May 2010 Clomid Round 2 Buddies

MrsJA -well we have been up in the air but we had post poned a cruise back in may and decided to go on it now. it goes to Costa rica, panama, and mexico....8 days I think. I am so ready for it now....hahaha.

Good af came today spot on. Dr said my period might be delayed by as much as 3-4 weeks but it didnt happen so i am really happy for that. At least something is working in this body of mine. Now just to get the uterus into implantation shape.
lola so glad everything is over and went well. hopefully you get good news back from teh tests they ran.

afm, i am so confused. am 3-4 dpo today. last night late i went to the bathroom and had two globs of mucous with blood in them. then nothing. considering i had a positive opk on sat and neg sunday i think it is quite late for o blood. also, i think too early for implantation. so then i got thinking about that almost positive opk i had on cd12. if that had been and o this could be IB. SO confused!! this has never happened before.

ohhhh sounds maybe like ib! i never had it, but my sister in law did. Fingers XX!!
Thanks MrsJA :hugs:. I'm still here but leave on Saturday. I can't wait to see my DH!! Thanks so much for the advice on the other thread :hugs:.

Wow, Sar! I do hope that was IB! How exciting would that be!!!! Good luck hun!

Lola....sending lots of hugs and kisses your way.

TTC, Caz, Palmer......hope you ladies are doing great!!!

thanks everyone. fingers are crossed but man this will make the next week go even slower now!!! lol....

ttc- so glad af arrived and you can start building back up a nice home for baby!!

is- travel safe!
ttc whoooopppp for af hun mine has gone now hun and shes never coming back ha isi fine hun you xxxxxx
Evening girls!

TTC, nice work on AF showing up. Hey, once you're done with her, can you tell her to pop over and see me? LOL! Tell her it's day 45 and I am bored of waiting!!

Sarlar, how you holding up in the 2WW? Spending heaps of time googling early pregnancy symptoms I bet! Do let us know if you start to go nuts - we'll do what we can! :)

Isi, bet you are looking forward to seeing the DH! Have you had a great trip?? Travel safe honey, and we'll see you on the other side :hugs:

Caz and Palmer, hope you guys are good xxx
hi, just to say hi and that I have not disappeared. still here and reading all your posts. Desperately hoping you will join the club soon!!!

20 week scan on the 23rd, will let you know what happens...

hey ladies.....

Isi - so happy you had fun on your vaca, I am sure it was a much needed break.

Sar - I will be watching this week...I am hoping for your BFP

MrsJA - Just had a lil talk with af and she is working on for you!

Daisii - glad to see you are doing well!

Caz - I see you will be Oving soon! Have you broken down and bought the softcups yet? LOL

Well af only last 2 heavy days and then 1 one light day do you think that is normal. I havent had a normal period in years because of these fibroids and I figured I would ask.
mrsja- my prayers tonight included....dear mrsja af, i know we usually beg for you to stay away but now it is time for you to come. like today. thanks. hoping all our thoughts work!!

ttc- not really sure because i never had normal afs as i never ovulated before clomid!! i think mine used to be like 4-5 days.

afm- cramps cramps cramps and low back pain. other than that just waiting out the tww!! wishing i could go to bed and wake up at 14dpo!! so so impatient!
oh and daisi- i am assuming a gender scan?? So excited!! cant wait to hear blue or pink....GL girl!!
newest symptom: tan colored cm, and lots of it. very strange for me!!
Hello my LOVELIES! :hugs::hugs: I'M BACK! :happydance::headspin::yipee::wohoo: (Thought we needed some of these emocions to cheer us up!)

I have just finished catching up on everyone's news... apologies if I miss someone!

Lola (HUN!) I am so very sorry for your loss, I totally know what you are going through and if it helps it does get easier as time goes on. It is sooooo very unfair when this happens, especially with us LTTTC, it is all we want. The way I have got through it is to think that these things happen for a reason and it is God's way. I know there is nothing I can say to ease the pain but I just wanted you to know that I thinking of you :hugs::hugs: PLEASE give yourself some time (I had lots of TREATS :thumbup:), let hubby look after you!

MrsJA: I can't believe your second cycle with IVF is coming up - that has gone sooo quickly! Good luck with everything chick!

