May-be Baby!! Let's get some BFPs ladies!! Newcomers welcome :)

Welcome MizzyD!

Nikki-DW got a onsie for me as a "starting ttc" gift lol I don't think it would jinx anything. There are people who buy before ttc/pregnancy and people who buy all kinds of things as soon as they find out they are preggo and it doesn't affect anything. I'm sure it will be fine!

AFM-New cycle started today, putting me with a 12 day lp....up from the 10/11 day lp I was having! Yay! I hope it gets even longer next month.
DW and I knew we both wanted kids ASAP. We assumed it would be a while bc we figured we would go the sperm bank route and knew it would take money. When we decided on our friend as the donor, we knew we didn't want to wait long since money wasn't such a big deal at that point.
thanks all... yes on tuesday we have another scan. ill wait till after that.
In my marriage, we also tried to make a baby and he had no sperm. I know that if that had not happened, we'd still be together. But things don't always turn out the way we expect.
Thanks gals!
Miroleee --- yaay for the clear tubes... im so so positive abt your bfp coming up soon now...:thumbup:

NIkki - im confused abt the onsie to b very honest...i know i would totally want to do sth like tht myself but i would b soo sooo frightened ...but then again ive had 2 previous losses and hence the fear....a fearless approach is defly the positive way to waiting for af to arrive...already off any kinda bc for the past 2 weeks but tht doesnt help as i didnt o this mth and now will start clomid with this coming cycle :)

Emily, Lausie where r u guys???
Well, I managed to get in to see the FS today (got my pre-op appt today instead of Monday). The clincher for moving it up was I'm having stabbing bladder pains when I pee and I'm pretty sure I've gotten a bladder infection from the catheter they used during surgery. They are testing my urine for that and will get back with me in 1 or 2 days.

Regarding the prolactin, the FS isn't concerned for my ultimate success, but I will have to take Cabergoline for sure, regardless of what they find on the MRI that I definitely have to have. They will be calling to sched that after they are done wrestling with my insurance co. in 2 - 3 days. Wimper~:cry: I'm claustrophobic, so they are going to have to dope me up good to get me in the MRI machine. The FS doesn't expect to find a tumor since my levels are only a little high (33 at highest and they don't usually start to see a tumor until 50, or more usually 100), but he has to check to find out what is causing it if anything can be determined to be causing it (from what I've read, probably if they don't find anything it just means the benign tumor is too small to show up on MRI). He did assure me that I wouldn't have to have brain surgery, though, so that's a relief. Now my biggest worry is for the side effects of the Cabergoline. It has lower side effects than the other drug that a lot of FS tend to use called bromocriptine (mine doesn't because all his patients hate it) but it still has a risk of nasty side effects like nausea, dizzyness, insomnia, depression, and hallucinations. Hopefully I can withstand it long enough for whatever side effects to subside, as I hear they subside after a week or so.

In other news, it turns out my mom and DH misheard when the FS was going over my surgery, because it turns out the big endometrioma was in my left ovary! And it wasn't a kidney that was adhered to my uterus, but that left ovary. When they freed it from the adhesions, the endo revealed itself and broke open, so lefty lost a little good tissue along with the endo, but only from where the endo wall was. So my ovarian reserve of that ovary will be a bit lower, but due to the adhesions and whatnot the eggs weren't getting where they needed to go, so it's still an improvement for my fertility. And the FS assures me it won't lower my AMH much and I should still be optimal, just not as optimal.

On the bright side, even with the high prolactin and the slightly damaged left ovary, the FS is encouraging us to try natural for 6 more months before moving on to treatments (other than the Cabergoline), so that's encouraging. The last study I read on success rate for endo patients after surgery gives me a 50% chance of ultimate success from natural. I have the option of only trying natural a month or two and moving on to Femera etc, but I'm content to try the 6 months. I've had enough adventure with the surgery that I'm willing to roll the dice with natural and it also gives us time to wait for open insurance enrollment in Oct., where DH can most likely choose the advanced plan and get us coverage for the drugs, IUI, and IVF, if need be. I sure hope I get my bfp within those 6 months though. The less drugs and procedures and expense I have to go through the better.

