Hey lovely ladies. Sorry I've been awol for so long. We've had some exciting times here with the main thing being that hubby has quit his job so that he can stay home to look after me and be sure that he's not going to miss the birth. I'm so so happy that I'm definitely going to have him by my side. I know I would have dealt with it if he was away but I really didn't want to have to deal with it. Also had another tour of the local private clinic, which was sooooo much nicer than the local hospital, so we're going to have our baby there. Also the midwife there is just lovely and she also speaks some english, as does my OB, so hubby and I are really happy about that as he can communicate freely with them without needing me to translate and I have the feeling that once in full labour, I may lose the ability to speak spanish too. lol I had my first NST with the midwife last week and all was really good with baby and I also had an OB appt last week too, he's really happy with everything too. He did a quick u/s and baby's measuring normal/big apart from his head which is measuring 3 weeks ahead!!! lol Though he was quick to reassure us that there's nothing wrong with baby, he just simply has a huge head. lol But due to the size of his head, they're going to monitor it and my pelvis closely and have provisionally booked me for a c-section at 39 weeks as there's a distinct possibility that his head isn't even going to fit into my pelvis if he decides not to come early. Eeeks. lol So from now on I'll be seeing my OB every 2 weeks and I'm seeing my midwife again next week. Baby's room is now ready, we think we've bought everything now and now we just need to wash everything and pack our hospital bags. This is very unlike us though as we're normally very last minute people.
Mizz - you are doing so amazingly hun. I think if I'd been on bedrest for as long as you I'd be in a straight jacket and needing a padded room. You have my total and utter admiration!
Iluv - so so sorry to hear about that bill. Soooo not needed! But on a happier note, your 3D scan pic is just gorgeous!
Pad - on the off chance you're able to get online in the hospital, hope all is going ok and can't wait to hear your good news!
And to everyone else, hope all is going well. It's not long now for any of us. Everything's going to be just fine for all of us and I can't wait for all of us to be mummy's. Big hugs!!!