May-be Baby!! Let's get some BFPs ladies!! Newcomers welcome :)

Julie- I have hope this doc will straighten it out. I bet just some meds. did they say anything yet. Usually when doc calls with test results they tell us what to start taking ASAP.

PS. I am sooooo craving to pee on something.... might do an OPK for the hell of it!
Rachel-I don't think we did talk about that! Crazy your wedding was the day after ours! lol

Sonia-Yay for ttc time coming in 2 weeks! Excited for you to start trying again!

Nikki-The nurse didn't say anything about what to take, she just set up an appointment with the gyno. So, now I have to wait...

I'm pretty sure I O, I think my levels are just low. I've wondered about that for a little bit now (low post O temps, spotting before AF, short AF). I don't know how I feel about clomid. I don't want to just jump right on some medicine yet. I'm sure my diet and being unhealthy has contributed to the problem. So, I want to focus on getting healthy and taking supplements to try and correct it. I think I will ask her if we can test levels again during my June cycle, that way my body has time to get back on track. There's always progesterone cream too...
Hi ladies, it's been a while!

Nice to read and have a catch up with how your all doing!

Hubby is circumstised which is very unusual for us Brits but he had it done young as he had pain. I wouldn't get my son done unless he had the same problem.

Love the fact Suzys reading was wrong in such a nice way for Ashlee!

How is the tww going Alissa??? Have been thinking of you!

How you feeling Emily? Enjoying second tri? I feel fab, loving second tri. I feel normal just with a bump! Lol! Are you finding out the sex of bubba? We have decided not too.....lets see if I actually stick to this! Lol!

From fb Kyla seems to be doing well, just lots going on I think :flower:
Hi ladies!

Julie - Have you ever suspected you were anovulatory before? Maybe you can also discuss with Nichole since she seems to have experience (unfortuately) in that area. It seems like your cycles are regular, which I would think is indicative of having ovulatory cycles...

AFM, I am feeling well, no migraines in a few days (knock on wood...), and nausea has passed. I have my anatomy scan on June 7th, and YES, we are DYING to find out!

Lausie - Good luck with keeping it a surprise! I think it is so special when people do that! I just can't hold out! Question for you: Are you having more tummy discomfort this time, as far as sore ligaments and muscles? My tummy feels battered already, especially at the end of the day... Are you feeling movement yet???
wow! I log off for 12 hours and you all have been chatty! I don't know where to start!

Nikki- GREAT news about the job! Did I miss anything re: DH's SA? and, I am craving to POAS too but I'm only like 2dpo

Lausie- Nice to hear from you again! Thanks for the update on Kyla! Goodluck staying team yellow. I don't think i have the willpower to do that!

Waves- I really hope you are able to figure out what is going on with your cycle. Any sign of AF or a bfp? I still think that these signs could sadly be from the implanon being removed. darn BC!

Jury- It seems odd that the bloodwork indicates no O when you have had so many other signs indicate O! I hope it all gets worked out, and quickly.

Happy Friday, all!

AFM, nothing really new. I have been a total moody b*tch the past few days. Poor OH! I have had some pretty bad uterine cramping and sore boobs, but that is pretty typical for the TWW. I'm not putting too many eggs in this month's basket, just because I dont want to be so disapointed again. OH had the rest of the week off (only worked m, t, w) so we finally got around to doing a DIY project that I have been dying to do! We made a new headboard for the bed last night using a tutorial that I found on pinterest. I'll post pictures when it is all done!
Julie - I hope you figure out what's going on with your cycle soon!

Laura - I was very happy to prove Suzy wrong! Good luck trying to wait to see gender! I always said that with my first I wanted to be surprised but now that it's growing, I'm dying to find out lol.

Emily- I'm so excited to hear what you're having!

Amanda- I totally know what you mean about being a moody b*tch. I thought I was going to rip off DF's head this morning. Today is one of those days where every little thing bothers me. I feel kinda bad but at the same time I did warn I love pinterest projects! Can't wait to see how it turns out!