Also, they told me that surgery will mess up my bbt too much for it to be reliable this cycle, so I shouldn't temp for this cycle. I wish they'd told me that earlier, to save me some panic. Still don't know if I should opk. I won't be trying this month, bc I don't want to be PG during the MRI and risk mutations or whatnot, and I'm not feeling up to it with this bladder infection and I'm still feeling sore in the abdomen, but I do like knowing when to expect AF.

Oh, and I just discovered when showing DH how my incisions are healing that I do have stitches in my bellybutton! They are right in there, in such a way that they looked like the normal folds of the bellybutton until closer inspection. The FS didn't remove them today, and he inspected all my incisions, so I guess it's not time to remove them yet. I'll have to double check next time I talk with the clinic staff when they are due to be removed.

I still hate that I have to deal with the high prolactin, but the shock of it is wearing off and I'm no longer despairing. A bit concerned for the drug side effects and bummed I have to deal with getting the MRI and taking the drugs, but not despairing.

Ugh, TTC with clinical depression and OCD/generalized anxiety is hard. I'm thinking it probably wouldn't be so intense if I didn't have those issues to begin with.

I really hope that FS can give you some answers :hugs: It sucks when everything piles up like that :(. I'd look at your chart for you but I have no idea how to use those things...and I'm not even sure I'm trusting my OPKs this month

AFM, I'm thinking today is going to be a cry day. First thing this morning I checked my email, Facebook, Instagram like I do every day and BAM there's my friend's first ultrasound from her first Dr. appointment on Instagram :( It took a lot for me to not chuck my phone across the room and start bawling. It's just so unfair that the only ultrasound I ever got was when I was miscarrying and even though it looked like a blighted ovum to me and my sister at the time the US tech was saying that it looked healthy and was saying she could see the yolk sac which we didn't but I'm not the expert so I was trusting her :? and got my hopes up. I'm just ready for my rainbow baby :cry:

Thanks for the encouragement and sympathy! :hugs::hugs:

Sorry you are having a cry day, but totally understandable :hugs::hugs: I hope you get your rainbow baby real soon! :dust:

STG, im glad you're feeling better. There are going to be a lot of bumps in the road, but you will make it and get the baby you're trying for! I vote use OPK's as well as FF, because FF seems to have some "off days".

Oh and I were laughing last night at how I brought up that I wanted to TTC/ have a baby. I literally just blurted it out at dinner one night and then carried on the conversation we had been previously having. He sat there stunned for a few then said "okay". How did you all bring it up with OH? Or did they bring it up to you?

Thanks for the encouragement and whatnot :hugs::hugs: Yeah, I think I'm going to use opk's at least for a few more days to see what happens.

We'd talked before getting married about whether we wanted kids or not someday, and I said I could go either way (at the time feeling ambivalent) and he said he wanted two, so I was fine with that and we figured we'd try someday. Then when I got my miracle vestibulitis cure I took it a a sign we should try before my eggs get any older and it's too late, if he still wanted to have kids. He said that he did, so I pointed out it was time to get cracking' or possibly miss out. And then once he agreed to ttc, I got highly invested and moved from ambivalent to desperately wanting. I miss the ambivalence, sometimes, since it was easier to deal with, but the heart wants what it wants and as long as I won't be denied my desire I want it and want to want it. If denied, it's just torture. Before ttc I never knew I could want a baby so much. It's like I opened a gate or something.

STG- I know you are nervous. I would be too! However, prolactin is an easy fix. There are 2 meds they can put you on and both are great. Your numbers are nothing compared to mine that were in the 200's. With the meds they were able to get me preggo. I believe the month I fell preggo I was around 26. I have faith in you!

