*****May Bluebells 2012 ***** So far 23 Pink 17 Blue and 12 Yellow!!!

This is definitely my last pregnancy. I'm too tired !! Even the kicks and movements are getting uncomfortable, they seem to set BH off. I just want to meet her!
Hi Sharon :hi: glad baby has turned for you! :)

Jai - I think I remember now you doing that when you started training! It's only Facebook though people shouldn't be offended hehe!*

Nits - ill look again on their friends lists!

Well I braved the mud and hung out a sheets and towels wash which we badly needed doing! Hopefully it dries fast and I can do another few loads before the rain starts again :haha:*

I went to the shops, came back and my washing had toppled completely over!! (I only have airers on the balcony!) all ok though, the ground is dry thank god!
well, ladies: This monkey of mine seems determined to make me completely and utterly INSANE by the time s/he arrives! Yet another night of constant BH, this time with tons of cervical/rectal pain and pressure! and yet again, only to die down in the morning!!! Im now on day 5 with these non stop BH, and Im serious fed up!!! And even more annoying, one of OH's coworkers who is due a full 2 weeks AFTER me, was electively induced last night "because it was more convenient"!!!!

Ok, rant over!

Nic: 120 people from BNB? you really are the FB queen! I also thought this monkey was going to be an april baby, but its 3:30 here, and nothing is happening, so I guess its safe to say its going to be a may baby. Im hoping that tomorrows sweep will do SOMETHING for me...

Oh, and yes Everyone - I am Meghan! not a random crazy woman just adding people...lol
well, ladies: This monkey of mine seems determined to make me completely and utterly INSANE by the time s/he arrives! Yet another night of constant BH, this time with tons of cervical/rectal pain and pressure! and yet again, only to die down in the morning!!! Im now on day 5 with these non stop BH, and Im serious fed up!!! And even more annoying, one of OH's coworkers who is due a full 2 weeks AFTER me, was electively induced last night "because it was more convenient"!!!!

Ok, rant over!

Nic: 120 people from BNB? you really are the FB queen! I also thought this monkey was going to be an april baby, but its 3:30 here, and nothing is happening, so I guess its safe to say its going to be a may baby. Im hoping that tomorrows sweep will do SOMETHING for me...

Oh, and yes Everyone - I am Meghan! not a random crazy woman just adding people...lol

I never understand inducing for convenience sake!! Awww It wont be long for us chick xx
Yeah, i've been a member her for 3 years and met quite a few girls in "real life" so that's why I have collected so many :haha::haha: I love FB :blush:
On it's 19.40pm here so April babies will have to be very quick !!! xx
You can get her out in a couple of hours nic go onnnn ;)

We want to wait til this baby is about 4 or 5 before we think about another, we will be 26/27 then so not too old to do it again!

11 sleeps til I get to see his face! I want to know what he looks like such a huge amount of my day is spent imagining him, I want to dress him up, and cuddle him and I want to take pictures of jess with his little brother! And more importantly I want my heart burn to disappear and to be able to cross my legs again :haha:
Just ordered my tea :rofl: and My FIL is on his way to walk the dog so I'll leave it ta!
Im 30 and my OH is 28 so I reckon we're done. He wants to get the snip, but every now and then he does make little comments about having a 4th, but Im 31 in December so not sure it's something I want x
I think i've just accepted that Im not getting an april baby.

I was soooo hoping I would go early, Im sure you all remember the issues that I was having with my SIL. She told my MIL "It would be soooo funny if both of our babies arrived on the same day!" ummmm, NO it would NOT!!! The sad thing is, if I go late, I wouldn't be overly surprised if she ignored her dr's orders and stopped her bed rest so that it would happen! She is 5 weeks behind me, so if I go at 41 weeks, that makes her 36 weeks... at least my baby would have its own birthday, and likely its own month, if only s/he would have decided to come early!

Ok, now my rant is REALLY over :haha:
Bumpin - :hugs: So sorry that it's taking it's toll on you. I remember last time when I went overdue, we had tremendous fun going around shops and things. When asked (as I inevitably was) when I was due the look on people's faces when you say 'today' is priceless! lol :haha: It kind of made it a nice day tbh. I really do feel for you with the SIL too.....I know I would have died had this baby come early and been an April baby. My mum would have made my life a living hell as she's April. It's bad enough that we have our wedding anniversary then! Now we're into May, and baby will be a taurean (Mum doesn't like taureans :roll: ) so we can all cope a little better. I will confess to a little jealousy of ladies who have a May 4th baby - as a huge Star Wars fan I would love that! :blush:

Adding into my list of niggles - carpal tunnel in my right hand middle finger (All 4 have it a little, but the middle one is almost numb)! It feels permanently like I've been sitting on my hand! :dohh: Had my repeat GTT today - had 5 viles of blood taken in total as had to have full bloods and thyroid function done too. Last set of tests though! :thumbup: Hubby is getting better too...has use of his arm back to a certain extent - he can't bear any weight to speak of, but he can move it without being in agony. He's off the painkillers too. He's back tomorrow to the hospital for a re-xray so we will have see what the Dr's say. Hopefully he'll be able to drive from maybe next week!

