*** May Babies ***

i got my swine flu vaccine invite through today but i think i'm passing on it. anyway i don't think my baby likes wednesdays lol. every wednesday whether i have thrown up any other days i can guarentee a wednesday i will, i don't cae though as for one day i like the extra reassuance :) how is everyone else doing? i getting fed up of all these people coming out saying they are pregnant from work i was looking forward to getting fat on my own :p
Hi everyone

I'm new to these posts, so apologies if i ask a lot of questions!!

I am going to be 13 weeks on saturday, so thought id prematurely join the
2nd Tri pages!

My due date is 24th May - cant wait!

Ive been lucky with MS, i havent had any kind of pregnancy symptoms (apart from sore boobs and putting on weight!) so its been quite difficult to think of myself as pregnant which is strange!

Everyone seems to have had a lot of scans - is this something that you can choose to do? Ive only had an early dating scan at 7wks 5 days, and my next isnt until 20 weeks.....x
Well I hate to moan but I'm STILL being sick!! Was hoping at 14 weeks it would at least dissipate a little but nope - bad as ever. :cry:

Jolou, completely understand your reasons for wanting a c-section,sounds like you had a traumatic time with the birth of your daughter you poor thing. Anybody would worry given that experience, I'm sure if you talk it through with your MW/consultant they'll understand your preference. Funny you mention flutters (or wind :blush:) I'm the same. I'm sure I've felt something but then again not convinced it's not more trapped wind. Hard to tell! As for doing the deed, well hats off to all your horny ladies. I have no interest whatsoever. Weirdly enough I have dreamt about it but the actual thought of getting fruity just doesn't appeal.

Logansmama - how are you feeling after your flu jab? There's a big thread on here dedicated to it with some very strong opinions for and against. I'm still waiting to hear from GP.

Well I'm shattered yet again so it's another early night for me....Zzzzzz

Keep well ladies and hello to all of you just over from 1st Tri.
mojo - I feel fine after my shot so far. The first day my arm was sore... but that was it. I haven't had any other side effects from it. The one I got was mercury-free and the "dead" kind, not the live one. Its only been 2 days now, but I think I'll be fine. My doctor said she got one too, and she is pregnant as well, which makes me feel better about it. I'm glad I got it now... I was hesitant at first, but the more I read, the safer I felt. I'm pretty high risk without being pregnant... so better safe than sorry. AlSO- the shot helps to protect the baby after birth as well, since they can;t be vaccinated till they are way older anyways... so that makes me happy too.

As far as sex goes - I'm the same way. No interest. NONE... But I wish dh would at least TRY to put the moves on me... I'm starting to feel fat and gross, and the fact that he isn't even trying is starting to upset me!
Hey all! Just thought I would add that I too am still feeling the ms and have not had any interest in sex either (apart from in dreams!). I so wanna though as I have heard it is better than usual when pregnant so I wanna see if its true!!!!!!!! Hope we all feel 'blooming' soon xxxx
Moring and welcome to all the new ladies from 1st tri :)

I can go for my swine flu vaccination starting from the 17th nov, i have a midwife app the day before so gonna have a cht to her about it, im leaning towards getting it tho.
In regards to sex being better when pregnant....i totally think it is! no idea what it is but its better tho i dont seem to last as long as OH anymore, i used to bt eht eon lasting far too long (sorry TMI!!), tho right now im back to not wanting it, i think we have done it too many times in the last few days i am now bored of it lol. logansmama i know what you mean about OH not even trying it on! my OH kinda gave up and i felt like i was fat and ugly or something lol.

Not sure what to do today, I feel like spending money and buying stuff for christmas but i have lack of funds till next week :( managed to persuede my OH to buy me an outfit for 2 christmas meals planned, one is with his work place, i have never met a single one of them so wanna look pretty and blooming lol. The other is with his friends and one of the women is all "aww you poor thing you cant drink, oh i feel your pain you need to find something thats nice and will fit and not make you feel fat" er charming lol thats because she felt like that last year. oo dear did i just rant a little?? lol
Hello, I thought I'd post for the first time in 2nd tri....scary! Had my nuchal scan this morning and now been put forward. EDD is 18 May :)
Hi ladies! I've never had a UTI, can someone tell me what the symptoms are or what it feels like? The reason I ask is because the last two nights when I wake up I've had this ache/pain in my lower back but I know its not my back its inside where I am feeling this ache/pain, and it is on both sides. I don't have burning when I pee or anything...but waking up and feeling this ache in my sides is kind of scarying me.
hmm sounds like your kidneys hun which yes could be UTI. Phone your MW and get a sample to her in meantime drink lots of fluid and I mean LOTS. Cranberry is excellent and enough to quit the infection but you must go to GP or MW
Hey ladies!!

Great to see so many familiar faces here!

Ok I am going to dip my toe into the 2nd tri forums - I have been too scared to move over up till now as everyone seems so grown up and so far ahead I did not want to be the new kid in class!!

But my hopes and fears seem to be graduating past the 1st tri now so maybe it is time!!

I am now due on 16th May if Jolou can add me that would be great!!
Hi ladies! I've never had a UTI, can someone tell me what the symptoms are or what it feels like? The reason I ask is because the last two nights when I wake up I've had this ache/pain in my lower back but I know its not my back its inside where I am feeling this ache/pain, and it is on both sides. I don't have burning when I pee or anything...but waking up and feeling this ache in my sides is kind of scarying me.