AFM- I woke up at 7am this morning because I was having the little pulls in my uterus again and I just couldn't get comfortable and last night when I woke up to pee my boobs hurt sooooo bad! They don't hurt that bad during the day, I'm guessing because they have support but man did they hurt last night. But I've also noticed that my memory has been so horrible this last week! I forgot my appointment to discuss my wedding cake last night :-S and I just keep forgetting other little things here and there. I'm just going to call it pregnancy brain and chalk it up to the hormones
AFM- I woke up at 7am this morning because I was having the little pulls in my uterus again and I just couldn't get comfortable and last night when I woke up to pee my boobs hurt sooooo bad! They don't hurt that bad during the day, I'm guessing because they have support but man did they hurt last night. But I've also noticed that my memory has been so horrible this last week! I forgot my appointment to discuss my wedding cake last night :-S and I just keep forgetting other little things here and there. I'm just going to call it pregnancy brain and chalk it up to the hormones

When 7 weeks hit my boobs felt like they were on fire! They were hard and they hurt sooo bad! It worse off after a week or two, so don't think you are doomed to have painful boobies the whole time. They started getting tender and swollen again in the last few days, though. It all comes in cycles...
When 7 weeks hit my boobs felt like they were on fire! They were hard and they hurt sooo bad! It worse off after a week or two, so don't think you are doomed to have painful boobies the whole time. They started getting tender and swollen again in the last few days, though. It all comes in cycles...

They hurt pretty bad during week 4, then this week it kinda calmed down and I was actually a little worried that it had stopped, but like you said, when I woke up it felt like they were on fire. So painful. Might have to start wearing some sort of support to bed. It seems to keep the pain at bay a little during the day to maybe it will work at night too
Welcome everyone new!

Nikki and Laura - thanks for thinking of me. I did have the hsg done early feb. all came back well with that and it wasn't bad at all. This tww sucks. I've been able to stay positive for the most part but the past two days have been tough.
Yester I had my progesterone checked. It was 16.6 which the nurse said looks good and indicates I ovulated. As nice as it was to hear this was good, I also felt defeated. I was kind of hoping it would be low which would provide an answer as to why I spot days before af and why I most likely had the chemical pregnancies. I just feel like we are back at square one with no more answers or knowledge than when we started the process. And I just feel thatif my progesterone has been fine what would make this cycle end any differently than in the past. Also, I feel that if I were preg. I should have a least one symptom by now (8-9dpiui). Need to find a positive place!
Alissa- I am right next to you in the TWW! I am on like 8dpo.

AFM, FINALLY got the results....
His 0% Morph went up to 2%. They said 14% is average.... and our luck of natural is slim to none.
So now the question... talk with gma and/or our mortgage broker (take out money against the house) to get money to do IVF.... they said its $13000 for no chromosome testing or $18000 for chrom testing (and they test like 20 chroms)... they have a 92% success rate of first try.


Do IUI for between $700-$1000/try. Which has about a 15%/cycle success rate for us (when natural for an average person is 25%/cycle). However with DH's job information yesterday, there is a chance one of the insurances we can go on (once he is fully hired, like Aug) will help (not sure how much) pay for IUI. I will be calling them next week to get more info on what they offer. But we would be waiting until Aug-ish to try it if we want help paying for IUI.
Yay Nikki- 2% is better than nothing. Deciding which way to go seems difficult either way! Although 92% success rate is great, even with a giant price tag. It might be worth waiting to get more info from DH's job/insurance to see how much they would cover.

Depending on when I O'd..sometime between CD 14 and 17..I am either 4dpo or 2dpo. Going crazy regardless, super anxious to POAS. I have had really bad cramps all day and my face has been breaking out..really odd. I hope that it is a good sign.
Hi ladies!

Julie - Have you ever suspected you were anovulatory before? Maybe you can also discuss with Nichole since she seems to have experience (unfortuately) in that area. It seems like your cycles are regular, which I would think is indicative of having ovulatory cycles...

AFM, I am feeling well, no migraines in a few days (knock on wood...), and nausea has passed. I have my anatomy scan on June 7th, and YES, we are DYING to find out!

Lausie - Good luck with keeping it a surprise! I think it is so special when people do that! I just can't hold out! Question for you: Are you having more tummy discomfort this time, as far as sore ligaments and muscles? My tummy feels battered already, especially at the end of the day... Are you feeling movement yet???

Last week each morning I woke up feeling bruised all down my right side, I got really worried but my MW said its my ligaments stretching. I don't remember it being like this with Lucy! So yes I am definitely feeling sore!

I have started to feel gentle kicks for the last week or so, it's nice to finally feel bubba!
Yay Nikki- 2% is better than nothing. Deciding which way to go seems difficult either way! Although 92% success rate is great, even with a giant price tag. It might be worth waiting to get more info from DH's job/insurance to see how much they would cover.

