May-be Baby!! Let's get some BFPs ladies!! Newcomers welcome :)

In trying to convince oh to let me keep the kitties anyways! We have two now and they do make me really itchy and sneeze a lot but I ignore it.

I'm having crazy O pains right now. Can't wait till I get off work so we can Bd!
Waves, don't get discouraged just yet, its way early! I don't know how you could have waited till AF was late in the past. You have FAR more self control than me!

My first pregnancy was 8.5 years ago when I found out and I didn't know you could test before AF was due lol. With my second, I'd had a chemical pregnancy the cycle before and I was afraid to test again. This time though? I'm too impatient haha.

I don't usually O until like day 16 :? which means I basically don't test positive until 1-2 before AF. The two week wait sucks for me lol. But your symptoms sound promising so I hope that you see your double lines soon!

I couldn't imagine! I believe my last pregnancy I O'd on CD 14 or 15. This time was on CD 14 as well. My luck, I probably just implant late lol.

Thanks ladies!
FX you O soon and catch that egg Amanda! And just let me know when you guys decide!! :) I posted new pics of them a week or so ago on here :)

Ash- Yay for negative results!!!

STG- sorry about the prolactin, I hope everything works itself out :( :hugs: :hugs:

Waves- fx you see that BFP!!! Sounding promising compared to your journal with your last pregnancy!!!!

AFM I O'd pretty early last cycle, CD 12 and had a 25 day cycle. Hoping the fertilitea keeps me like that ;) lol. Thinking about ordering soft cups. Hmmmm.
FX you O soon and catch that egg Amanda! And just let me know when you guys decide!! :) I posted new pics of them a week or so ago on here :)

Ash- Yay for negative results!!!

STG- sorry about the prolactin, I hope everything works itself out :( :hugs: :hugs:

Waves- fx you see that BFP!!! Sounding promising compared to your journal with your last pregnancy!!!!

AFM I O'd pretty early last cycle, CD 12 and had a 25 day cycle. Hoping the fertilitea keeps me like that ;) lol. Thinking about ordering soft cups. Hmmmm.

I know! So happy! lol

I wish my cycles were like that! I hate that they're so long and I O so late :? I just started considering soft cups too
Nichole - I hadn't heard about the miscarriage thing with the parsley tea...My girlfriends naturopath had suggested it to her when she was annovulatory. Have you taken a HPT? Maybe you should just to be sure!

AFM - I need some serious opinions from you girls. I called my new OBGYN today and talked to her about how it's been almost 7 weeks (this Thursday) since D&C and how my lack of AF is really starting to get to me mentally. I am a very literal person and when someone tells me 4-6 weeks and them im pulling up on 7 weeks with nada it kinda makes me crazy. SO, she send me today for another HCG (it was down to 4, 2 weeks ago) and a progesterone test (which i'm not sure will do anything since we don't know where I am in my cycle). She said she will review those results and then see about Provera to jump start a cycle.

My question is - do you girls think im pushing the envelope here? Part of me wants to get AF bc obviously we want to start trying again. But part of me doesn't want to push things and wants my body to work on its own. Is Provera bad? Can you still TTC that cycle? Would it increase the chances of another MC? Do you think I should just wait it out? Help! :(
Im going to start fertilitea next cycle if i dont get a bfp this cycle. I know its safe to start at any time..i just feel like we're so close to O right now, i dont want anything to mess it up. OH is going to start his virilitea soon, too!

Cassidy, I will keep you psoted. They are so freakin cute!

Disney, I understand the frustration! I would give her a call and ask to get something to speed it up!
Nichole - I hadn't heard about the miscarriage thing with the parsley tea...My girlfriends naturopath had suggested it to her when she was annovulatory. Have you taken a HPT? Maybe you should just to be sure!

AFM - I need some serious opinions from you girls. I called my new OBGYN today and talked to her about how it's been almost 7 weeks (this Thursday) since D&C and how my lack of AF is really starting to get to me mentally. I am a very literal person and when someone tells me 4-6 weeks and them im pulling up on 7 weeks with nada it kinda makes me crazy. SO, she send me today for another HCG (it was down to 4, 2 weeks ago) and a progesterone test (which i'm not sure will do anything since we don't know where I am in my cycle). She said she will review those results and then see about Provera to jump start a cycle.