This looks like it will definitely be our last baby too.....unless mother nature has other plans lol. My health is shocking, and tbh, I'd rather not make it worse. I'm 29 in September, so not old but not exactly young by the time we get around to TTC any more (would have to wait at least 12 months). I guess I don't want to tempt fate...as much as I would love another one......we have discussed at length now, as we were kind of set on 3 prior to this pregnancy lol. I am a little sad, but as I have been saying, I got pregnant to have a family, and that's what I have got with Earl, and allbeing well, we'll add to it further with this LO too.
That's a nice way to look at it aimee, with jess he wasn't planned and I was on the pill and it was the first and only time we didn't pull out tni :dohh: so we wernt expecting him, we thought a second baby would be no problem but I think Jesse was 6months the first time I got pregnant after him, it's been a horrible few years to get this second baby, lots of tests, miscarriages and bad news and now he's finally nearly here! I don't know if I could out myself through it again, we had given up trying when I got pregnant with this baby, all the stress put a huge strain on our relationship and it's been hard on us both and especially on my mental state, that's why we said we won't discuss it for 4/5 years and then decide if we want to do it again! I always wanted 5 or 6 in my dream life but I never realised how hard it would be!

Bloody neuralgia is back tonight, I've taken codeine for it as I really can't cope, was told to take the for the contractions last week though and already been told I could take it for neuralgia pain so I don't feel too guilty but at the same time I do!

Pre op on Thursday!!

And it's less than 90minutes til may!!
You ladies are making me feel old!

I'm turning 27 on May 14th and this is our first. I want to wait about 3 years to try for the second and then a couple of years for the third!

I want to be done by 35 but we'll see...

It's almost 9 pm here, so it's already May for some of you!!!! :happydance:

I'm adding some more pics on FB. I AM HUGE!
It doesn't bother me, though. I was pretty small for most of the pregnancy. Some people couldn't even tell I was pregnant until 32 weeks (my profile pic). But my arms got fat =(
I can't sleep!!! I sadly think I might be thr oldest at 30 :(. 31 this year. Booooooo
Goodmorning MAY MOMMIES and happy May Day (Vappu here in Finland)! I hope a few pop today :) 30yrs is the average for a first baby here. I thought that all the grannies were out for a walk when I first arrived 5+ years ago because we have so many really young mommies in the USA. I'm "young" to be a mother here since I had my son at 26. I'll be 28 in June and I still think 3 or 4 are in the cards for us...
Nic you don't look 30 though!!

Happy may day may mummies! Let's hope we all get our babies this month!!
vesper when is your birthday? I am 28 in June too!

This is our first. DH is 27 as well but he will be 28 in December. I am the last to have a baby out of all my friends but I wouldn't have it any other way. We got to get our partying out and hubby and I had almost 3 years of kid-free time before baby so I couldn't have hoped for it to go any better.

Had a scan tonight because the Dr thought that baby was large sized. Turns out he's quite normal, tech said he's 6lbs 14oz but could fluctuate 1 pound either way. So even on the heavy end he won't be a ginormous child.

Funny story... so I asked the tech to just check one more time to make sure he was a boy, she was telling me there wasn't enough fluid up where his butt was to know for sure but she decided to go and look... he took his little ball sac and started shaking it at us!! Just to say, YES I AM A BOY HERE I AM! It was sooooo funny he did it several times!!
:rofl: haha that's awesome Kendra! I'll be 28 on the 24th of June. Guess we had June mommies way back when.. ;)
:rofl: that's so funny kendra!

We had a scan with jess at 39+2 and they said he was measuring small and would be less than 6lbs! ... He was born 5 days later 8lbs 9oz! :haha: so unless he had done huuuge growth spurt I'm not inclined to trust the scan predictions haha! Nice to know he's healthy though xx
Don't worry Ana, I'm 28, oh is 31 and this is our first. I'll be 30 or 31 for our 2nd...at least that's the plan...lol. We fall in the middle.most of our friend are either thinking about kids soon, our they already have them. We've been together for nearly 12 years, so its definitely time for us!

Monique, I don't think I could handle more than 2 kids! I am one of 3 and life was always so hectic...plus I like even numbers. I was always the odd one out, as my siblings are close in age, so 2 babies has become my magic number
kendra, that is really funny!!!

Vesper, that's funny that you say you knew a lot of young mommies in the US. I had the opposite experience. I knew a lot of young mommies (early 20's) in Argentina, but here everyone seems to be in their 30's when they have their first. But I also live in Vermont, which had the second oldest population in the country (I am guessing the first is Florida :haha:)

Happy May Day for all of us who labor hard!
This is our month :happydance:

oh, btw, I had my second acupunture session yesterday and Amy could not stop moving for the rest of the day, some of her movements actually became pretty painful.
I have a scan to check on my amniotic fluid in an hour. I don't think she's turned but I want to see what position she's in.

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