Depending on when I O'd..sometime between CD 14 and 17..I am either 4dpo or 2dpo. Going crazy regardless, super anxious to POAS. I have had really bad cramps all day and my face has been breaking out..really odd. I hope that it is a good sign.

Ya I am going to call them. It is written in the infomation, but I sometimes don't understand health insurance writing. They will cover some/all IUI, but NO IVF. However thy MIGHT cover some blood work/meds for IVF, but not the procedure that is MOST expensive.

Alissa- I asked about going to my general doc for the blood work and such, they said we can't allow that :(
So REALLY crazy, however I can only wish, I was walking down the hall to my admin's office and I was most likely like 300-500 feet away and I smelled donuts. I got the admin's office and there was a box that had been sitting there all day (they said). So I got excited thinking, how nice that would be if I had pregnancy nose (however I dough Im prego with medical stuff).

Then I told my coworker that story, and he said... oh ya I smelled it too! Booooo... way to ruin my hopes!
Nikki - I used to HATE kill joy moments like that... One month I got a BFN, I was drinking a bottle of water after the gym, and it tasted really funny, like chemically. I was like, "Ooooh, I wonder if this is the metallic taste everyone keeps talking about!" I get home and I ask DH very nonchalantly if the water tasted funny.
He tasted it and immediately was like, "Yeah, that's gross, throw it out. Yuck." :dohh:
Waves- I really hope you are able to figure out what is going on with your cycle. Any sign of AF or a bfp? I still think that these signs could sadly be from the implanon being removed. darn BC!

Unfortunately, I'm going to have to agree with you :( I wasted too many HPTs to stare at that stupid white second line haha. I had some AF-type cramps earlier today but nothing else really going on with her either. I started temping this morning so we'll see how that goes. How long do you have to temp for before you can figure anything out from it?

I think I'm just gonna call my OB on Monday and ask for something to jump start AF. Next Friday marks 1 month since having the Implanon removed & since I haven't had a period in almost 2 years thanks to Implanon & pregnancy, I figure my body is long overdue for one haha.
This thread is very alive!
I'll give some back info; TTC 3 months started trying realy hard in april (which i thought that was our month) but today i am on CD12; my cycles are 29-34 days! (march and april 31cd, feb 35cd, jan 29cd). Im married for barely over 2 years now, currently stationed in missouri.

I am doing the "Geritol" plan (baby in every bottle) and also doing OPK

I have noticed a lot more cm this month which is a great sign. I have 2 applications on my phone tracking my period. #1 ive tracked for 14 months, #2 6 months.

#1; O day says its on the 11th of this month (SO CD 20)
#2; Oday says its on the 8th of this month(cd17)

Big difference! Making sure we dont miss it and doing
BD-A-THON to make sure of it:sex:
Laura-Good luck holding out on finding out the sex! I don't have that kind of willpower lol
My friends weren't going to find out the gender of their 2nd, but eventually they let us throw them a gender reveal party. It was a lot of fun!

Emily-Can't wait to hear what your little one is!

Nikki-I'm glad to hear DH's morph went up...sorry it's not "high enough" to conceive naturally. I wonder what the chances actually are...I almost want to say just do the IVF so you aren't wasting money on IUI when the chances are so low. Such a hard decision though!

I think it was Emily that asked...I have had pretty regular cycles. They have been between 26 and 33 days, most of the time with a 13 day lp. I had one month that I thought was going to anovulatory. I ran out of opks on cd28 and just kind of quit caring for a while. We were going on our honeymoon that month. The day we left for our honeymoon I had tons of EWCM (cd41). When we got back 9 days later, my temp was way up and AF came after what would have been a 13 day lp. So, I'm pretty sure I have always O'd. Long story short, I am positive I have always O'd. I really believe I just have low progesterone.
Started new supplements last night..
Is spotting before AF always a sign of low progesterone? I always (well 90% of the time) spot for a day or two before AF. Is it really normal to just BAM! AF is here with no spotting before hand?
Mrs. Lala-I'm in MO too! What area are you in?

Emily-I don't think spotting is always a sign of low prog, but it can be. I don't remember a time when I didn't spot before AF...maybe when I was on bc, but those periods were so light they were barely more than spotting anyway. I like having the heads up that AF is coming lol

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