May-be Baby!! Let's get some BFPs ladies!! Newcomers welcome :)

Ash, I'm sorry you had to go through that! My ex had a baby with his ex that I didnt know about until we had been dating for about 3-4 months-- she was 7 months old when I finally met her. It was so hard for me to swallow at first. I kind of felt like all the "firsts" were taken away, because he had already experienced them- marraige, kids, etc. I was really worried that if and when we decided to have kids, it wouldnt be as exciting for him. Of course it got better and the pain went away, but I understand that completely!
Yea, it's really been hard. I found out about the baby 3 days before she was born because the mother, who was once upon a time my best friend in middle school, sent me a message on facebook saying that DF is a POS and that he better get a job because she's sending him child support papers. I told her she should be contacting him, not me and I knew it was all to get a rise out of me and probably try and make me leave him. At the time DF and I were only together a month so I wasn't totally sure what to do about it. I decided to stay with him because I thought it might be going somewhere. Anyway, we didn't hear anything until July the next year when he had a court order for child support. I was hurt because of the whole, if we have a baby it won't be his first thing, but I've also been married before so I feel like I'm kinda being a hypocrite. Plus, he never went through the pregnancy and the birth with her. He's never even met his daughter, they live in North Carolina. She didn't find out until she was halfway through the pregnancy and around the time he found out she was seeing other people so he left her. It's definitely hard though. I just want my own little peanut so bad.
I think that part of what makes it so hard is the little girl looks so much like him. I think if she looked more like her mom it would be easier. It would be less of a reminder that she's his
Well... DF heard from me for about 2 years that I wanted a baby before he finally said he was ready. LOL. So I feel like i've been waiting FOREVER but I know it will be well worth the wait.
:hugs: Ash. soon you will have your own babes that is all yours and most importantly, extremely wanted by both of you.
Well... DF heard from me for about 2 years that I wanted a baby before he finally said he was ready. LOL. So I feel like i've been waiting FOREVER but I know it will be well worth the wait.

LOL! I feel ya there.
Ok SO- results are in! HCG came back as less than 2 which is great! And progesterone came back at 9 which "suggests" mid-luteal phase. So I've decided to just sit tight, at least for another week...I'd really like to trust that my body is on the right track as hard as it is right now....

DH and I basically always just assumed that we would start ttc as soon as we got hitched. To tell you the truth, I would have been happy to skip the vows and just "be together" and build a family without the legalities but my VERY Italian father and DHs very religious mother wouldn't quite have been on board. We have 7 nieces and nephews ranging from 17 to 3 so we kinda wanted to have cousins for them ASAP.

Don't get me wrong, I don't think DH envisioned the OPKs and CM and mandatory BD, so I'm definitely the pusher but he's been good about appeasing me. Actually, neither if us are very strongly sexual people, I work 60 hours a week and I'm tired and DH gets very preoccupied with his sports playing (softball, golf etc) bc he knows the clock is ticking on his available "dude time". But we have both acknowdged that once AF comes were going at this guns ablazin LOL! :)
Kara, thats great about your results! I am so happy for you! Waiting the little bit extra time can't hurt, either. There is no reason to push your body when it isnt ready.
OH just texted me and said to pack a bag-- we're going to tahoe for the weekend. So excited! We rarely go away spur of the moment and I am SO looking forward to it! His sister, her fiance, and another couple are coming. They rented a big condo on the water. woohoo
Ash, you were married before? I was also (now divorced) and I sometimes get all jealous in my brain about OH's ex's. Then I'm like "I was married! I wonder how he feels." interesting (sometimes good, sometimes bad) how these things turn out.
In regards to provera, (disney?) you can and should try the cycle after you take it. Provera elevates your progesterone for five ish days, and the you get a "period" after you stop taking it from progesterone withdrawal (likethe warrior normal hormones would go).
Afm,I had hsg this morning. Tubes are clear! They wantmeto waits even days beofre sex and since today is cd10, I just finished clomid, and I'm starting to get ewcm - I think I am NOT waiting.i will give it until tomorrow. No waiting seven days!
Ash, you were married before? I was also (now divorced) and I sometimes get all jealous in my brain about OH's ex's. Then I'm like "I was married! I wonder how he feels." interesting (sometimes good, sometimes bad) how these things turn out.
In regards to provera, (disney?) you can and should try the cycle after you take it. Provera elevates your progesterone for five ish days, and the you get a "period" after you stop taking it from progesterone withdrawal (likethe warrior normal hormones would go).
Afm,I had hsg this morning. Tubes are clear! They wantmeto waits even days beofre sex and since today is cd10, I just finished clomid, and I'm starting to get ewcm - I think I am NOT waiting.i will give it until tomorrow. No waiting seven days!

yay for the HSG! Are you hoping for a HSG baby? Crossing my fingers for you. goodluck waiting...yeah right, 7 days!

