May 2010 Clomid Round 2 Buddies

Hey ladies!

ttc- still holding out hope for you! lotsa girls have no symptoms and fall pregnant!! if not, at least there is a plan:) and yes i do do opks, i had a positive 7days ago last sunday so i think i ovulated monday when i was in so much pain.

mrs ja- getting exciting! SO GLAD you are moving onto the next step soon!

lola- i think it is great how relaxed you are!! the rest of us need that....

is- thanks for encouragement! hope all is well with you.

caz-glad you are done with the pills now!! onto the fun part-bd!!

afm- well cramps have pretty much disappeared, but so has my cm!! I AM THINKing that is a bad sign. still feel achy and tired, sore nips, headache. i dont know what to think. i guess i should stop thinking about it for a few days!!
I have a question because I'm confused. I went in for my progesterone test last Thursday (no O) and I don't believe I have O'd since. The doctor said that if I haven't seen AF within 10 days of the progesterone test, I will start on Provera again. Is that just meaning that he thinks the dose wasn't strong enough? Also, he wants me to go in for an exam on day 3 or 4 of menstration? What would be the reason for this? I didn't think to ask when I was in last Thursday.
Thanks so much!
Mrsja - you are so right...we have defo. figured out our bodies. This is so exciting for you. Is the egg retrieval outpatient? Do you have to go under anethisia...i am so afraid of general.

Sarlar - Yeah you probably did Ov when you had all the pain, that is how I know I am oving.....esp on clomid.

well I had a huge temp drop this morning so I am thinking Af will be here today or tomorrow. I am trying to gear myself up for surgery. My dr appt is in Florida on Monday. Wish me luck!
Oooh how exciting Mrs JA! I can't wait for you to be in the 2ww!!

Ttc, I'll be rooting and praying for you!

Sarlar, I have everything crossed for you. It aint over yet!
Evening girls!

Lola, what's news? You must be just about ready for your IUI now right? Are you seeing any signs of ov?

TTC, has the witch shown up?

Sarlar, 10 DPO for you today! That is usually the part of the 2WW where I start to go a bit nuts. How are your symptoms going?

MN, I'm not sure about the day 3 test. Sorry to hear you didn't manage to ov this cycle. How many mg of clomid were you taking?

caz, good luck with the bd!!

I'm doing egg collection at 7:20 tomorrow morning, so I'll write later and let you girls know how many eggies we got!! It's a general anaesthetic, but I won't be out for long and hopefully will recover within a day or so.

lots of love and babydust xxx
Good luck, Jess! So exciting to finally be here. May your eggies be large and plentiful!

Sarlar - any plans to test, maybe tomorrow? Your symptoms sound good - I hope I get to say "sore nips" at some point!

MNLady - My guess is that they'll do blood work on CD2ish, but I really don't know. I would call your doctor's office for clarification.

TTC - Still holding out hope for you :)

Isi - are you waiting for AF? I wasn't sure by your ticker.

AFM, I'm patiently waiting to ovulate. Today is CD16 and CBFM was high again. My best guess is that IUI will be Friday. I'm starting to get a little anxious but mostly excited to be doing something new this time.
Lola- so exciting about IUI!! HOpefully you O soon so you can get this show on the road!!! I definately see a bfp at the end of this tunnel:thumbup:

mrsja- Good luck on egg collection!! HOPEfully those little eggies are all primed and ready and you recover super quickly!

is- i am crossing everything although i dont really "feel it" this month! WHERE are you in your cycle??

ttc- still holding out for a bfp for you!! af show up yet?? keep us posted!!

mn lady- lotsa people need a higher dose of clomid, so hopefully next month works out better!!

if i missed anyone, baby dust:)

afm, 8 dpo ovulation today actually. had my progesterone drawn today but unfortunately it takes like 3-7 days to get results so i will probably know if i am pregnant before i know my progesterone levels!! symptom wise, yellow snot like cm, ick, sore nips/bbs, aches, some intermittent nausea but no vomiting! i dont know... i just dont "feel pregnant" but we will see. i ordered cheapie tests and am waiting for them to arrive. i also bought a couple cb digitals so i think i will start testing once the cheapies arrive and save the digitals to verify if i get a bfp on the cheapies. FX!!
Well ladies, :witch: showed up on sunday....when to the doc today and start Clomid round 3 on thursday. I told her i was about ready to give up and she said to give it one more try...we will see :shrug:
aw sorry hun hate it me how is everyone today hope your all fine xxxxx
Palmer, I'm sorry to hear about the witch! Good luck with round 3.

Sarlar, Good Luck! I'm hopin' for ya'!

TTC - Hopin' she stays away!

MRsJA, How many eggs???? Waitin' to hear! :)

Baby dust to all the rest as well!!! :)
yep witch got me. I am heading to florida this weekend to see a dr on monday. They will decide then what kind of surgery to do on me. I see that I will probably ahve to take a break for a couple of months to heal and I have asked dh if we can take a cruise or I am thinking we will go in september. I really hope all goes well witht eh surgery and that we get our bfp soon after that. In the meantime, I will wait and hope!
TTC, sorry to hear about that. Good luck with your surgery. I like the cruise idea...way to be smart and take advantage of those months!!! :)
Hi girls!