Thanks, that's very encouraging! :hugs::hugs: I'll have to remind myself of your success with the treatment, when I'm tempted to despair. :hugs: Did you have any side effects and if so from which drug? I'm just hoping I don't have bad side effects (or too many). (Although I still hate to have that MRI - tight spaces, why's it gotta be tight spaces).

STG- I looked at your FF chart. I don't think you O'ed but time will tell. The dotted lines means FF isn't positive either, just suggesting it.

Yeah, after what the FS office said, I'm suspecting I didn't O yet. Thanks for looking at it and giving me input :hugs:


Disney, glad you are on the right track with your levels. :) I hope you get AF soon so you can start your next cycle!


Yay for clear tubes, Mirolee! :happydance: :dust:


Welcome, Mizzy D! :flower:


Julie, yay for longer LP! :happydance:
STG, thats really encouraging that your FS encouraged you to try naturally for 6 more months!

Emily, where have you been? how is the babes? When is your gender scan?

Disney, Have fun with the acu treatment tomorrow! They can cater the treatment around your cycle. I always let mine know that I am roughly 2dpo, etc and they will modify the treatment to help the chances. Its really interesting!

Cassidy, how are you?

I am super super super superstitious, and (just my opinion) think that buying onesies will jinx it. I had a lot of maternity clothes and some baby items from my last pregnancy that i sold on ebay as soon as we started trying again. i didnt want any bad juju. I still have a mamaroo that im trying to get rid of.

Has any one else had technical difficulties with the CB digi OPKs? Or am i just using them wrong? I thew the pamphlet and box away already so im a little unsure.. I took a test this am, it was negative. I left the test strip in the holder because I forgot and was in a hurry. When i got home this evening, I went to take another test, so I ejected the old one, put a new strip in the holder, but it just keeps showing the negative circle, versus the flashing "working" sign. Any ideas?
Welcome Mizzy!

Nikki - what about a hallmark pic frame for "daddy" with your u/s pic in it? I'd be skeptical about a onezie, but your DH is so involved and ready for a baby. I love pics though. You could also make it a tradition to give a pic in a frame each year with a new pic.

Mirolee - yay for the clear tubes! I had my hsg on CD 10 and had sex the next couple days. Clearly nothing came out of it, good or bad. I think you are fine to try. My FS didn't tell me one way or the other.

Ashlee - Sorry you had a sad day. I would feel the same way about the baby thing. In a way I sort of do because about 7 years ago, DH's uncle asked him to donate his swimmers because DH's uncle's didn't work. So we talked about it and decided it was an honor to help out family in such a great way and gave one sample and she got preggers the first time. It was kind of weird the first few years but not so much since. But now that we have been trying and have been unsuccessful, it makes me a little selfishly sad to think about it.

Amanda - I hope you didn't miss your LH. But if you have been BDing, you'll be covered either way. I can't remember, do you temp? I take opks to work because I have had cycles where they are negative in the am, positive in the afternoon and negative by the time I get home again.

As far as the TTC talk went, DH and I had originally decided on Fall of 2012 since we got married May 2012. We had been together 8 years by the time we got married and I was having serious baby fever right after our wedding. I started bugging DH right after our wedding and even though we agreed on fall 2012, in August I guess I just got super annoying and convinced DH that it was going to take us awhile to get preggers so we might as well start NTNP so I could go off my BC. It went something like, "F- it, fine then." lol. I won. And here we are. I sort of wish we would have started younger then maybe we wouldn't be in this situation.

In other TTC news, I am 2 dpo, well almost 3 dpo. Hopefully we caught the egg this time. If not, Suzy says it will be next cycle. Aren't we in a month she predicted a few bfps? I am contemplating calling my OB and asking for clomid for next cycle, OR just scheduling an IUI for next cycle before we move. Right now, the FS is 1/2 mile down the road. After we move, it will be about a half an hour away.

