May 2013 Babies

***36 weeks***

Had 8 contractions during the 20 min NST!!!! Yea I'm over this for sure! In the OB's words, "how are you still holding this kid in"?!?!!? LOL About it! No weight gain! Woot! A loose 1 cm and 70% effaced. I can finally schedule the induction at next week's appt. I have an NST this Thursday and then 2 more next week. His slowed movement is freaking me out though. I don't like this one bit! And I'm hyper-focused on it now.

Mizz-Mine is the 13th! When is yours? I can't believe I will have 3 kids!!! I am gonna freak out!!!! LOL

Tour-I woke up today feeling like I had been beat. All this in a bed. Yea just done! ;)
Hi ladies.

Just to let you know I'm currently home in bed with the most beautiful baby in the world.

She didn't want to be a May baby after all!

Went into labour at 2:30am Saturday morning and a mere 29 hours later she appeared!

7lb 8oz and perfect.

She came out with one arm forward like Superman so I had a bad tear but stitches feel OK so far.

BFing is going well. Sleeping not so much.

Cupcake... congrats mama!!! Mere 29 hours, huh??? Yikes! She sounds perfect and I love that she came charging out like Superman. I'm sorry about the tear though. If you're in the US, I swore by Dermoplast after I had two stitches with DS. Ahhh... sweet relief. What's her name??? Can't wait to see pictures!

Iluv - how are you keeping that kid in??? You've made it so far... yay for ring able to schedule your induction next week!

Mizz - you too! I'm so happy you were able to get to full term after all the worries and bedrest. Gotta love the bedrest! ;) It works!!!

:hi: everyone else!!! Can't wait to hear about who's next!
Awww! Congrats Cupcake! You must be so happy.
What's her name?

Is it selfish of me to say I hope I'm next? I'm just so uncomfortable! My poor ribs feel like they're going to break!
It's not selfish at all.

I'm sooooooo glad she's out. All my anxiety about the hospital is over and I can lay on my front!!!!!! My ribs are miraculously cured too!
That sounds lovely, I can't wait to feel (somewhat) normal again! I've SO had enough heartburn, acid reflux, vomiting (yes, I STILL get the odd pukey day) squashed ribs, headaches and piles! I seem to have had every single horrible pregnancy symptom in the book!! And I can't wait to meet my baby of course, goes without saying!!

Cupcake, does she have a name?! xxx
Kelly - first congrats on 36 weeks!!!! Only one week until full term!!!! I'm in your boat with the contx! Our babies made it this far and now don't want to come out lol
I am scheduling my induction tomorrow and will ask for the 13th too! I'm officially 39 on the 14th but what's one day?? I have my other appt next Tuesday for sweeping membranes so I pray baby comes before induction day!!! I'm so proud of us getting to this spot!

Cgav - woot woot! Lol we all made it! Sooooo happy to be full term officially! I'm scheduling mine tomorrow! I pray baby starts making their move some this week because its time! Whose next??? See I knew it wouldn't be me just because it seemed like the obvious choice lol damn it! :)

Cupcakebaby - Omg!!! Big big congrats lady!!! Yaaaaaay! I'm so happy for you! Now you have your mini super woman :hugs: I can't wait to see cute pics!!! And you go girl for getting through 29 hours of labor!!!!!

Tour - you are in NO way being selfish!!! I feel the same way! After months of contractions it is time for baby to make his or hers appearance! I'm turning into a weeping mess, getting sick like I have the flu! Can't eat what I want because of GD. I'm just ready for my rainbow baby! And now I'm full term so I really want to deliver now!! Lol ahhhhhhhh the madness of waiting! Lol
Yayyyyy Cupcake!!!! Huge congrats! Can't wait to see piccies too! :happydance::cloud9:

Oh Tour, that's soooo not selfish. I'm sooooo with you on the heartburn & reflux. And omg! the piles. I've got a giant one which is just ridiculous. I'm so uncomfortable now too & can't wait for the day I can sleep on my back & on my front again! Roll on May 8th!

Congrats on 36 weeks Iluv!

Big hugs to everyone! :hugs:
Congrats Cupcake!!!!!! Wow quite a long labor!! Give you a ton of credit!! Wishing you a lifetime of happiness with your little one <3.

