May-be Baby!! Let's get some BFPs ladies!! Newcomers welcome :)

Yay that's awesome news Nikki!

Cassidy- Sucky that you guys are fighting :( I'm sorry. Anything I can do or bring you at work to cheer you up? Coffee? Ice cream? :hugs: Let me know! Things will get better. You guys have had a stressful last couple months
Yaaaay Nikki!

AFM, pretty sure i'm out. DF and I are fighting. Horrible, horrible day and now i'm stuck at work for 5 hours crying. Over it. Over TTC. So stressed and depressed lately.

Oh honey... :hugs: I hope you don't mean that... I know this is something you both really want. Feel free to talk about it here, we are here to listen, or you can PM if you want. I'm always here!
Emily, were you having any symptoms at 12dpo, even while getting a neg preg test?
I just feel like it will never happen. Initially he wasn't as cooperative about BD'ing around fertile times. He hates sex on demand, and would almost resent me for saying "IT NEEDS TO HAPPEN NOW." Now, he is all gung-ho about TTC- but his freaking meds are interfering (won't go into too much detail about that lol). It's just all so frustrating, I feel like things are never going to line up and work for us. He feels like a failure. I feel like a bitch for making him feel that way. I can't help that I get so disappointed though. I can't help that every month I feel more and more crushed. I try to hold back the tears to not make him feel like i'm blaming him. I feel more like a POS that I resent him somewhat for not being able to do his part when it's not his fault. He's sick and on medication that's interfering. I just wish it would happen now. I'm tired of feeling like it will never happen. And of course it seems month by month everyone else around me is getting pregnant without trying while i'm sitting here wondering what the hell is wrong with us. Although I know there's probably nothing. Our BD timing doesn't even line up 99% of the time so it's really like we haven't been TTC at all. I just can't explain how frustrated and depressed I am. And every month it gets worse. And of course, as it gets worse- I find out my best friend is pregnant- wasn't trying, didn't find out until she was about 8 weeks and partying the whole time. Couple months later, my younger cousin is pregnant. Wasn't trying, of course. AND SHE'S YOUNGER THAN ME. I should have been first :( THEN just a freaking week ago I find out my cousin who is a few months older than me got his girlfriend pregnant. He's by far the most immature cousin out of all of us which just frustrates me even more. I am happy for all of them too, I really, really am and I am going to love and spoil all of those babies to death. It just makes my heart ache so much knowing people get the gift of life growing inside them without trying while all I ever do is think about a baby, wish, hope, dream. I just want to be passed this part and looking back on everything saying it was all worth it. I know it will be, but god it is so hard to deal with right now. I won't stop TTC, being a mom is all i've ever wanted and I know i'll get there someday. Just the emotional roller coaster of it all is driving me insane.
And thank you Ash :hugs: I'm fine. You're an awesome friend though :) Taking the weekend off so Kevin and I can actually spend some time together. Our work schedules totally conflict so we never get to do anything together and that's been putting a strain on our relationship as well.
No problem hun :) if you need anything let me know. I know what you mean about the scheduling though. It seems like DF and I never see each other either. Especially when I did have my BFP and I would be passed out before he'd get home. We haven't BDed since April :/ way overdue.

But when we first started TTC he and I had a similar problem. Except for him it was stress of work and the paternity thing and I think the pressure of me saying how much I wanted a baby and how upset I was over everything going on at the time. We tried for a month and every time we'd go to BD it was a no go. It was a very stressful and emotional time for both of us. I was getting angry that he wasn't able to and upset thinking it had something to do with me and it was just a cycle and I got super depressed :? I felt really bad because I would get really mad and upset with him which just made him feel worse and made it even harder for him.

I know that in your case the meds are more of a part of it but the two of you will figure out what to do and get past it. I know you will <3
Cassidy- I am so sorry hun! Not much you can do when the meds, unless there is some other kind of med (I think fertlaid for men might, Emily?) that he will be willing to take that can revers that problem. Just a thought, which will at least help with the sex on demand, how about getting some toys or dress sexy and start with some for play like kissing his neck/ears/straddling start off the mood... instead of the "in bed now, its go time...". Maybe put on a porn for you 2 to watch... something that will get him going and make it obvious what you are looking for, but not make it demanding. At least when my DH was having issues with the "its go time" he requested things like that to lighten the mood.
Cassidy, OH is a TOTAL sucker for sexy outfits/lingerie/heels. So when OH is in a mood where he doesn't want to BD, I throw on a sexy outfit and heels and make him forget that we were TTC'ing. It takes the pressure off :)
Hopefully that will help. Literally during BD today he said "So much pressure is on me!" I felt so bad. I feel like a nazi sometimes but I really don't think he understands that there is such a small window of your fertile period to get pregnant! I need to take him to a real sex education class or TTC class or something! Lmao. I'm gonna try the sexy lingerie, etc. Hopefully he'll be off of his meds soon- because it's not the BD part, but the finishing that we're having a bit of trouble with. Lmao. But yet 4 days ago he had NO PROBLEM WHATSOEVER. Maybe he'll have super sperm this month that live up in me for a while waiting for the perfect moment. Still going to attempt to BD tonight when he gets off work and tomorrow morning. We'll see what happens.
Hopefully that will help. Literally during BD today he said "So much pressure is on me!" I felt so bad. I feel like a nazi sometimes but I really don't think he understands that there is such a small window of your fertile period to get pregnant! I need to take him to a real sex education class or TTC class or something! Lmao. I'm gonna try the sexy lingerie, etc. Hopefully he'll be off of his meds soon- because it's not the BD part, but the finishing that we're having a bit of trouble with. Lmao. But yet 4 days ago he had NO PROBLEM WHATSOEVER. Maybe he'll have super sperm this month that live up in me for a while waiting for the perfect moment. Still going to attempt to BD tonight when he gets off work and tomorrow morning. We'll see what happens.