My question is - do you girls think im pushing the envelope here? Part of me wants to get AF bc obviously we want to start trying again. But part of me doesn't want to push things and wants my body to work on its own. Is Provera bad? Can you still TTC that cycle? Would it increase the chances of another MC? Do you think I should just wait it out? Help! :(

Kara - i just finished my dose of provera to finish my annovulatory cycle this mth ... i have taken it before in december too... my doc says its perfectly fine to try the mth after provera... its only makes sure the line comes shud not affect your ability to try...Having said tht i know how edgy one can get if af is a no show wen we r waiting for her... i was also very confused whether i shud wait for af to ultimately show or do provera...i opted for provera cos i have already been on a 3 mth wait from my misscariage... so i dont really know wat to say abt whether u shud wait or not... i had to bcos i had to as instructed by my dr...lets just wait to c wat your hcg and progestrone levels comes back at now... progestrone will obviously show if uve od till now or not...if u have then well shes not too far but if u havent then probably c wat your dr has to say :hugs:
:hugs: Thank you, Sonia! Thanks pretty much what I was thinking, hopefully i'll get the results soon! Just scary taking drugs to make things like that happen, but with my luck I'll go get and pay for the prescription and AF will come on my way home, lol
Amanda-Boo for allergies! I am allergic to pretty much all grasses and weeds...Makes for a fun year. I don't think I could live without my pups even if I was allergic to them! I would have to find something to take. lol

Smalltown-Sorry about having to take a month off :( I really hope it levels out quickly and you can get right back to ttc.

Kara-I don't know much about provera, but maybe your body just needs that jump start?

Cassidy-Sorry about AF and about DH... Such a bummer. I hope you guys get some answers soon! I can't believe it's taking so long. I hope you get your bfp this month!

Nichole-I'm overweight and really self-conscience about my stomach too. It's not to bad though bc you are in a room along, lights are usually dimmed a little. They literally have you lift your shirt a little, put the needles in and then leave you alone. At least that's how mine goes.

AFM-Having a better day today. AF should be here tomorrow. That's about it...
:hugs: Thank you, Sonia! Thanks pretty much what I was thinking, hopefully i'll get the results soon! Just scary taking drugs to make things like that happen, but with my luck I'll go get and pay for the prescription and AF will come on my way home, lol

ahahahha....either way is i think covers provera cos i just paid ard 3 dollars for my dosage :)
Jury, luckily I am not allergic to my horses or else I probably would have started sobbing!!

My boobs are killing me today. If I haven't O'd yet, I prob will be soon!
Even thought I am 99% sure this cycle was anovulatory, I'll use an IC tomorrow morning just to make sure I'm not pg.
You know that part of the 2ww where you're not sure if your boobs are actually sore or if you're just making them hurt with your constant poking & prodding?

That's pretty much where I'm at with this whole thing haha.
AFM - I need some serious opinions from you girls. I called my new OBGYN today and talked to her about how it's been almost 7 weeks (this Thursday) since D&C and how my lack of AF is really starting to get to me mentally. I am a very literal person and when someone tells me 4-6 weeks and them im pulling up on 7 weeks with nada it kinda makes me crazy. SO, she send me today for another HCG (it was down to 4, 2 weeks ago) and a progesterone test (which i'm not sure will do anything since we don't know where I am in my cycle). She said she will review those results and then see about Provera to jump start a cycle.

