May 2010 Clomid Round 2 Buddies

All the best dear. I also had a lap in February, so it's nothing to worry about. You'll be fine :thumbup:
thanks isi. I need to make my travel arrangements....I have to go to florida to have it done. How long do you think I will need after the surgery to get better? Not sure when I should book to come home. Did they find any endo when they did you lap?
Ttc, I was pretty much back to normal after about 4 days. They cleared up some adhesions that had formed after my myomectomy in 2008.

Good luck dear.
what kind of myo did you have? I might have to do an open one if she sees fit... along with the lap. I have a submucosal fibroid bulging into my uterus.
Hi girls,

Lola, how cool that our cycles will be in sync! I just got final confirmation from the clinic that we'll be doing egg collection on Wednesday and transfer on Friday, so try to work to that if you can - lol!

TTC, I'm thinking of you and hoping that the witch stays away, honey. Keep us posted. If the surgery is your next step we will all be pulling for you.

Sarlar, fair enough about needing to limit your obsessing time, I think we can all relate to that. I'm not looking forward to the post-IVF 2WW either, I think it's going to drive me insane!

Isi, 5 days till your next cycle now! Hope you're having a great weekend.

babydust, ladies.. xxx
TTC- i really hope you are testing like RIGHT NOW!! So excited for you. Please post results asap:)
Ttc, I had open surgery. I had quite a number of little fibroids so my doc thought that would be the best course of action.

Thanks Mrs JA! I can hardly wait! Its a football weekend here! Hope you're enjoying yours

Sarlar, how's the 2ww coming along?
2ww is SO SLOW!!! plus i am having tons of cramps and back ache so i dont know whats going on!! only 5dpo today so i got a ways to go!!
k had bad lower abdominal/pelvis cramps(like af) all through the night along with low back pain. the cramps seem to have diminished but my back pain is terrible along with hip pain, shooting down my right leg. i feel like i got hit by a truck! even my shoulders hurt... i am only 5 dpo... could the cramping have been implantation pain this early?? any ideas about the joint pain?
I'm not sure, Sarlar. I tend to thing anything that feels different could be a good sign. Who's to say it's too early at 5DPO? Some women swear they know they're preggers right away.

You just have to hang in there!
thank you Mrsja! So nice to know I have support.

sarlar - I am not testing, I know I am not pg....all of my symptoms are disappearing and I just dont feel I am saving the test.

isi - well I will see what kind of myo they recommend for me. I am afraid as I have heard the recovery is horrible. Can you offer any advise?
Ttc, if you have an alternative to open surgery, take it. I didn't have that luxury do to the number I had. Recovery was rough. But my family was great and I was strong again after 5 weeks. My scar healed quickly too. However, I did have some adhesions form but these were thankfully cleared during my lap this year. So since you have only 1 fibroid, I would advice you go with a less invasive option. I'll be praying for you!

Sounding good Sarlar! I have everything crossed for you!
TTC - Sorry if you'll be out - but who knows, maybe not. I know that feeling though, when "symptoms" turn into a familiar pattern and bam - she shows up. This is my last month on clomid, too. I don't think it did the trick for me b/c there must be some other underlying issue. Hopefully the surgery will be your answer.
isi - thanks, they said they can shave it down with hysterscopy but I have had that done and it just grew back. Thsi fibroid goes from the outside to the inside of my uterus so it is the most difficult to treat. My luck huh!

Lola - I completely understand how you feel. If you feel that there is an underlying issue then follow your gut...I have been feeling like that for months now and everytime I mention it to anyone they tell me to just be patient and relax adn it will happen ya know. I really hope after my surgery I will get pg without any further assistance.
:hugs: Ttc. I'm sure whatever they do now will take care of the problem once and for all. And if it has to be open surgery, then so be it! Good luck sweetie!
ttc- well, hopefully no symptoms will turn out to be a good sign!! praying af doesnt arrive for you!!

lola-yeah i am having a hard time because this is my first cycle of clomid and i havent ovulated before that in probably 9 years so i dont know if this is waht it will feel like or if it is different!! i guess i just have to be patient. i do know that i dont know how many months i can go on feeling like this! ILL just have to see.
sarlar are you temping or doing OPK's? That will help you pinpoint ovulation. Cramping was always a good sign to me that I ovulated.
Hi ladies!

TTC, I know what you mean about being able to read your body after all this time. I think that most of us LTTTC girls are like human OPKs and HPT's! You get so good at it you hardly even need the test.

Sarlar, plenty of symptoms going on with you I see! I had quite a lot of cramping with my clomid cycle, but nothing like that joint pain you mentioned. If you're feeling fatigued that could be a good sign for sure. I really hope you get to join Kel, Daisii and Faith on the other side this month!

Lola and Isi, did you get up to anything fun this weekend?

As for me, I'm doing my 12th and final stimulation injection later today and will do my trigger shot (at last!!) tomorrow, for egg collection on Wednesday. I'm feeling really tired today and increasingly uncomfortable in my ovaries. Bring on the next phase I say!

Hope everybody else is doing good.

love and babydust xxxxxxx
Hi girls. Just checking in with you. It's been a relaxing weekend - sorry to sound like a broken record, but I'm so relaxed this cycle.

TTC - did she show? here's hoping she doesn't.
hi girls how are you all good i hope last pill tonight yayyyyyyyyyyyy xxxxxx

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