So I am soooo scared of spiders and last night I had a nightmare about a spider the size of a basketball that was coming after me. Apparently I was screaming and threw myself on top of DH freaking out yelling "there's a spider!" I remember the dream and vaguely remembered DH telling me there were no spiders but had to LOL when DH told me the story when we woke up :haha:
My fingers are crossed for you, Rachel! and HAHA about your dream. I guess i tried to roll OH out of bed the other night, in my sleep. He said that I was using both hands, trying to physically roll him off the bed! Do you think you are ready to go IUI? and does your insurance cover it?

I do not temp, just because I know I O, and I know that I O pretty regularly around cd 14-16. I have gotten pregnant multiple times in the past with a different parter-- without even trying! so Im thinking that OH may have some spermy issues. ugh. If we don't get a bfp this month, im going to urge him to go see his dr about it, even though we aren't at the 1 year mark. Luckily if we do have to go the iui/ivf route, our insurance covers it 100%, we just have to pay our $5 co-pay. phew! We have done a really good job covering our bases the past few days, so im just crossing my fingers. suzy predicted this month to be our month...i sure as hell hope she is right!!
Hi ladies, I'm here, and have been stalking everyday! I'm just here praying for you all, my heart going out to all of my lovelies. I am a cheerleader for you all. You all astound me with your strength and kindness, I have just been admiring you all the past few days.

AFM, still battling headaches pretty much daily... I'm pretty over that. Midwife put me on magnesium daily, but it might take a few weeks to work, so I'm hoping it does soon. I have my gender scan on Friday the 7th! Closing in on a week now! So excited. Kinda nervous cuz there is a chance baby could have a cleft lip or palate, though the risk is small. I just want to see everything is ok with that precious face! I know nowadays they can fix these problems very well, but no one wants that for their baby. I've also been super hormonal and weepy. Thank goodness I am still allowed to take my antidepressants for a few more weeks, otherwise I think I would be in a bad state.
For those of you who don't know, I have bipolar disorder so I have to be monitored closely with regard to my moods and medications on a regular basis, but ever more diligently when pregnant. I'll have to come off the antidepressants come 32 weeks, so there will be even more examinations after that point as I ease off of them, then ease back up post-partum.
So yeah, that's where I'm at, and just know I'm here everyday with you ladies! <3
Oh, and Nikki, while I am a Negative Nancy and Pessimist Polly to the max, I am not at all superstitious. I wouldn't think twice about the onesie, but maybe that's cuz we got a ton early little gifts when I was pregnant with Danny and everything turned out fine... I even bought him a little baby Tigger doll. I didn't know at that point it was bad mojo...

And I have been wondering about Lausie. Haven't heard from her in a while. I hope everything is ok...
I'm getting ready to head to bed but I just wanted to pop in and share how much I'm obsessing over this 2ww/BFP ordeal. I've spent most of my evening reading posts or comparing charts.

Last pregnancy, I noted "decreased appetite" as a symptom and I've had the same 'symptom' the last two days. When I do eat, I feel nauseous. But I don't want to say I feel nauseous so that must be a pregnancy symptom lol.

My temp this morning was slightly lower than yesterday so I'm all paranoid that it's starting to drop due to AF coming on and am just anxiously awaiting 7am to take my temp again. I've also read so many women saying they tested at 9 & 10dpo but it was stark white, BFN but then they tested on 11dpo and got that faint BFP so I'm anxiously awaiting POAS again in the morning and analyzing that stupid strip but at the same time I also just anticipate it will be negative you know?

So basically, I'm going crazy but I hope you're all doing well!
Our insurance covers FS stuff at 70/30. Not bad, not 100% though. That is awesome. I'd like to say I'm "ready" but I'm not sold. It's just that I'm impatient and tired of waiting.
Stg- I didn't have any side effects with either med. Feel free to ask me anything about high prolactin and the tumor. To be honest even if doc found a tiny tumor his nit going to do anything so if you are low on money or insurance sucks I'd ask to skip the MRI and just take meds and blood work to monitor it.