Try to make him forget that the ultimate goal is to make a baby, but rather just ...get off. :) OH always says "just jump my bones" works for the most part!
Nikki-Love the digi test! So glad everything came back with good results! I am seriously so excited for you :) I've lost 9.6 lbs so far. This week I'm supposed to eat 2 eggwhites with a little salsa, an orange, tuna on a rice cake, laughing cow cheese with crackers, chicken, peas, green beans and a protein shake. Much better than last week! It's been a little difficult though bc we were out of town this weekend. So, I ate out a few times and didn't eat what was on my menu, but I was still counting calories and making healthy choices. Last meeting I had lost 5 lbs, she was very proud! Said that was more than average.

Cassidy-I'm so sorry :( It's never fun to fight. TTC is stressful for all of us, but it's got to be that much more stressful when DH isn't feeling well...Your time will come! I know it's hard watching others get preggo, but you will too! We are here for you :) :hugs: I agree with Nikki, get some porn or toys or something going to spice it up ;)

AFM-I had an apt with my gyno today about my low progesterone. She looked at my charts and said it looks like I'm either Oing but not a strong O or maybe some months not actually Oing. She gave me 2 options; 1. See how it pans out or 2. Take clomid. So, I told her I would like to continue with the healthy eating/losing weight and taking supplements to see if it fixes the problem. If that doesn't work after a few months then I would consider clomid. She was optimistic about that option. She also said it was ok if I wanted to get my progesterone tested each month to see if it changes. So, that's the route we are going right now.

DW's aunt passed away today. She survived breast cancer and then found out she had cancer in her hip. She's been doing chemo for a few months now. She'd been in and out of the hospital the last few weeks with pneumonia and complications from it. She went in this weekend bc she was jaundice. They were going to put a stint in today, but her lungs were giving out yesterday. She made the choice to get off oxygen and let it happen. She'd been in pain and depressed for a while now, so she's finally got some relief. She was only in her late 40's though. So, we have an emotional, stressful week ahead of us. So glad we decided not to ttc this month bc it would be going on this week. Glad we don't have to worry about it.
Jury, my condolences for you, DW, and her family. I'm really sorry for your loss! I am so very happy for your weight loss though, that is really great! I'm pretty sure that I am gaining weight, not losing!

I'm having some pretty strong cramps and sore boobs, pretty sure AF is going to show up tomorrow or Wed. I will still test with a FRER with FMU tomorrow anyways, simply because I am a POAS!
Julie- I am so sorry about DW's wife. My thought and prayers are with you. Awesome job on the weight though! That is awesome!
So sorry about DW's aunt my thoughts are with you both and her family. Your diet menu makes me hungry.
Thanks girls, for the condolences and the cheer for weight loss lol :) Much appreciated!
Oh Cassidy, I know EXACTLY what you are going though with DF. This cycle I cried for 2 days because DH turned me down multiple times. He doesn't like to know when I am ovulating because it puts too much pressure on him to "perform" but yet it seems like he knows because any other time of the month he's got great stamina. I don't get it. I know he is stressed and all because we have been house hunting and both working a lot but to me, it's no excuse. It is soooo stressful because we have to wait one whole month to ovulate again and I really don't think they get it. And I don't think there is any way to not freak out when you want it something so bad. I totally get where you are at right now. I hope things work out and you can get some BD time in. I'm so convinced that the reason I am not preggo right now is because we usually only get one BD session in during O time.

Nikki - levels look great!! I'm so jealous! Can't wait for your scan!

Julie - so sorry about DW's aunt. That makes me so sad. I know everyone is different but it still worries me when I hear about cancer patients having difficulties.

I tested with a FRER again tonight and saw a shadow of a line. Convinced it was an indent, I disassembled the test like a true POAS addict and low and behold, there was NO indent. So we'll see.....I have seen "lines" on FRERs before so I am not sold. Plus I am having cramping still. On a positive note, I woke up at 4 or 5 am feeling nauseated, my boobs still hurt and I haven't had any spotting at all. I guess I am somewhere around 13 dpo so I should be starting anytime.
I tested with a FRER again tonight and saw a shadow of a line. Convinced it was an indent, I disassembled the test like a true POAS addict and low and behold, there was NO indent. So we'll see.....I have seen "lines" on FRERs before so I am not sold. Plus I am having cramping still. On a positive note, I woke up at 4 or 5 am feeling nauseated, my boobs still hurt and I haven't had any spotting at all. I guess I am somewhere around 13 dpo so I should be starting anytime.

AHHH! Pictures, please!
Amanda - I had a BFN on 13 DPO, but I knew something was up when I was sooo thirsty and couldn't get enough to drink. That was my first symptom with Danny, too. I mean, it was stark white negative. I still had a feeling though...

Cassidy - I know you guys are in a rough patch. We went through it too when DH wanted to just stop cuz it was too much pressure on him and he was tired of seeing me disappointed. It's all about staying connected and united together. Reconnect with him sexually and emotionally. It will help. You have an extra challenge with his meds and his health, but any step forward is a step closer together.

Julie - congrats on the weight loss, woman! Excellent work! And my condolences to you and your wife. I hope this coming week isn't too stressful on you two.
Honestly you can't even see it in the only pic I took. I'll do another in the am with fmu if AF doesn't get me overnight. She likes to get me in the middle of the night when I'm sound asleep. If anything worthy of a pic pops up tomorrow I'll post it.

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