My question is - do you girls think im pushing the envelope here? Part of me wants to get AF bc obviously we want to start trying again. But part of me doesn't want to push things and wants my body to work on its own. Is Provera bad? Can you still TTC that cycle? Would it increase the chances of another MC? Do you think I should just wait it out? Help! :(

Oh, Disney, I feel you pain regarding things not going as predicted/as they should! :hugs::hugs::hugs: From what I've read, Provera can have bad side effects like any other med, so there'd be no way to tell if it's bad or good for you until you try it. Also, yes, you can TTC that cycle (you only take it to start the AF, so you wouldn't be taking it during O time), and I've never read anything about it increasing chances of MC. I'd probably give it a try if the doc prescribes it, in your case, since the doc is doing tests and should be informed enough from them to give you good advice on whether to take it or not. Sorry you are having to go through this! :hugs:


You know that part of the 2ww where you're not sure if your boobs are actually sore or if you're just making them hurt with your constant poking & prodding?

That's pretty much where I'm at with this whole thing haha.

Ah, so I'm not the only one who has debated that, at one time, lol :) :haha: Thank you, I needed a laugh. :hugs:


Thanks for the support, as always, ladies :hugs::hugs::hugs:

AFM: Ugh, according to FF I O'd on cd11, already~! :shock: What is going ooooon!? :sad2:

I think I'm going to call the FS today and see if they can see me sooner to answer some of my questions, 'cause this early O piled on top of the even higher fasting prolactin results are freaking me out! O'ing later I could understand, but way early?! Whyyyy? What is wrong with me now?! :sad2:

I feel like for every break I catch I'm getting new trouble that undoes it almost immediately. This blows. :cry:

Should I keep using opk's or trust FF? Will anyone look at my chart and tell me what they think?
You know that part of the 2ww where you're not sure if your boobs are actually sore or if you're just making them hurt with your constant poking & prodding?

That's pretty much where I'm at with this whole thing haha.

Hahaha this was one of things that was in the TTC confessions. I've moved on from pushing my boobs to now lifting up my shirt every morning when I go in the bathroom and trying to decide whether the veins on my chest are more prominent.

AFM: Ugh, according to FF I O'd on cd11, already~! :shock: What is going ooooon!? :sad2:

I think I'm going to call the FS today and see if they can see me sooner to answer some of my questions, 'cause this early O piled on top of the even higher fasting prolactin results are freaking me out! O'ing later I could understand, but way early?! Whyyyy? What is wrong with me now?! :sad2:

I feel like for every break I catch I'm getting new trouble that undoes it almost immediately. This blows. :cry:

Should I keep using opk's or trust FF? Will anyone look at my chart and tell me what they think?

I really hope that FS can give you some answers :hugs: It sucks when everything piles up like that :(. I'd look at your chart for you but I have no idea how to use those things...and I'm not even sure I'm trusting my OPKs this month

AFM, I'm thinking today is going to be a cry day. First thing this morning I checked my email, Facebook, Instagram like I do every day and BAM there's my friend's first ultrasound from her first Dr. appointment on Instagram :( It took a lot for me to not chuck my phone across the room and start bawling. It's just so unfair that the only ultrasound I ever got was when I was miscarrying and even though it looked like a blighted ovum to me and my sister at the time the US tech was saying that it looked healthy and was saying she could see the yolk sac which we didn't but I'm not the expert so I was trusting her :? and got my hopes up. I'm just ready for my rainbow baby :cry:
:hugs: Ashlee, Im sorry you're having a rough day. hang in there! I actually LOL'd at the image of going into the bathroom and flashing the mirror to see if the veins on my boobs were more prominent!

I swear every one I see is pregnant right now. On the ferry this morning, I was surrounded by preggo ladies, and when I got to work, one of my co-workers just announced her pregnancy. So very frustrating!

STG, im glad you're feeling better. There are going to be a lot of bumps in the road, but you will make it and get the baby you're trying for! I vote use OPK's as well as FF, because FF seems to have some "off days".

Oh and I were laughing last night at how I brought up that I wanted to TTC/ have a baby. I literally just blurted it out at dinner one night and then carried on the conversation we had been previously having. He sat there stunned for a few then said "okay". How did you all bring it up with OH? Or did they bring it up to you?

Also, if anyone is going to be watching baseball tonight, OH's sister is going to be getting proposed to, again, at the giants/athletics game. She has always wanted to be proposed to at a baseball game with it on the jumbotron, so they are going to do the proposal again tonight. (lame, imo, but its not my proposal so i cant judge) Keep your eyes out- We'll be sitting right next to them!