Babyhope - I found you! This is nurselisa! How the heck do I send you personal messages? I don't understand this site yet. :blush:
I think I sent you a friend request. I can't believe you're in your second tri! Hoping to get my BFP soon, so I can join you on the preggo boards! I'm just lurking around here for now.

Sorry to barge in here! :) Take care. Congrats to all of you.
Evening All!

How is everyone today? I have had an up and down day was productive this morning wrote 1000 words of my essay so a good start I think! Then went to the new house me and OH had a big argument I dont even know what about. Then we didnt speak and then he came and apologised! Then I went and bought a kettle for the new kitchen and now im home watching eastenders being very unproductive while OH and his dad put up the wall paper in the new house! All very stressfull! Sorry for the rant x x x
Babyhope - I found you! This is nurselisa! How the heck do I send you personal messages? I don't understand this site yet. :blush:
I think I sent you a friend request. I can't believe you're in your second tri! Hoping to get my BFP soon, so I can join you on the preggo boards! I'm just lurking around here for now.

Sorry to barge in here! :) Take care. Congrats to all of you.

Nurselisa so glad to see you:happydance: I sent you a profile message, when you go to the top of the page and click your screen name where it says welcome waitinghoping, it should take you too it! I think you can't send messages or add friends until you post a little more which I think is 5 posts. The ladies here are so nice, once you get the hang of the site you'll love it!
Evening All!

How is everyone today? I have had an up and down day was productive this morning wrote 1000 words of my essay so a good start I think! Then went to the new house me and OH had a big argument I dont even know what about. Then we didnt speak and then he came and apologised! Then I went and bought a kettle for the new kitchen and now im home watching eastenders being very unproductive while OH and his dad put up the wall paper in the new house! All very stressfull! Sorry for the rant x x x

Great start!!! At least you got some writing down, one of my 10 page papers is due monday and I'll I've done is the research, no actual writing yet....eeekkkkk I am such a moron for waiting!!!
babyhope - I am thinking I have a UTI too... I actually rushed to the OB today right before they closed. It started a few days ago I think. I was complaining to my friend about how often I have to pee lately (thinking it was just a normal part of pregnancy), and she (who is pregnant also) said "Are you sure you don't have an infection? I did and didn't even know...".

Well I figured no - I was fine. But sure enough I started noticing that when I peed, only a little would come out, but it would still feel like I had to go more. I'd go back to bed (or whatever) only to find myself back in the bathroom a short while later.

Then last night I went to pee, and COULDN'T! I started to panic. It was really scary and painful to have to pee and not be able to! So I sat there for a bit and it finally came out! After that I was a little better. Then today after work I went to pee and it hurt - I had like this pulling sensation down there... hard to explain, but it hurt.

So thats when I called the doctor, who told me to come right in and leave a sample.

I don't have results yet, but she put me on an antibiotic anyways, cause we won't have the results till Monday... and I couldn't wait till Monday to figure it out. Obviously something wasn't right!

So anyhow - those are my symptoms. Not sure if its a UTI or something else, but its no fun.

If its not one thing... its another!
i am due on may 5th, this is my 6th pregnancy but it will be my 4th baby! i am scared and excited all at the same time...nobody knows yet but my OH and i dont intend on telling anyone either... this will be my surprise
May babies due dates

May 1st

May 2nd
Mrs A

May 3rd

May 4th

May 5th

May 6th
Mrs RC

May 7th

May 8th

May 9th
Su B

May 10th
bright eyes

May 11th

May 12th

May 13th

May 14th

May 15th

May 16th

May 17th

May 18th

May 19th

May 20th

May 21st

May 22nd

May 23rd

May 24th

May 25th

May 26th

May 27th

May 28th

May 29th

May 30th

May 31st
morning, i feel rather rough today, i this nigly pain no my right hand side towards my back, felt like it usualy does when my IBS would flare up so im trying to figure whats caused it as i havent had much of what normally flares it up. Also sophie was up most the night with this horrid cough so im now grumpy jo lol.

Ive updated the list, jadeyydoe i couldnt find your due date anywhere?

how is everyone else feeling today?
Hi everyone. Good to see so many ladies coming over from 1st trimester now!

I am feeling ok today, though really tired. I would've killed for another hour in bed this morning. I'm so glad its the weekend tomorrow!

I have been feeling a little fluey the past few days. I read on the cow and gate website that this happens around 15 weeks:

At 15 weeks you might find that you’re salivating more and you may have a stuffy nose. This is all down to those pregnancy hormonal changes and is quite normal at this stage. You’re also more likely to pick up colds during your pregnancy as your immune system is having to cope with looking after your baby as well as you! If you do get poorly and want to take something, be sure to check the labels on any medication as some aren’t safe to take during pregnancy. If in doubt, the best thing to do is ask your midwife.

Its horrible cos my sinuses are blocked up and I can't take anything for it.

I have been busy this week clearing out the spare room ready to decorate next weekend for the baby. I know its early still, but I don't want to be doing it when i'm huge and the ladder won't be able to stand my weight! Lol. I have also been a bit mad on ebay and have bought loads of new bits for the nursery. Got some good bargains! I can't wait til the nursery's all finished. I'll have to put a photo on here when its all done. xxx

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