*** May Babies ***

Congrats Lola and Shawnie on your pink announcements - only 13days till we find out on 22nd. I have NO idea what it might be.

Jolou - sorry your sister is going through such a rough time, unfortunately we have to kiss a lot of frogs to get to the prince.

Not a lot to report at Chez Cactusgirl - had a really busy weekend out Fri, Sat and Sun. Went to the Xmas markets in Manchester which was fab and Christmassy just gutted could not have any gluwein!

My replacement at work started on Monday so busy training him up, fingers crossed he is looking good so far.
I had to travel to London yesterday for a meeting and managed to wake myself up snoring on the way down!! How embarrassing!

I don't 'feel' very pregnanat at the moment either - is anyone else the same? In fact I think I feel less pregnant now then earlier on. In the mornings and evenings the bump is getting hard but during the day it is just flab. So it is probably just wind in the morning and food in the evening!
I am looking forward to the scan on 22nd just to reassure me everything is still on track.

Hope everyone is having a good week!
tell her to switch to women for a while. after all, we know we're much better than the menfolk :p :D
hahaha of course we are!

i managed to get my hair appointment for next friday woohooo im a bugger for getting my hair cut, i tend to go 6 or so months, which is bad considering i know it should be 6 weeks lol
i am exactly the same. and last time i spent a fortune on getting a swanky hair cut and red bits put in and then didn't bother doing it ever again so there was no point, ha. i need to straighten it to see most of the cut really...
oh. i forgot to say... i had the first person touching my tummy this morning. and i didn't mind it as much as i thought i would. it was somebody i know rather well and was a bit odd, but i didn't want to punch her like i thought might be the case, ha.
i have really been off chocolate for a while now but it seems to have been creeping back in over the last few days :)

my real loss is satsumas. i've been in denial and i keep on trying to eat them. but i just can't avoid the fact that although i love them, i now feel absolutely bloody awful after eating them :( waaargh!!

abz xx

i am the same as u with the chocolate thing. i was really off it but slowly i have been getting the urge 4 some. oh dear and there i was thinking i might not put on much weight! :dohh: no chance now!!! have put on just under 2kg so far.
jolou: I am sorry to hear your sister is having a tough time of it but I agree with Cactusgirl that you have to kiss a lot of frogs to get a prince.

I had a MW appointment today and my blood pressure is lower again but she picked up the heartbeat even faster than at 13 weeks which was quite fast but this time it was as soon as the Doppler touched down! Apparently my bump it a lot bigger than last time but I guess I did not notice as much. Plus, she gave me my HIP forms to bring with me next time I see her. Unfortunately, with SPD they will not consider me for a home and/or water birth so I am a bit disappointed about that.
can you not have a water birth if you have spd?? i would have thought the water would help?
The water helps but they worry about getting you in and out if the pool (especially in an emergency) but from what I have read it does depend on your care team. My care team will not allow a home birth because they may not be enough people around like there will at a hospital, I did think 2 midwives and my husband would be enough at home but apparently not. I feel really disappointed, I know it is about what is best for me and the baby but I feel silly not getting to try it my way just because I can not move about well and may be in a bit more extra pain.
Cactusgirl I know exactly what you mean- I am feeling less pregnant than before. I am having a really hard time wrapping my head around this pregnancy, and can't wait till my scan on Jan 14 to see that there's actually somebody in there...
Cactusgirl I know exactly what you mean- I am feeling less pregnant than before. I am having a really hard time wrapping my head around this pregnancy, and can't wait till my scan on Jan 14 to see that there's actually somebody in there...

I am glad I am not the only one!! Sometimes I am really conscious of that area and other times it just feels completely normal.

Even though I am scared of getting a big bump at least it indicates that something is growing inside and therefore working as planned. My bump is tiny compared to some of those on the bump photo thread and I know everyone is different but it is difficult to compare sometimes. Most the time it is more like fat than a bump!! I am sure in a few months I will be whinging about how big and uncomfortable the bump is!! Cannot win!! :haha:

Omiomen - I did not know that about water births and SPD. I am sorry it sounds like you won't be able to have your preferred birth.
i just look fatter. i don't even have a bump yet :(
I have what I feel like is a big bump (my MW commented on how big I seemed compared to the last time in a way that made her sound a bit surprised about it) but I think most people would think I am a bit over weight! :huh: I am surprised at how much quicker it seems to be getting bigger now but I guess our LO's are starting to grow really fast from now on.

A lot of what I have read on the internet does say that different care teams may do things differently so maybe mine just has a better safe than sorry way of thinking. I guess at least I know now so can prepare for a hospital birth from now on rather than finding out last minute.
Bumps eh? I am 49 inches round and only 19 weeks tom I feel HUGE. Am fed up with the how long you got comments and are there two in there?

people that don't know haven't even asked me if i'm pregnant yet. probably in case they brutally offend me if i'm not as i'm not thin and i lost loads of weight last year. i probably just look like i've put it all back on at the mo.
I look quite the same as before pregnant, although when I eat I seem to bloat a bit and then look a little bit pregnant.
I'm looking pretty pregnant... but I still had a gut from Aubrey... I didn't really give my body much time to go back to "normal" lol. No one has said anything yet, I think they assume that it's all leftover from the first pregnancy.
I don't have a big bump either, mostly I look fat:wacko:

My stomach seems to stick out a bit but like I said I just look like I am gaining weight!
I actually have less of a bump than I did at 14 weeks, has anyone else noticed this? I'd have thought by now it would be growing not decreasing in size :haha:

I'm not bothered though, makes it easier to keep it quiet at work still. (Don't want parents and kids to find out till after xmas)

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