Sorry I have been MIA been adjusting to life with three kiddos. Its proven to be quite the challenge especially with no help :-/. My husband has been great when hes home but hes at work from 3am till 7pm so its been tough. I am still in pain (achy when walking etc). Had to call my doc bc it was hurting me so much but she said bc I had the retained placenta I would be achy for a while and as long as I am not bleeding a lot then its totally normal. Didn't realize that I could've bled out from the placenta being retained and looking back its so scary and I am so grateful to have an amazing doctor that acted quickly so I didn't need a hysterectomy and that I didn't even need a transfusion! Someone was watching over me that day, thank God!

Okay enough of my moaning!! I can't wait to see who will be next!!! Hope you're all doing well as we reach then end!!!!!!!!!!!! <3
Courtney moan away mama! Lol that's one reason we r here for you :) isn't it funny that I'm still preggos? Lol I still think I will go at 38 weeks... I'm full term officially girl!!!! :hugs: you're a strong mama and I know you will get the hang of balancing three children :) God doesn't give you more than you can handle :hugs: I hope you keep recovering safely after your scary delivery!
Aww Manu, I'm sorry you're suffering with the dreaded piles too! It's so awful isn't it?
I went to the pharmacy today to stock up on essential oils for labour and asked for some witch hazel cream as I've tried everything else and none of works. The young trainee pharmacist asked what is was for and when I told him haemorrhoids, he actually had to suppress a laugh!! I could have punched him! I hope he gets them too one day, so he can suffer.
Anyway, hopefully the witch hazel will help a bit, I've had them for 3 months now!!

There's a full moon on May 10, a full moon makes waters break, so fingers crossed!

Hugs to you all xxx :hugs:
Congrats Cupcake!!!!

Mizz-I was swept with DD. Boy did it hurt and I bled a bit afterwards. Went into labor the next day. :)
Yippee for making it to full term Mizz!!!!! :happydance:

Yeah Tour, I've had mine since the 2nd tri too. Can't believe that cheeky little begger at the pharmacy - hope he gets some huge, painful, really itchy piles! hehehe

Afm - this time next week hubby & I will be settling into our room at the clinic to get ready for my csection... If he doesn't come before. Eeeeee!
I would've totally punched that trainee in the face. How unprofessional and insensitive to laugh at someone's expense!

I'm sorry for all of you suffering with piles. I have indeed heard witch hazel works wonders.

Mizz - I had a sweep with DD... it hurt! And it didn't do anything. :( But I don't think I was ready to go yet... your baby and your body are super ready for labor so I think it'll work for you.

Final growth scan. Even though my peri wanted me on two final weeks of bedrest, I was quite happy with her EFW of 5 lbs 13 oz at 36 weeks. So that coupled with two kids who I've been wanting to shower with love and attention before this LO makes her appearance...means I haven't bed rested at all! For some reason, I've been really anxious about my older two feeling neglected after the baby comes. I know DH and I won't let this happen, but it's been just the four of us for so long (6 years!) that I'm nervous about the change in dynamics.
He will get his karma, I'm sure :winkwink:

Manu, how exciting!! I've still got my fingers crossed for 10 May for me... always get my period around a full moon, so here's hoping. Something to do with high tides...

Cgav, I'm sure your older children will be too thrilled with the new baby to feel neglected. I think as long as they're included in caring for baby too, they'll be fine. I do understand where you're coming from though but I'm sure they'll be fine.
Eeeeek!!! Looks like it's me next!!! My fluid was low at my growth scan so my peri sent me straight to the hospital to be induced. Just started the Pitocin... Here we go!
Eeeeeee cgav!!!!! :happydance: All the best hun, and update us when you get the chance.

And I think the fact the you're anxious about your other two feeling neglected means they certainly won't be. :hugs:
Hi ladies! Just a quick update!!! Annabel Claudine arrived today, May 1, at 3:51 pm. They started the Pitocin at 12:15 pm when I was 2 1/2 cm dilated and she came rushing into the world at 3:51 pm. She's an itty bitty thing at 5 lbs 12 oz and 18 inches long. We are so in love already. Will update properly as soon as I can. Thank you to all of you... I would have never made it through the last 38 weeks without my BnB girls. xxx
Wow - babies arriving thick and fast now!

Congratulations ladies.

I have to admit to feeling a tad envious. Fed up now! As I am UK based I have no idea about effacement/possible dilation and will not be given a sweep till 41 week or an induction date till 41+5. Seems so far away!

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