May 2010 Clomid Round 2 Buddies

Hi all, just dropping in to say thinking of you all and fingers crossed for all of you in the 2WW, seems to be getting near to the testing time again for many!

Kel: first week back always horrendous. Hopefully you will be planning maternity leave soon and you can let all the 'new initiatives' wash over you!!!

JA: fingers crossed for your little fighter.

Sarler: fingers crossed for you, hope the 2ww goes quickly for you.

everyone else hope you are all ok.

as for me and baby William, had midwife appointment today. All well with us both. He has become a proper little wriggler of late, and I can't focus on any work when he is moving it's still so surreal and amazing at the same time!! Can't wait for everyone of you to join the 'storky side'
Hi girls!

Daiisi - thanks for stopping by! Wow, little William is 22 weeks and wriggling, that's sooooooo awesome!:hugs: I'm glad you are both keeping well honey.

Lyndsey, how are you doing on your stims? Have you had your first scan yet?

Sarlar and Kel, got any interesting symptoms for us?:)

TTC and Isi, sending big hugs your way and hope you have some weekend fun planned.

I'm counting down the days, which as predicted are starting to drag a little now. I keep waking up crazy early and have to sit here staring at B&B at 4 in the morning - lol! Only 6 days to go!

daisii- nice to see you and hear baby and mom are doing good! IT IS crazy you are already 22 weeks and he has a name now!!! that has gone by way fast:)

mrsja- ahhh 6 more days....cant go fast enough!! any symptoms for you to report?

i am only 3 dpo so not really symptoms spotting yet. feel pretty normal so we will see. i did find out i got the job...1000 miles away!! my dh wont be able to join me till december so looks like this is really our last month actively ttc. kinda sucks.... is it too much to ask for a new job and a baby in the same week??
MrsJA - oh six days, Hun i am counting with ya!

Daisii - so wonderful of you to stop by and awesome to hear all is going well with you and William!

Sarlar - Oh wow that is a huge move, congrats on the job....

nothing new here, except that my af showed up right on time....great sign that my cycle is doing well after the surgery! I have one more af before I can start ttc, I cant wait!!!!
Hi girls,

Thanks for your support while I wait it out!

Jeez I had a crappy day today... I've been doing really well so far, in terms of coping with the hormones, but today was a different story!
I slept really badly last night too, which doesn't help.

Anyway, I was in my boss's office, running him through some numbers for a business case and he kept saying "now can you get this, and that and find this out, and do that..." (He is a bit of a pain my boss, he never just says "yes, that's fine.")

I have NO time to do any of the things he was asking for... I got so annoyed I almost jumped over the desk and strangled him with my bare hands. (This is not like me girls, I am usually super calm!)

So I managed not to kill him, but I was extremely rude and snappy, and THEN I almost burst into tears! I wondered if he noticed I was about to cry? He is not very sensitive my boss.

Anyway, this is what happens when you take crazy amount of synthetic estrogen and progesterone I guess. I am probably going to have to apologise on Monday too :dohh:

Hope you guys are off to a better start this weekend than I am!!

Sending you all lots of love :hugs:
Sarlar - congrats on the new job honey!!!!

They say good news comes in twos and threes, so maybe you WILL get that BFP as well! My fingers are crossed, as always :hugs:

TTC, great news that the :witch: showed up right on schedule. That's got to be a really good sign.

:hi: ladies ttc whooppp af showe hun afm got my fs appointment on the 5 oct xxxxx
OMG MrsJA, I am like that a few days before my af anyway, i could even imagine how much worse it could be if I had to take those drugs and though I am sure at the time you really wanted to kill him it is good you realize it is the hormones. I am sure even if he did realize your mood swings he probably wont want to talk about it again. Men tend to be like that!

caz - g/l at the FS hun, what do you think they will recommend?
Sarler: congrats on the new Job. exciting stuff! Lets hope you get a BFP as well, then it really will be a week to remember!

And you are right about the time passing quickly. Can't believe this thread and its predecessor have been running for 23 weeks now! In some ways it feels like no time at all and yet in others I feel like we have all been on here forever!

Hope everyone else is ok, not long until testing for many!!!!!
mrsja- hoping you are feeling better!! hopefully all these emotions are gonna mean bfp!! i am sure your boss are a female afterall....we deserve meltdowns once in a while!!
Hi ladies,

Good to see everyone is well!

Mrsja: I have been a complete emotional wreck all week must be the hormones wizzing round, don't worry about it! Fingers x that this is a good sign for you.

Dasii: Good to see everything is going well with you both.

