I had not been given any warnings. She came out and said that if I appeal it then basically I shall be put through the disaplinary procedure and sacked! I really don't know what to do! I am scared that I am going to end up without a job which normally wouldn't be an issue but my husband was made reduncant 3 weeks ago.

On the plus side I got a positive opk lastnight! I was soooo bloated and very tender around my cervix alot more than last month. My heart was not in it but I still managed to get one in and I used loads of preseed.

How is everyone else? Xx
yomo - yeah for the positive OPK...but I cant believe this idiots!!!!

Caz -well that is good, I really hope I dont have it either, I go and get it checked on June 21.

Does anyone know what the sensitivity is on a normall ept test?
Hi ladies,

Lola, I hear a lot of girls say that they o late when they're on a clomid cycle. I didn't o til day 19 on mine. Here's hoping that it happens for you soon! Do you just wait til you get a + OPK to do the IUI? How does that work?

Re your question (not silly at all btw) yes, the idea is that you freeze a bunch of embryos for subsequent transfers, so you don't have to do this 8 week protocol again. If we fail on this round and have to try again, the next round should be much easier. You just wait for AF to show and then transfer one of the frozen embies at the right time.

Not all of the 16 eggs will be retrieved successfully, and not all the ones that get retrieved will be fertilised. If we end up with about 6 to freeze I will be really happy. So fingers crossed eh?!

TTC, forgive me because I'm not a temper - what does a drop mean? How many DPO are you now, love?

Zee zee, I had quite a lot of discomfort during my clomid cycle too, but if it gets worse do see your doctor. You don't want to be overstimulating or anything.

Yomo, glad to hear you had some good news with the + OPK!

Caz, also hoping AF is nearly through so you can start with the next cycle.

Isi, just saying hi - hope you have a great a Friday!

Lots of love and babydust to everybody else! xxxxx
no need for forgiveness Mrs JA....If you click on my chart in my siggy you will see my temps...and the last one is down from the 2 subsequent ones....that is all....usually if you are pg your temp will stay high above that horizontal red line. it is still way above it but I wish it would have stayed up and maybe increased a bit ya know! I guess I will wait and see what happens tomorrow.
I hope everything gets sorted out, Yomo. I'm so sorry you're going through this and really pray that you get only the best outcome! Congrats on the positive OPK get cracking!!!

Hi MrsJa! How much longer do you have to before your ET? I am praying for beautiful twins (or triplets :winkwink:) for you!!!

Hope everyone is doing great! :dust: to everyone!
Thanks Isi! We should be transferring our embryo on either Thursday or Friday of next week. (eeeeeeek!)

We will know the final date for both the egg collection and the transfer tomorrow, so I'll keep you guys posted!

No chance of twins or triplets for us though - in Australia the standard protocol is to transfer 1. It's because of the higher risk of mortality with multiple pregnancies. You can transfer 2 if you really want though. We're going to see how we go with this first one, and maybe look at transferring 2 next time, if we don't have any luck.

TTC, I will start praying for a temp increase for you then. Thanks for explaining!

Hope everybody else is having a nice start to the weekend. xxxx
Jess - Yes, IUI for me will be based on a + OPK. They've told me to test in the morning and schedule the procedure the day after. I expect it will happen next Wed - Fri, so our cycles will actually be synced up at that point!

Sarlar - Are you losing your mind in the tww?

TTC - hoping your temps stay up there.
lola- totally losing my mind!! how exciting about the IUI! FX for next week being successful!!

mrsja- brilliant news about your follies-cant wait until they complete egg collection and transfer!! soon you and lola will be bump buddies:)

isi-hopefully af comes soon!! i know how bad its sucks waiting for it....
tc- going nuts here for you!! test yet???

i apologize ladies i havent posted much as I am trying not to drive myself insane!! I have been trying to limit my obssessing time!! but i have been keeping up with you all!

I think I am 4 DPO today. Have had cramps on and off since O, constant back ache, headaches started in yesterday, terrible bloating since O, cm went from ewcm on O to a thick yellowish to milky CM now. Who knows really as i know the clomid can make af symptoms so much worse!! Trying not to get my hopes up to much!! I am holding of my day 21 labs till next week so we get a more accurate reading as i am only 4 dpo today. Will have labs monday or tuesday and then more waiting!! ordered some pregnancy tests through internet and have been very careful- no exercise, no lifting, no caffeine, no medications- even though i want ibuprofen really bad!!

didnt help an old friend of mine from college called yesterday and asked "are you pregnant yet?" i of course said now and she said, "oh i was hoping you would say yes because i am!" and of course they were NOT trying at all.... go figure...
1 or 2....I'll still be rooting for you, MrsJa...and hoping that first time will be the charm for you!!! :thumbup: are you hun? Good luck when you test!!!

Sarlar, thanks luv! I am sooooooooo looking forward to it, it aint even funny. I understand how you feel in that 2ww too!!! But I'm crossing everything for you that there will be a lovely :bfp: at the end of it!

Lola, when is your IUI scheduled? Good luck with it dear.

Yomo...thinking of you.
Thanks ladies -

sarlar -nope havent tested yet...I really dont feel like I will have the chance. My body seems to be going back to boobs arent as sore and they dont feel as full.....

Isi -Thanks for asking, I am doing ok...I guess now I will be gearing up for surgery on the 21st....not looking forward to that.
well they are going to be doing a lap to check for endo and then possible remove a fibroid that I have in there.

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