Well, I'm back home and mainly intact!

I was out for the procedure, but the aftermath has been a bit more painful than I was expecting. I'm sitting on the couch and bossing DH around while he makes me dinner, which is helping somewhat!

Anyway, we got 10 eggies which is pretty good! It all comes down to how many fertlise now. I think it's usually between 50 and 75%. We find out tomorrow :)

TTC, you are such a trooper. I love it that you are going on a cruise and making the most of this time. You are a woman after my own heart :hugs: Here's hoping the surgery gives you what you need.

Lola, I'm so hoping that you get that +OPK and get to do your IUI on Friday. 2WW here we come!

Sarlar, your symptoms are sounding very positive - I have a good feeling about you girl!

Palmer, sorry to hear about the witch love.

Hope everybody else is great, and babydust to us all xxx
Lola, I was actually waiting for my next cycle (last cycle didn't quite go according to plan BD wise)....but from the feeling of things, I think she's here! Best of luck with the IUI, hun! Will be rooting for you during your 2ww!

Sarlar...your symptoms sound :thumbup:. I can't wait for you to test!!!

Ttc.....I wish you all the best in Florida dear! Even if you do have to take a brief break, just think of how much better your chances will be now. Good luck hun!

So sorry about AF, Palmer. I pray third time's the charm for you. Do you know if you ovulated?

Mrs JA....everything sounds great!!! I just have a good feeling for you. When are you having the eggs transfered? Are you having a a blasto (I forget the full name :blush:).

Faithhope....haven't seen you around here in a while. Where are ya?
Hey ladies!

Palmer- Sorry about af showing up:hugs: Hoping this next cycle is definately the one. Do you have a plan? ie.. preseed/softcups/sperm meets egg plan/opks/etc?? how was your last months progesterone??

Mrs.Ja- I am thrilled for 10 eggies!! :happydance: HOPING 75% fertilize for you!! No onto the fun part... cant wait till they implant those little babies! Glad to hear you are taking advantage of DH- you totally deserve it!! Kick back and relax and let him take good care of you!!:coffee:

Lola- Hoping for a positive opk soon darling!!

Isi- glad af is finally maybe here. Here's to cycle 2!! Now you know what not to do and what to do after that first cycle!!

TTc- So good to hear you being so positive hun!! Great you are already gettting to see the doc monday. That cruise sounds AMAzing and just what the doctor ordered!!

AFM, symptoms pretty much the same. i know 9dpo is way early to test but i am dying here!! so tempted as i have so many tests just sitting in my bathroom waiting for me.....
TTC - Sorry about the news, but sounds like you have a plan with a great attitude. Good luck with the surgery. It's not exactly fair you get to live in the Bahamas & you're going on a cruise ;)

Jess - Woo-hoo!! 10 eggs! Hopefully that means you won't have to go through this process again. At least one out of 10 has got to make it all the way.

Sarlar - I agree w/ everyone else - feeling good about you this month. Maybe testing tomorrow isn't too early.

Isi - Glad a new cycle is starting for you. It drags on forever when you know you didn't give it a good chance.

AFM, I am still on HIGH on CBFM, but I know it will peak tomorrow. That means IUI on Friday. I'm very frustrated, though, so much for the relaxing cycle. I had great EWCM yesterday, but DH didn't feel like BD. He's going to wait and give IUI one good shot. I really hope the OPK is more accurate than EWCM, which is usually gone by the time I get a surge. Sometimes I wonder if I'm that .01% that doesn't work in "laboratory tests" for OPK's.
I have everything crossed for you, Lola!!! I pray third time's the charm!

I just got back from my doctor's, and after a scan, he says I should give the clomid a rest for the next 1 (or 2) cycle(s). He says my ovaries are slightly enlarged :dohh:. So I have to go au naturel this cycle. I am really really sick of this ttc business!! A few seconds ago, a colleague sent a general e-mail announcing the birth of his daughter.... and someone else commented how sooo many babies have been born to our staff within the year. everyone but me, it seems :(. Forgive me, I'm in a very foul mood this afternoon.
awww Is sorry that happened!! it always seems when you are getting bad news people always have to rub babies in our faces!! hey, maybe you can do it on your own for a couple months with no stress!! thinking about you honey:hugs:
mrsja - wow that sounds great....and bossing your dh around is even better LOL. I am so happy all went well, I hope you feel better soon! SO whats the next step now?

Isi - sorry about those nasty annoucements, yeah they get to me too.

sarlar - yeah to early to test but i understand the temptation.

lola- yeah living here is great but dh works tons so getting away is the only way we enjoy paradise...even if we live in it ;)

Well ladies I am trying hard with the PMA, I just figure if I dont have the pma then what is the alternative. Be miserable and project that onto my loved ones? I love my DH much to much to do that to my only option is to just take it as it comes with the best attitude that I can muster.

I hope you all have a wonderful day!

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