TTC: Glad the cycle seems to be back to normal.

Sarlar: Hope you are doing good!

Caz: Good to see you popping back to say hi!

Well, I am now on CD26 and the next few days really can't go fast enough for me. I can't believe how fast the past 3 months has gone since my mc and that I am back there again on Thursday. AF is also due on it should be an eventful day. I have been having LOADS of symptoms for the past week, very similar to the last time I was pg (even down to the day). I have been keeping a note of symptoms so should I get a BPF this week I can post them on here. I did a ov test last night as I know they can show pg and got a very faint 2nd line. I am so paranoid that I did not know that I was pg that I have become totally obsessed with weeing on sticks! lol I feel that if I get a BFP - then WONDERFUL! and if not... I get to start clomid again (with extra tracking)...which I know works! WIN-WIN

Anyway off to relax and obsess a little more.

Kel xx
Morning girls!

TTC and Sarlar, thanks for sympathizing with my hormonal outburst! I am such a nut - LOL!

Kel, I hear you on the wait. Only 4 more sleeps for me! I am a lot like you this cycle I think. I am quite convinced that I am pg and I have EVERY symptom under the sun... which generally means that I am setting myself up for a massive fall!! I really hope that's not the case, but only Thursday's blood test will tell.

It's awful the wait for that phone call. I will be a quivering mess by the time they get back to me. I'm almost tempted to POAS to spare myself the pain, but I think I am even more phobic about that!

Isi, how you doing lovely? Has AF turned up now??

Hope everyone else is doing good xxxxxxx
Morning girls!

TTC and Sarlar, thanks for sympathizing with my hormonal outburst! I am such a nut - LOL!

Kel, I hear you on the wait. Only 4 more sleeps for me! I am a lot like you this cycle I think. I am quite convinced that I am pg and I have EVERY symptom under the sun... which generally means that I am setting myself up for a massive fall!! I really hope that's not the case, but only Thursday's blood test will tell.

It's awful the wait for that phone call. I will be a quivering mess by the time they get back to me. I'm almost tempted to POAS to spare myself the pain, but I think I am even more phobic about that!

Isi, how you doing lovely? Has AF turned up now??

Hope everyone else is doing good xxxxxxx

Hi hun,
I know exactly how you feel ..but remember you are PUPO so that fact that you have lots of symptoms is fab news. Don't think I will hold out not testing this cycle so will see how I am feeling Tuesday or Wednesday.

Enjoy your sunday xx
kel, mrsja- cant cant cant wait for you to test!!! bfp-ish thoughts for sure!!

i am also going thoroughly insane. no real symptoms other than some mild af like cramps. 6 dpo today. four more days till i will probably test. ugh ugh ugh.
wow all you ladies are in the tww together it is wonderful! I will have great news from you all throughout next week! I have great PMA for you all this cycle, as I think this forum will get graduated in the next couple fo months to bump buddies! Let me know if any of you test early!
Mrs's totally understandable to be emotional...with all those hormones raging. So very happy that your 2ww is drawing to a close soon. I pray for only the best outcome :hugs:.

TTC.....yay for having only 1 more cycle before TTC. So very happy for you.

Congrats on the job Sar!

Glad you have an FS appointment, Caz. Wishing you all the very best.

Ever the party pooper, AF didn't arrive in time for me to have IVF assessment on Saturday :nope:. She chose to land Sunday morning. No worries....have my appointment scheduled for tomorrow, so I can FINALLY get this show on the road.

Hope everyone is great! Looking forward to some :bfp:s here soon!
Evening girls,

Isi, hurrah for AF turning up!:happydance: Totally annoying that she arrived late and made you miss your appointment, but at least she is here now. I can't wait to hear how you get on tomorrow!

TTC and Sarlar, thanks for being on my cheer-squad; you guys are great! TTC, I'm looking forward to returning the favour when it's your turn soon!
Sarlar, I do hear you on the wait - it's the worst!

Kel, what are you thinking about a possible test? Still going to have a go tomorrow or on Wednesday?

So I had a nice, chilled out weekend, but I am super, SUPER hormonal and cranky today! I've had a headache for about a week non-stop, so that isn't helping. I am literally like a bear with a sore head - LOL! I really hope this qualifies as an early pg sign, otherwise this is no good at all!

Lyndsey and Caz, hope you guys are well!

Sending lots of love xxxx

XX fingers for you two!!!!

isi- yay, finally a step in the right direction.

Sarlar- how did you feel after all your acupuncture?? did it seem to help?

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