May BFP - roll up roll up!!

My af returned 25 days after my ERPC. It was right on time - as though I'd never been pregnant - 16 weeks to the day since the last one (I was 12 weeks along when MMC was discovered). The next one was 27 days later. So pretty much right off. I didn't ovulate first cycle as I as bleeding the whole way through to af and then for a week after. I did ovulate that cycle (according to opk's) but no bfp - which I wasn't that suprised about as scan showed retained products. I'm hoping last af cleared that out but I'm not overly optimistic.

I feel out already this month. :cry:

I feel quite optimistic for you. My cycles have been really long since my mc, but they were long before anyway. Seems like your body has snapped back to normal already thats great. I didnt ovulate 1st cycle either but i did the last cycle, though i had positive opks for 5 days in a row. I believe i was meant to ovulate on a tuesday but due to stress etc i didnt until saturday, thats when I felt the OV pains and AF came exactly 14 days after. I have a feeling that MAY is gonna be your month
Hi ladies :flower:

I'm having a really low day. OH just mentioned that his best friend and OH may come over next weekend. They started TTC at the same time that we got PG and she is now 14 or 15 weeks gone. Our babies were supposed to be 6 or 7 weeks apart and now that will never happen. I'm not sure I can bear to see them. I know that is really unfair and it's not their fault but I'm not sure I can face it. :cry:

My Oh is really cross with me because I said I might not cope well with seeing them. He thinks I'm out of order. Which I suppose I am.

Anyway the whole discussion has just made me realise how totally not over my mc I am. I feel like I'm out this month already and I'm convinced I won't get PG again for ages. If ever. I'm totally screwed in the head about this and feeling really really low.

Why is life so unfair?


I definitely don't think you are out of order.. not at all... in the scheme of things- the mc IS still pretty fresh- it hasn't been THAT long. :hugs: It's understandably hard. I have a close friend who was only about 2 weeks ahead of me and we were talking almost daily and now we barely do- and I think part of it is bc SHE feels bad.. but it does hurt to see her "bump" and u/s pics on facebook and think- hey- I should be there too. :cry: I don't think I am over the mc either- and I think I cried like 2-3 times last week about it. TTC is just a distraction from it honestly- I think the pain would just be TOO much if I wasn't. Lots of hugs for you my dear! :hugs:
Hi ladies how are we all doing today?!

Well I'm 3dpo today I think....
Last night was realllly strange! I was making my pack lunch for the nxt day for work, at about 9pm and suddenly got really bad af style cramps right in the centre of my lower stomach above my pubic bone, lasted for about 45 mins!! I had to leave the pack lunch to hubby to finish and go and lie down as the cramps where so unusual for the tww for me, I actually thought af was going to show any minute!

Because that's happened I feel out this month... I've never had cramps like that with any of my chemical pregnancies or with my mc pregnancy..... And never had it just normally... So don't know what to think

I've also had mild heartburn for the past 3 days....

Anybody else want to symptom spot! Hehehe


hmmm not sure.. the main reason I thought it might be O with Cornish is bc she wasn't doing opk's and such. Not sure. :shrug: did you confirm O with temps or opk's?? Maybe it is preggo signs for you both :happydance: You guys could be making room in there for twins :winkwink:
Well girls I seem have to moved from the awful 2WW to the even worse Limbo Land!! AF now a day late, tested yesterday and got a BFN (Clear blue test). Haven't tested again today as seeing that BFN was soul destroying. But will test again tomorrow if still no show from AF. Have a whole mixture of symptoms but cant decide if they are AF or pregnancy related - maybe just wishful thinking for the latter. Also wondering what the chances are of having a BFN yesterday on approx 14 DPO but getting one tomorrow???

Hope the start of the 2WW for the rest of you isn't too awful xx

It's for sure possible still my dear. I was thinking of you yesterday and wondered if you had tested. I would say test again tomorrow and see what it says... prepare for the worst but hope for the best! It CAN happen!!! :hugs:
Patiently welcome!!! I'm sorry for your loss hun, your in good company here tho :)
Hey it's a fresh start this cyle for you!! And you can be confident that any retained products would be gone by now, so that's one leas thing to worry about honey!!
I always find the time before O exciting, it's as soon as the tww starts I crumble! Lol!

But fingers crossed for you Hun! And welcome on board it's good to have you here! Xoxo
Patiently welcome!!! I'm sorry for your loss hun, your in good company here tho :)
Hey it's a fresh start this cyle for you!! And you can be confident that any retained products would be gone by now, so that's one leas thing to worry about honey!!
I always find the time before O exciting, it's as soon as the tww starts I crumble! Lol!