Robert- what insurance do u have that covers ivf 100%??? That's nice.

Rachel-good idea w picture.
Rachel, that isn't bad at all!

Nikki, I have Kaiser. Both of my parents are physicians at kaiser and I have realllly great insurance until I am 25 (or married, which ever comes first) under their plan. They cover everything at 100%-- all surgeries, diagnostic testing, etc. I just have a $5 co-pay. My labor and delivery will be $5. My dad has $11 a year taken out of his pay check for our entire family's health insurance. OH works at Kaiser, as well, and has the same plan but pays slightly more annually.

I'm in bed selling old stuff on ebay and decided to take an opk for the fun of it, to see just took an if my CB Digi is behaving:

I know what we will be doing tonight! I decided to stay home instead of going to the baseball game tonight, so I have to wait for OH to get home. He better have some energy left!! :winkwink:


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I have Kaiser too but its definitely not that good!

My bbs are feeling a little tender so hopefully af is on it's way!
STG, thats really encouraging that your FS encouraged you to try naturally for 6 more months!

Has any one else had technical difficulties with the CB digi OPKs? Or am i just using them wrong? I thew the pamphlet and box away already so im a little unsure.. I took a test this am, it was negative. I left the test strip in the holder because I forgot and was in a hurry. When i got home this evening, I went to take another test, so I ejected the old one, put a new strip in the holder, but it just keeps showing the negative circle, versus the flashing "working" sign. Any ideas?


When you eject the stick after having left it in for a while, the old reading will display for 5 minutes or something like that and you have to wait for that to go away before putting in a new stick. ;)


FX'd for you, Rachel! :dust:


FX'd for you too, Amanda! :dust: How lucky that your insurance covers it 100%! That's better than the advanced insurance [that should be offered again in Oct] at DH's work! :thumbup:


:) :hugs: Emily

Praying for the smoothest med transitions possible for you! I'm glad you got good monitoring in place (my dad, half-brother, and one of my cousins have bipolar, so I know how important it is to have a good support system when med changes and whatnot occur).


Stg- I didn't have any side effects with either med. Feel free to ask me anything about high prolactin and the tumor. To be honest even if doc found a tiny tumor his nit going to do anything so if you are low on money or insurance sucks I'd ask to skip the MRI and just take meds and blood work to monitor it.

Robert- what insurance do u have that covers ivf 100%??? That's nice.

Rachel-good idea w picture.

Ooh, lucky, no side effects! :) I hope I'm as lucky! [-o&lt; And thanks, I'll ask you when I have more questions for sure :) :hugs: Money is fine and insurance should be fine, but since I hate tight spaces I already tried to finagle him into skipping the MRI with me (I think I even begged at one point) and he was insistent it had to be done (even though nothing will be done about anything other than the meds we are already planning on, aside from maybe a higher dose if he would find a tumor). I think for liability purposes he feels obliged to do it (like it's the policy of the clinic or something). Oh, well, I'll live. They are just going to have to dope me up real good.

I just found out that there is no radiation with MRI and it should be safe in the tww, so if I feel like I can bd then I can bd without fear. :) I hope they call today with antibiotics for the bladder infection that I'm now sure I have (the burning with pee is starting, in addition to the stabby bladder pains, and the pain and burning are lasting a bit after peeing).
STG- feel better! Usually the doc will start you with a VERY small dose of the meds (no matter what they find). This is supposed to help your body ease into the med/side effects. Then monthly they should be taking your blood to monitor it. If it doesn't come down they increase the meds each time until it is where they want it. I was told under 18 makes them happy. However like I said we got preggo at about 26.
Waves- I know this is really hard not to analyze each temp point, but I don't think your supposed to. I think its just the general trend you are supposed to be looking at. Anyone else can chime in if I'm completely wrong.

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