My OPk was negative this am. So either I missed the Lh surge on the test, Or I haven't O'd yet. Ill test again tonight when i get home from work. I keep meaning to bring an OPk to work with me (HA!) but I forget. I normally catch my surge at around 11am-2pm, so i miss it on test if i only test am/pm around my work schedule.
Even thought I am 99% sure this cycle was anovulatory, I'll use an IC tomorrow morning just to make sure I'm not pg.

Nichole...did u take the test??

You know that part of the 2ww where you're not sure if your boobs are actually sore or if you're just making them hurt with your constant poking & prodding?

That's pretty much where I'm at with this whole thing haha.

Hahahah....i so do this ... in fact i even did this the last 3 mths wen we werent trying :dohh:

Should I keep using opk's or trust FF? Will anyone look at my chart and tell me what they think?[/QUOTE]

Id say to use opks along with ff... i ff too but i just have to opk too...

Oh and I were laughing last night at how I brought up that I wanted to TTC/ have a baby. I literally just blurted it out at dinner one night and then carried on the conversation we had been previously having. He sat there stunned for a few then said "okay". How did you all bring it up with OH? Or did they bring it up to you?

Also, if anyone is going to be watching baseball tonight, OH's sister is going to be getting proposed to, again, at the giants/athletics game. She has always wanted to be proposed to at a baseball game with it on the jumbotron, so they are going to do the proposal again tonight. (lame, imo, but its not my proposal so i cant judge) Keep your eyes out- We'll be sitting right next to them!

Well i remember telling DH way before we got married tht i thought we shud start trying after our first anniversary... we celebrated our anniversay and i brought it up again saying ...hey u remember wat wed talked abt ( also over dinner :) ) but he said well lets just wait alil more and ill tell u wen... so i decided not to bring it up again...after 5 mths we went to europe and the first night wen we were getting naughty and it was time for him to take out the condom he just didnt and i looked at him with a wats goin on kinda look and he said i said ill tell u and i think now is it :) ... well now tht u brought this up i just realised tht in a week its goin to b 2 yrs tht we started trying and now here we r 2 yrs in and 2 losses under our belt :cry: ....just hoping tht now we r goin to get our rainbow baby :)
Oh and with the proposal...these days i just seem to love the flashmob proposals...i jokingly keep telling DH tht it wouldnt b the worst thing if he suprised me someday with tht...hahahah :haha:
STG- I know you are nervous. I would be too! However, prolactin is an easy fix. There are 2 meds they can put you on and both are great. Your numbers are nothing compared to mine that were in the 200's. With the meds they were able to get me preggo. I believe the month I fell preggo I was around 26. I have faith in you!
Amanda- It is pretty funny. But my boobs didn't really hurt until like a week after I got my BFP so I'm going with the veins since they showed first lol.

Honestly, the way DF and I brought up TTC was pretty messy. I'd been wanting a baby for a while but then he was given a child support order for his ex's baby. Which he had no idea if she was his or not considering the reason he left her was because he found out she was meeting up with guys from Craigslist, classy right? So by that time the baby was like 8 months old. I didn't say anything about wanting a baby because DF was already stressing out about what to do about the child support situation. We weren't able to get a paternity test until like November and the results weren't given to us until Dec 21st, Merry X-mas to me :( but she is his. So that day I basically laid in bed and cried. I knew there was a good chance she was his but I selfishly had hoped she wasn't. The idea of her having a part of him was and still is really hard for me, especially since it's something that I want so bad. But DF didn't really know how to comfort me while I was blubbering about wanting a baby and what if I can't have a baby, etc. But once I calmed down he did say that he wanted to have kids and I had been worried that he'd want to wait because of everything but he said that we didn't need to wait and he thought if anything I didn't want to have kids yet with everything happening. So now we're TTC and it's still hard to know that he has a baby already, but hopefully soon I'll have my own and it won't hurt quite as much.

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