But fingers crossed for you Hun! And welcome on board it's good to have you here! Xoxo

I get excited before O too...TWW is when it all goes downhill...but this month im not going to use opks or anything i think im becoming obsessed with symptom spotting and the month that i was PG my only symptom was hot flushes and sore bbs other than that i didnt even know i ovulated. I didnt even BD like i usually do. After xmas i was exhausted so i relaxed about it. And thats when it happened so I feel that i need to relax about it again then it will happen. Ive been worried though, before i got PG I had a blood test done to check my progesterone levels after ovulation and it turned out that because i didnt ovulate that cycle for some reason, they were low, does that mean that i naturally have low progesterone levels or that they were low because i didnt ovulate? how can you determine whether you have low progesterone or not? im starting to question if this was what caused me to mc...
patiently~ you'd have to have blood work done again to check progesterone... I went and had a full work up done to check ALL of of my hormone levels.. definitely something to consider if you haven't had that done yet to check just in case. I had blood work done on cd3 and cd21 to tell... you can sometimes tell by temping when you have a change in temp it usually means you are O'ing .. I don't temp personally but I know some other ladies could probably help you with that. If your progesterone levels were low on the one test- I would for sure think they'd put you on supplements when you DO get preggo. Definitely something to look into! :hugs:
Once again you wonderful ladies have pulled me out of the hole I was in. That you so much for your support. xx
Well cd26 today for me and I think af is due on cd29 b/c I o'd on cd15 making me on a 29 day cycle.... Well I m/c in sept right before my 25th bday! not a good present! :( so it took my hcg level two months to drop to zero it was awful!! so I started acupuncture in jan. and my cycles are back to normal now! im just starting to get discouraged. when dh and I started trying it only took 2 months to conceive.... so now im starting to stress. so i called a fert. specialist and im going in 2 weeks for a consultation. I just want some blood work and ask some questions. lol... until then im going to keep doing my acupuncutre once a month!! just having a bad day..... :( Good luck to everyone in the 2ww.... lots and lots of baby dust to EVERYONE!!!!! :)
Patiently welcome!!! I'm sorry for your loss hun, your in good company here tho :)
Hey it's a fresh start this cyle for you!! And you can be confident that any retained products would be gone by now, so that's one leas thing to worry about honey!!
I always find the time before O exciting, it's as soon as the tww starts I crumble! Lol!

But fingers crossed for you Hun! And welcome on board it's good to have you here! Xoxo

I get excited before O too...TWW is when it all goes downhill...but this month im not going to use opks or anything i think im becoming obsessed with symptom spotting and the month that i was PG my only symptom was hot flushes and sore bbs other than that i didnt even know i ovulated. I didnt even BD like i usually do. After xmas i was exhausted so i relaxed about it. And thats when it happened so I feel that i need to relax about it again then it will happen. Ive been worried though, before i got PG I had a blood test done to check my progesterone levels after ovulation and it turned out that because i didnt ovulate that cycle for some reason, they were low, does that mean that i naturally have low progesterone levels or that they were low because i didnt ovulate? how can you determine whether you have low progesterone or not? im starting to question if this was what caused me to mc...

sorry for you loss!!! WE are all here for you in this journey! we laugh together, cry together, opk together, poas together, and even eat together!!! lol.... welcome and lots of baby dust your way! :)
Well i dont know if ive ovulated yet but we bd cd6 8 12 14 15 so I reckon if I have I'm in with as good a chance as anyone else!!

Gotta do some gardening today ergh!!!
Ok I'm back out of lurking :D

Hanskiz :hugs::hugs::hugs: Thank you. You helped me more than you could have imagined

Thank you WoodyA and Holly for asking after me :flower:

My fingers are still crossed for everyone and I have spent the last couple of hours droning on starting a journal which has in fact made me feel a whole lot better about things as well as a phonecall with some one who understands.

Hopefully I'll be back to my normal self soon and in crazy mode along with you others in the 2WW!

:dust: to everyone

Ok I'm back out of lurking :D

Hanskiz :hugs::hugs::hugs: Thank you. You helped me more than you could have imagined

Thank you WoodyA and Holly for asking after me :flower:

My fingers are still crossed for everyone and I have spent the last couple of hours droning on starting a journal which has in fact made me feel a whole lot better about things as well as a phonecall with some one who understands.

Hopefully I'll be back to my normal self soon and in crazy mode along with you others in the 2WW!

:dust: to everyone


Yey welcome back! Xx

So Friday at the street party we met up with some of our friends, one of which is 16 weeks pregnant, she announced she was pregnant at a meal I was at with my hubby her hubby and another couple we know, she was only 6 weeks and had just found out. I also was 6 weeks pregnant and had just found out but we were keeping it quieter!!

I thought I would be so sad to see her
But I wasn't, I felt really good about it, she had a cute lil bump, and I wasn't sad at all, just excited!!

That's gotta be a good thing!!
Glad your feeling better neversaynever!!!
Thinkin of you!!! And can't wait for you to join the crazyness!! Hehe

Wellll development for me girlies... I just had what feels like a pulled muscle in my right ovary side/ over to front of uterus!! The exact same thing happened last month at 3dpo ( Which is what I am today) sadly that ended up as a chemical prenancy :(! But hoping it's a good sign!!!

So Friday at the street party we met up with some of our friends, one of which is 16 weeks pregnant, she announced she was pregnant at a meal I was at with my hubby her hubby and another couple we know, she was only 6 weeks and had just found out. I also was 6 weeks pregnant and had just found out but we were keeping it quieter!!

