May 2010 Clomid Round 2 Buddies

I want to make sure I didn't sound greedy or insensitive about the multiples. I would never intend to do that! It's probably natural for us all to wish for it after waiting so long.
oh Isi - I completely understand, we didnt even try this month and I am still having symptoms...LOL....I keep telling myself...stop poking your boob to see if it is sore!!!!

Lola - I dont think that is insensitive or selfish. I think if that is what you want then it is ok to voice it.

I wouldnt mind some twins but triplets scare me.
Hi ladies,

I'm still here but have had a manic week at work so not had time to check in with you girls! I am doing fine here... on CD 23ish so looking forward to a BFP early next week if I am back to a 28 day cycle. I don't want to tempt fate but I have had the same symptoms as the last time. FX!!!!!

Glad you are doing fine hunnies! Babydust for you all xxxx
TTC - I'm so glad you're getting it over with! I've done enemas before, and honestly, they're not bad at all. It actually feels nice afterward. Think of it as a healthy detox.

Sarlar - Yippee on the OPK! I'm glad you were able to get busy last night. Hopefully you can get together again today.

Palmer - Hopefully you're not out yet. I definitely had cramping last month, so AF cramps don't necessarily mean she's coming.

Isi - Surviving the tww? That's the worst part!

Kel & Jess - Thinking of you two & hope you check in at some point.

AFM, I called the clinic yesterday and the nurse said it sounds more like I have a GI issue (which I never typically get). She said my cramps sound too high to be pg related, so that was a relief. I had bloods taken yesterday and they'll likely move my first ultrasound back a few days so they can see a heartbeat(s)!! I'm secretly hoping for twins...this may very well be my one & only pregnancy & would love siblings. So Sarlar, I hope your intuition is right!

Thanks hun. I really hope this is it, but im pretty much set that its not. Currently on cd 26 and have the low back cramps, periodlike cramping- so im pretty sure im out. I dont think i can take a 4th round of clomid. Needless to say im pretty down today. :cry:
lola- I totally agree with you!! I would be happy with any healthy baby but twins would be perfect as it is so hard to go through all this process! I am not sure if my dh to hear that the cramps are probably GI related. CANT wait until the first US!!

Is-fingers crossed!! when are you planning to test?

kel- wow i am so excited back in the game already!! praying for another bfp and a sticky one at that!!! i am assuming you wont test till you are due???

:( caz:hugs:. hoping your body does its own job this month!!

AFM, thinking I o'd late last night into this morning. I had a positive opk yesterday at 330 pm and another slightly fainter positive this am at 0800 (still a smiley but lighter than the last) and then a negative at 3pm. Plus I had lots of cramps last night through the night. Managed to BD again tonight so that means I BD'd the day before positive opk, day of positive opk, and day after!! hopefully that will do it!! So, now I am officially in the 2ww!! Gonna try to chill and stay relaxed- no symptom spotting or early testing this month. Hold me to it girls!!
Evening beautiful girls,

Sorry I was absent yesterday.. I was out having dinner with the DH - and a couple of glasses of wine! (Sorry to rub it in, but those of us who are not pg, not ovulating and not in the 2WW have gotta take our fun while we can get it!)

Speaking of the 2WW.. Isi how are you doing honey?? Going crazy yet? I laughed about the itchy scalp, but if you turn out to be pg, you can bet we'll all be checking for it next month - lol! :rofl:

TTC, I'm crossing all my fingers you get a great outcome from your surgery next week. I can imagine you must be feeling nervous about it - I think anybody would. I'm sure the doctors will take care of you though, and it will be one step closer to your little one. (PS yes, I agree about the enema... I think you've just got to relax and let it happen. They're professionals and they'll make sure it all works out as it should.)

Sarlar, YAY for your +OPK and EWCM and BD'ing.. hurrah! And welcome to the 2WW honey! Soooooo hope this is the one for you.

Lola, I'm so glad the clinic have put your mind at ease about the cramps - and I hope they ease up too. Hoping for multiples is not insensitive at all - I think most of us girls on the board have fantasies about boy/girl twins! I for one would be DELIGHTED if you managed it, so no need to apologise to me! You have waited so long for this, you deserve triplets!

Palmer, hoping the cramps turn out to be a good thing!

Caz, sorry about the BFN :hugs:

Kel - here's hoping you get that BFP lady! This cycle has gone so quickly....

Sending you all lots of love and babydust xxxxx
Mrs JA....the itcy scalp "symtpm" is silly isn't it :haha:. 20 cycles on, you'd think I'd know better than to symptom spot like this. Everything for me is a symptom! Last night, I fell asleep on the couch in the living room and woke up with a start for some reason. When I did, my palms were there was increased blood flow. Of course, it immediately became a symptom for me :rofl:. Gosh! To be honest, I'm really not sure about this cycle.....but thank God, only a few more days to wait.