The crazy jealous side comes out in me every once in a while, too! I was not previously married, but in a serious relationship in which we tried to get pregnant (and suceeded, just ended in a MC). I have to remember that Oh has to deal with that, so I guess I can't get jealous about his ex's (who i like to think of as floozies who meant nothing, haha!)
The test I took was negative, completely stark white.

DH and I first brought up TTC when he was first diagnosed with cancer. We were told the chemo he will be getting might make it impossible for him to father children. We tried before he started chemo with no luck. We couldn't try again until at least 6 months from his last chemo so we had awhile to get use to the idea and talk about it. We tried for a few months when the time came but then I realized I wasn't ready. I was mainly afraid of my husband relapsing. After 6 months of seeing others get pregnant/have babies and seeing my husband being healthier then ever, I brought it up again. We decided to start trying again and here I am
Ok SO- results are in! HCG came back as less than 2 which is great! And progesterone came back at 9 which "suggests" mid-luteal phase. So I've decided to just sit tight, at least for another week...I'd really like to trust that my body is on the right track as hard as it is right now....

DH and I basically always just assumed that we would start ttc as soon as we got hitched. To tell you the truth, I would have been happy to skip the vows and just "be together" and build a family without the legalities but my VERY Italian father and DHs very religious mother wouldn't quite have been on board. We have 7 nieces and nephews ranging from 17 to 3 so we kinda wanted to have cousins for them ASAP.

Don't get me wrong, I don't think DH envisioned the OPKs and CM and mandatory BD, so I'm definitely the pusher but he's been good about appeasing me. Actually, neither if us are very strongly sexual people, I work 60 hours a week and I'm tired and DH gets very preoccupied with his sports playing (softball, golf etc) bc he knows the clock is ticking on his available "dude time". But we have both acknowdged that once AF comes were going at this guns ablazin LOL! :)
Yay! That's good news! I know the waiting sucks but at least you know you're almost done though. I don't think DF realized that TTC would involve OPKs and CM either lol he's always a little awkward when I talk about them.

OH just texted me and said to pack a bag-- we're going to tahoe for the weekend. So excited! We rarely go away spur of the moment and I am SO looking forward to it! His sister, her fiance, and another couple are coming. They rented a big condo on the water. woohoo
OOO sounds like fun! I love Tahoe. DF and I are going camping on the coast this weekend. Perfect timing since this weekend it's supposed to be 102 :wacko: Also thought we'd avoid the crowds of Memorial Day weekend

Ash, you were married before? I was also (now divorced) and I sometimes get all jealous in my brain about OH's ex's. Then I'm like "I was married! I wonder how he feels." interesting (sometimes good, sometimes bad) how these things turn out.
In regards to provera, (disney?) you can and should try the cycle after you take it. Provera elevates your progesterone for five ish days, and the you get a "period" after you stop taking it from progesterone withdrawal (likethe warrior normal hormones would go).
Afm,I had hsg this morning. Tubes are clear! They wantmeto waits even days beofre sex and since today is cd10, I just finished clomid, and I'm starting to get ewcm - I think I am NOT waiting.i will give it until tomorrow. No waiting seven days!

Yes, I was married for a year. He was from the UK. He lived here with me for a while but then we decided to move to the UK instead of him getting a visa for here. and I was actually about 2 months from moving over there to go to school when I found out he was cheating on me and that's a major deal breaker for me. It took me like a year and a half to get over him. Basically until DF and I started seeing each other. I told DF right away about what happened because if you've heard the way rumors get started in our little town you'd know why I wanted to make sure he got the true story lol. But he was with his ex for 7 years, it was really his first and only relationship and if you talk to anyone that was around they'll tell you it was a toxic one. They pretty much hated each other but stayed together because they were dependent on each other and it was a comfort thing. So I mean I do get jealous at the history they have together and obviously the fact that she is the mother of his child, but I'm not really jealous of her in particular. But I do wonder if it bothers him at all that I was married or the fact that I've been with more people than him.

I don't blame you for not wanting to wait seven days! I say if you feel up to it go for it!
I am new here, opened an acct yesterday. I am 28 and DH is 34. We have been together for 5 years, married for 1. We have our own place and can get by financially just being the 2 of us. Right now we are between NTNP and WTT. We were supposed to start TTC this March, but DH changed his mind, and the last thing I want is to pressure him, which is why we went from TTC in March, to WTT/NTNP. The reason we are NTNP is because we are not using any form of protection, DH pulls out when he thinks about it, but we have gone all the way a few times. Then another reason why we are WTT is because I am not working, and like I said, we can get by just the 2 of us, and if we got pregnant now, that will be a real struggle, and I do not want to bring a kid without being able to afford it. But then I think about the millions of families who bring babies and they are in a worse situation from us, and they get by. I just have big time baby fever. I have been ready for about 2 years now, but then we decided to get married first, go on a honeymoon and a 1 year anniversary trip before having a baby. I also should add that I have been off the pill for about 3 years after only being on it for 4 years. I hope I made sense, I feel like I went all over the place, lol.
Ah, so I'm not the only one who has debated that, at one time, lol :) :haha: Thank you, I needed a laugh. :hugs:

Hahaha you're welcome!