TTC, YOMO, CAZ, - What stage are you at?

Daisi & palmer - Hope all is well with the babies! Good to see you popping back to give us an update!

I got back from Portugal last night, we had a fabulous time and feel very relaxed. I am currently on CD28 so AF is due anyday now. I have a feeling that it may arrive today but keeping my fingers crossed that the witch stays away. It has been really nice to have some time out and to look after myself! I am feeling ok about the whole TTC thing at the moment, since the M/C I am trying to take the positives from it. I will start clomid and tracking in Sept (next appointment 16th Sept) of we don't get a BFP before that. So all in all at least I know what the plan is!

Will keep you up to date about AF but for now have a lovely Sunday

Kel :hugs::kiss::hugs:
sarlar - Oh I know how you feel...cant wait to be able to test ya know!

Dizz - oh you sound great! Well I am still waiting to try right now, I am hoping in october to start trying again.
Evening ladies,

Kel, it's great to see you back and feeling so upbeat! Looks like your break has done you the world of good!

Sarlar, yay for your tan coloured cm! :happydance:Like the rest of you ladies in LTTTC land I have googled about a million early pg symptoms and I KNOW that is a good one! When do you think you'll test honey??

TTC, I think your short AF is probably normal, and just due to the healing process and your cycles regulating again. I had a similar one after the chemical pg is June. Hopefully it'll correct itself by the next one.

Isi, hope you made it home safe and sound and that your DH gave you a nice welcome!!

Lola, still thinking of you lady - any follow up from your genetic testing yet?:hugs:

Not much news with me. It's day 48 now. I've finished the provera and AF is still missing in action. I am soooooooo grumpy. I am hoping that is because I have crazy PMS and AF is imminent, but I guess that remains to be seen!

Caz, Yomo, Daisii and Palmer, hope you guys are good :hugs:
Just checking in ladies!

Sarlar- Cant wait for these next few days to fly by, fingers XX!!
MrsJA- Hope AF comes soon!!! Provera always took forever for me, but most people deal pretty well with it. The grumpiness is the provera talkin ;)

ASM- Friday I had my first sono/heartbeat scan. Baby is measuring right on time and the heartbeat was 160-170. I may be a little bias, but he/she was beautiful!!! :)
great to hear Palmer, those moments are magical! I have my 20 week scan a week today, nervous and excited! Hopefully we will find out if we are team pink or team blue! Just keeping my fingers crossed all is ok. Baby is active, kicking and wriggling and responds to my husbands voice!!!! so hopefully there will be no probs.

Sarlar, here's hoping this is your first 9 month wait!!!!! fingers crossed for you.

hope everyone else is doing well,

kel- nice to have you back!! hoping af stays away! that relaxed approach which most of us find impossible to master works wonders!!

mrsja- my she is sure being stubborn!! after i took the provera, though, it took quite a while to get af. i have a stubborn body too!! hope she comes soon and you can get on with the ivf!!

daisi- cant cant wait to here which team you are on!!!

palmer- cant believe you are nine weeks already!!! yay!! and what a big relief to hear a great heart beat and see baby is growing perfectly!!

afm- thinking positive this cycle thanks ladies for all the support. had little bit of brownish spotting after the tan cm on 7dpo and am today and now nothing. hoping hoping hoping implantation!! i think i will test wednesday which will be 10 dpo. cant wait!!
lola honey, how are you doing? any word on the tests?
MrsJA - yeah maybe you are right. I have heard on other forums that it can take up to 10 days for that provera to work after the last pill so anyday now!

Sarlar - glad to hear you are feeling better! I am sooooo thinking it was implantation!

Palmer - that is wonderful news! Congrats on this milestone!!!!!!
help everyone I am super concerned. so i am 9dpo today. basically have no symptoms anymore except lotsa tan creamy cm. by bbs dont even hurt, which is odd cause the last two cycles they have totally killed by now. anyways, tmi i know, but i am a bit constipated and after pushing for a bm, when i wiped there was runny like watered down blood-pinkish red. it was only like one wipes worth. now it stopped but i dont know what to think. my cycles have been 31-32 days long every cycle and i am only on cd 26 so it is way too early for af!! any ideas!

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