I thought I would be so sad to see her
But I wasn't, I felt really good about it, she had a cute lil bump, and I wasn't sad at all, just excited!!

That's gotta be a good thing!!

I'm so glad you've said this. My OH's best friend and his OH are coming over next weekend and she is 14 or 15 weeks gone too. They started TTC at the same time we got PG and I've been really worried about seeing them as I felt it would upset me too much.... What you've said has given me hope that I may be able to deal with it after all.

Hello all :flower:

Well, 3 dpo and nothing to report... A little crampy this morning but had that from about now all the way to af last cycle so not reading into it at all - probably still ov cramps.

I do have a weird lump on the side of my head though!! I've had the lump for years but it's got bigger and has started hurting. Obviously I'm not thinking it's a PG symptom but I'm actually quite worried there might be something seriously wrong with me!! My OH is also worried. Will be off to the doctor on Wednesday morning for sure!

All quiet on the 2ww front...... so far!!!

:hugs: and :dust:
Hansiz... I have felt fine seeing bumps/scan pics and people announcing they're pregnant without any issues at all. My pitfall was seeing my friends one week old perfectly beautiful boy hence my downward spiral this week.

As for your lump, try not to worry too much :hugs: :flower:

WOW ladies!! Not been on this all weekend and so much to catch up on!!

Firstly a BIG WELCOME to all the new ladies and a WELCOME BACK to neversaynever, glad youre feeling better hun!!

Holly - glad youve managed to DTD as well as the IUI, you must have surely done enough so HUGE fingers crossed that one og those 1000's of :spermy: find the egg!!

Hanskiz - I totally get where youre coming from. I think its hard enough dealing with our losses without being surrounded by people wanting to talk about their own babies and showing off the bumps we never had. Dont get me wrong, im so so happy for them but its all too raw still!! x x

Woody - Hope this is ovulation, youve certainly given it every chance you can!!

As for me, im CD20 now and feeling lousy!! Ive had those crampy feeling you ladies were talking about ALL week and some really sore twinges last night. Weve DTD yesterday and today just incase i havent OV'd yet. After all the confusion over my OPKs last week, some positive, some negative i dont know where im at. Stopped doing them on Monday and now kinda wish id carried on just incase they were false positives (or negatives). My temps are still all over the place but i never seem to be able to get a solid 3 hours sleep so i dont know how much theyre worth doing. Dont think theyre very reliable in my case.

So i could be 5/6dpo or i could still be waiting!! Wish i knew where i was at!! My cycles were crap before my MC and still are!! Im just really really hoping that i actually ovulate or all of this is for nothing!!! :growlmad:

x x
Well cd26 today for me and I think af is due on cd29 b/c I o'd on cd15 making me on a 29 day cycle.... Well I m/c in sept right before my 25th bday! not a good present! :( so it took my hcg level two months to drop to zero it was awful!! so I started acupuncture in jan. and my cycles are back to normal now! im just starting to get discouraged. when dh and I started trying it only took 2 months to conceive.... so now im starting to stress. so i called a fert. specialist and im going in 2 weeks for a consultation. I just want some blood work and ask some questions. lol... until then im going to keep doing my acupuncutre once a month!! just having a bad day..... :( Good luck to everyone in the 2ww.... lots and lots of baby dust to EVERYONE!!!!! :)

I take it you haven't tested yet?? I think you're far enough along that you should be able to! Better to know sooner than later! I think if you're NOT preggo then seeing a FS isn't a bad idea- it's better to know if there an issue so you can take care of it instead of just waiting and waiting and potentially getting disappointed when you could maybe avoid that. :hugs:
Hi Ladies!
I was reading about people being insensitive...and it reminded me of a story that just happened to me last weekend, that made me so sad b/c it was my good friends who hurt me. They started talking about women who lost their babies soon after birth, or survived for a few months then passed away. Horribly, heartbreaking! Then, they started talking about women who loose their babies at 7 months pregnant and how hard that must be. Their whole conversation basically came across as comparing people's of my friends looked at me and said, "Not to say what you went through wasn't hard, but can you imagine losing a baby at 7 months pregnant?" Another friend chimes in (who has already had a baby, so she knows how exciting pregnancy can be), and she states, "Yeah, you've already told everyone and you plan on this baby arriving, and you dream and make plans." My heart was beating out of my chest!!! I could not believe they were having this conversation with me in the room! I walked out quietly and had a cry with my OH. I was so hurt. But like my dad and OH reminded me...they don't know what it's like to lose-they were naive, leaving them to be extremely insensitive!!!
I also have a friend who is pregnant w/ twins. She is due at the end of June. I have been so excited for her, even throughout both of my MC. But lately, I haven't really wanted to be around her much b/c my due date is approaching and I get sad sometimes. When she told me she felt her babies move, I was excited for her, but cried in the midst of my excitement. It's all part of the healing ladies, I think it's just fine to have days where there are women you don't want to talk to or see.

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