Hahaha this was one of things that was in the TTC confessions. I've moved on from pushing my boobs to now lifting up my shirt every morning when I go in the bathroom and trying to decide whether the veins on my chest are more prominent.

AFM, I'm thinking today is going to be a cry day. First thing this morning I checked my email, Facebook, Instagram like I do every day and BAM there's my friend's first ultrasound from her first Dr. appointment on Instagram :(

LOL I do that too, and to see if they look even just a little bigger or something. It's so ridiculous.

I'm sorry :/ My cousin announced today she's pregnant with #2 but I've known they wanted to try for a second for awhile. I'm super happy for them but she mentioned her due date and it would be almost an exact month before mine if I conceived this cycle so I'm a littttttle jealous.

AFM - No idea what's going on lol. No surprise there. Tested again this morning and late this afternoon, BFN. I'm so tired of seeing that stark white "second line." Symptoms are virtually non-existent. I'm still ridiculously fatigued but that can happen to anybody. I've had random twinges or tingles in my boobs throughout the day but I'm pretty sure I'm imagining it. I've not really been hungry but I don't know if that's a sign or not.

Basically it's one of those days where I feel like I'm out this cycle. I still have 5 days before AF is due so I know there's still time... I just feel like everyone always gets that super duper faint BFP around 8-10dpo so if you don't, you can't possibly be pregnant.
Waves- it's still early!! Fx'd for you, don't get discouraged!!

Mirolee- yay for clear tubes, that's awesome!! :)

Even with "ok" results, still made my first accupuncture appt for tomorrow! I figure it couldn't hurt and boy does an hour of laying down with a clear mind sound fan-fricken-tastic!...even if I will have needles sticking out of me!! Ha!!

Where's Emily?! Her anatomy scan is getting close!
Welcome Mizzy.

STG- I looked at your FF chart. I don't think you O'ed but time will tell. The dotted lines means FF isn't positive either, just suggesting it.

AFM, DH was REALLY ready to have a baby! However, he once told me "everyone he knows that get married before 25 end up in a divorce". I said if he felt that way and wanted to wait till he was 25 that would be fine, but we have to start TTC ASAP because if we want 2-3 kids and Ill be almost 29, we need to start. He finally gave up on the 25 years old idea and we got married when he was 24. They he said "but can we still start TTC right away?" He LOVES kids and is SO ready to be a dad. I believe I took his V card!! He had cute girlfriends in HS because he showed me his prom dates and such in his yearbooks, but I don't think he ever really cared to date them.

Also, question.... and I don't want to upset anyone, but I have grown close to you'll and needs some advice from people that will tell me their true opinion. Fathers day is coming up (june 16th). I was thinking about getting DH a few onesies that say like "I love DADDY" or somethings like that. Sex neutral onesies. At that point ill ONLY be 9+2. Is it too risky to get them? Or do you think its a cute idea?

Ashlee- will you be O-ing on wedding night?!?! if so, it could be a lucky night!!

Mirolee- I hope this is your month! Yay to clomid again!

Sonia- when are you trying again? soon? if already, where are you on your cycle?

Emily- miss you...everything ok?!?!
Waves- it's still early!! Fx'd for you, don't get discouraged!!

Thanks! It's funny because after I posted, my boobs/chest area started to ache. Not really sore boobs but the whole area/my sternum started to ache. Someone suggested I try using to compare against fertilityfriend so I did and that was a little reassuring.

It confirmed my ov date, set my cover line a little lower than FF from what I can tell & basically said that today I would only have a 35% chance of getting a BFP. It also confirmed what FF said - intercourse timing was very good. So I guess only time will tell but when you're the most impatient person in the world, that's not very fun :/
Nikki- I think it's really cute! Don't you have another scan coming up before then? I think it's really nice and God forbid something happens-the thought was still there you know?

Please dont let this scare you, but i say this only because I actually have a "daddy's little rockstar" outfit that I got for DH when I found out I was preggo. It hangs in our closet and although we've never really talked about it, I know we both see it. We'd never throw it out! I think it's kinda like day there will be a little rockstar regardless-and our rainbow can wear a memory of our first baby-it'll still be special just in a different way...

Completely non-emotionally though, I don't think a sweet gift to hubby for Father's Day after wanting so eagerly to be one will in any way "jinx" you're pregnancy :hugs:

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