Lola....not insensitive AT ALL!!! Please, don't think that. Twins are the heart's desire of at least 90% of women ttc! Like TTC, I used to think triplets were scary......but now, I wouldn't even mind those :D. You deserve your heart's desires and we're here to support you throughout this beautiful journey you are now on :hugs:

Sar.....I usually just wait for AF.....BFN's are way too heartbreaking for me :nope:. AF is due on Wednesday, so if nothing by the weekend....then I'll test. And welcome to the 2ww :thumbup:. It's okay to symptom spot.....but only a little :winkwink:

Mrs P.....I have everything crossed for you babes :hugs:

TTC.....I hope you're not too nervous. Just stay positive.

Kel.....I really really hope you get that :bfp: next week. That would be such a wonderful blessing. I wish you all the very best.

Caz....good luck this cycle hun. I've heard of a number of women who get pregnant right after being on clomid.
Morning all!

Kel - We are also looking forward to a BFP for you next week! That would be fantastic.

Jess - Glad to hear you're chilling out & enjoying a few vices. I would be more effective to rub coffee drinking in my face vs wine...I want a cup so badly! I'm like a junkie.

Palmer - AF still at bay? Hope so.

Isi & Sarlar - Hope you're staying occupied during TWW.

My bloodwork came back & the nurse said it was strong based on DP IUI, so great news there!

I had a minor panic attack yesterday after DH told my in-laws. They are divorced, so with remarriages, there are 3 of them in total. They both said they want to be here for the birth, and may stay for the month of March! No way that's happening! People are crazy, aren't they? Can I really host 3 people while I'm transitioning to mommyhood, learning to breastfeed, getting accustomed to nighttime feedings, etc. Plus my Mom lives close by so I don't need help! Thank God DH said he'll tell them they'll have to stay in a hotel. That might sound harsh, but if they don't realize I need my space, they'll have to be told.

Ok, sorry for the minor rant!
MrsJa - thank you and you are right...they do know what they are doing. How are you getting along?

Isi - thank you! The symptom spotting is defo. a reflex...cuz i didnt even try this month and I am still symptom spotting! That is a funny symptom though.....

Lola - good rant, I would feel the same! Good think your dh is willing to tell them that! You are right you will need your space and they need to understand that!
Hi ladies,

Hope you are all having a lovely weekend... the sun is shining here and I feel great! CD 26 as the moment so should know pretty soon if we have been VERY lucky this month! FX! I did an ovulation test this morning and did get a faint 2nd line but not reading anything into that....will just have to wait and see!

Love to you all

Kel xxxxxxxxxxxx
Good sign, Kel!! Didn't you get a +opk when you thought AF was coming on last time?
Good sign, Kel!! Didn't you get a +opk when you thought AF was coming on last time?

Hi there,

I did an OPK 7 days after I thought I had started my that was CD36 and got two very strong lines. Will probably do another tomorrow morning to see if it gets any darker :) This is going to be the longest two days :dohh:

Kel x
Hi lovely ladies. Hope you had a great weekend :kiss:. I had a very busy one, entertaining my DH's guest from out of town, so it (kinda) took my mind of this protracted wait!!!

Lola, you are very much allowed your space, hun! I'm sure they'll understand why they need to stay in a hotel. I'm sure it's because they're all so excited. How are you doing? So glad everything is going well :hugs:

Kel...wishing you all the very very best!!!

I don't know how I feel about this cycle. I think my symptoms are vanishing and I'm really expecting whatever comes my way. I just wish the wait would be over soon!!!!

MrsJ, TTC, Caz, MrsP, everyone.....hope you're all doing great :hugs:
Evening lovely girls!

Lola, OMG I totally agree. I think I had a little anxiety attack just reading about the descent of the in-laws!! Would it be out of the question for you to leave the state for a couple of months after they all come down? LOL!

Isi, I'm thinking of you and your itchy scalp and your pounding palms! The 2WW is almost over lady...what's the plan with testing??

Kel, I'm on the edge of my seat for you too! Keep us posted honey!

TTC, when are you booked to do your surgery? I'm pulling for you over here!

lots of love and babydust
Hmmm....MrsJA, I really don't know if I'll be testing. I have such a fear of those horrid little sticks. My plan is to wait till AF is supposed to show (Wednesday or Thursday) and if it's late a couple days, I'll probably test......but I just might cave before then...who knows :winkwink:. How are you today?
is-Fingers crossed-you are getting so close!!

mrsja- hope you are enjoying your pressure free relaxing time!!

kel-i am dying to hear! cant wait for you to test and get that BFP!!

lola-hoping the dh is able to explain that you guys will need some time alone with the new babe to adjust!! hope you and bean are doing well:)

I am right smack dab in the middle of the 2ww. blah. slow. not symptom spotting just relaxing about it!!! trying not to think about it....
hey ladies need some advice. have company in town and going to go to pikes peak tomorrow and go up the cog railway to 14000 feet at the top. is this safe?? i am only 5 dpo. thanks!!

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