*****May Bluebells 2012 ***** So far 23 Pink 17 Blue and 12 Yellow!!!

Am I the youngest then? (22) I was the youngest last time in our August mummies thread at 19!! :haha:
I think it's safe to say I probably won't be going into labor today anyway. I am SO exhausted. I napped and everything but it didn't help. Just standing is tiring. I'd like to think Mother Nature has my back and my body wouldn't start giving me contractions to cope with too. I think I'd die! I think there are hormones to help me get through the real deal... they are clearly not present now though!
My hormones have been mad the last few days, I've been soooo happy, I keep looking at LO and tearing up cs I love him so much, same
With dh haha don't know what's wrong with me it must e hormones cus dh normally annoys the hell out of me haha :rofl:
I am seriously arsey today :rofl: I think I'd better have a bath and early bed and keep out of the way of the boys in my house !!!
wow, everyone is riding a hormone rollercoaster!

Enjoy the last few days of having baby inside, ladies ^_^

I just came back from my weekly NST/Ultrasound/Midwife's visit. My brother jokes that I am like an old person who only leaves the house to go to the doctor.
Amy is still happily breech. I am trying a chiropractor this Thursday. By now, I don't even know if I want her to turn U_U
My amniotic fluid went down a bit but still within the normal range. However, the u/s technician did say that because of the baby's position, she could see more fluid but couldn't measure it, since Amy was blocking that pocket with her hands :haha:

My mom gets here tomorrow!!! I am super excited =D
I don't know how I went through this whole pregnancy without seeing her. Although, to be honest, I've never talked to her so much as these last 9 months. Sometimes I call her twice a day.
well, im finally home from my Ob appt:

The good news: All these damn bh have been doing their job. Im a SOLID 3 cm dilated, with only a "tiny bit of length" left in my cervix! I had another sweep today too, and my god is my OB aggressive! OH came with me and I was holding his hand while she did that...the little bugger had the nerve to tell me I was hurting his hand...lol

The bad news: Im still measuring at 36 (same as last week) I'm being booked in for another ultrasound on friday, If baby looks good, she will also do another sweep, in the hopes that I will go into labour over the weekend (she is on call all weekend, so she would like me to have the baby then...lol. If baby has not decided to come out by monday, Im going to be induced either monday or tuesday, depending on how busy the unit is. If baby not doing well on the ultrasound, she will have me induced on friday. So no matter what, I am having a baby within the next 7 days!!!:happydance:
Nice one Bumpin!!!!! Eeeeek so exciting. Well if this lady comes same as the boys I hope to have a baby in 7 days too.
I was 3cm when I had my sweep with Noah and that was at 2pm in the afternoon. By 2am the next day my waters broke and he was born at 4,56 so you might have a baby tomorrow :happydance:

Im so excited for us all xxxx
It's so exciting, come on early may babies we want to meet you!!

Bumpin- Sounds like things are progressing :thumbup:

Nit's- I hope you enjoy your time with your mum :hugs:

Booth- I am SO hormonal I must be a nightmare to live with right now. And I'm 20 so am I the baby :blush:

Vesper- Hope you feel better soon :hugs: x
I think we have finally come up with a name.. We just can't agree on a spelling fully. OH likes Kacey but I like Casey. We have a lot of Ks in our family so people keep bugging us not to choose a K name. Although we decided that since it took so long to come up with the name no one is going to know until shes born then it will be to late to complain about it and try to get us to change.
Vesp- My b-day is the 19th... at least we can both have some alcohol for our birthdays this year LOL

Baby seems to have dropped a tiny bit more or could have just changed position and feels like he's lower but I'm seriously so miserable. I'm very uncomfortable. And jealous of everyone having their babies early! Two of my friends had babies today one had the same due date as me, the other originally had the same due date but they changed it and pushed it forward as she went through her pregnancy. I have a gut feeling I will start labor tonight or tomorrow. Let's see if maybe this time I'm right.
I can't believe we are all talking about labor and dilation!!

BUMPIN that is awesome news!!!!!!
Purple_kiwi, I like Casey better but since you have a Kailee, you may want to continue the "K" tradition.

Kendra, I hope your little one decided to come soon =)

I can't wait to see all the babies!
We got invited to a wedding in September :happydance: I am already planning what outfit Amy will wear :haha: and it'll give me some time to lose the 40+ lbs that I've put on so far O_O
I'm having some pretty decent pains low in my belly, not sure if they are real contractions as the top part of my belly isn't getting hard like it does with BH, I guess we shall see.
Fingers crossed for you all having contractions, dilating, etc! Soon! Someone HAS to pop! Went to the hospital yesterday to meet a friend's new daughter and see how it all went. It was so strange to go to the birth ward. The second I got out of the elevator and heard all the visitors and babies I totally teared up. Darn hormones! I will be back there and SOON! I recognized at least one of the midwives on duty too... strange feeling. Most of them were hidden away somewhere since all the rooms were full of people oooing and ahhhing the LOs. All in all, I've been feeling ok. No pains or anything but I get very tired quickly when standing. It's getting harder to stand up too! It takes a couple times usually. Imust look ridiculous! :haha:
Nits - I bet you are so excited to see your mom! Hope you make the most of it and have a good time with her around xxx

Bumpin - wow how exciting! :happydance: when I was checked they told me I was completely closed but on my notes it says I'm 2cm and 40% effaced so I wouldn't call that completely!! :shrug:

Aidens mummy - I feel old now :haha: xx

Purple-kiwi - I LOVE the name Casey :) it was on our boys list! I'd spell it Casey for a boy or a girl though xx

Kendra - good luck! I hope you're right and labor starts soon for you :hugs:

Nits again - its DH sisters wedding at the end of October! I've only put 10lbs on in the pregnancy so far but I have another 2stone (28lbs) I want to lose anyway after the baby is born so I feel good at their wedding i cant wait to get little matching suits for the boys :happydance: x

Kendra again - hope your pains have developed into something now :) eek excited for you!!*

Vesper - I'm the same I struggle with basic things like standing now haha, my bump is so big it's always in the way, I can't wait to stand straight again! :haha:

Well we are officially into single digits now :happydance: 9 more sleeps!!!!

How bad is this, an example of how horrible I must be to live with at the moment!! DH went and got LO when he woke up about 3am last night and brought him in our room, I said thanks for shutting the door, when he came back as he normally leaves it open and it's right over my head and I dont like it as it feels like someone's standing over me! It was a genuine thankyou, and his response was... 'sorry did you not want it shutting?'*
I feel so bad that he thinks everytime I say thankyou for something I'm being sarcastic lol! How awful must it be to be around me!?!? I say thankyou and he thinks in shouting at him lol! :rofl: im a horrible wife!

LO keeps getting us up early and refusing to settle, so we've been watching toy story since 6 am! He made us watch the grinch last night lol! I don't know how many more early nights and long days of super tantrums I can take, I'm too tired for it! It sounds bad but part of me is looking forward to going in hospital to get a break from him! He is so so demanding at the moment :( xx
OH has a thing with K names lol he thinks it will flow better but I like it with a C. I guess we will see not like we have much time left lol.

Wow 9 days? you must be excited. I have like 12 left and Im so nervous I got a pre op the 8th then doctors on the 10th then another pre op on the 12 th then c-section on the 14. I havn't even finished packing my hospital bag yet :blush: I need to get some more wipes and figure out what i want to bring for myself.. I had this all done by 35 weeks last time lol
Becki - I think you might be the youngest again :haha: well jealous ha! I am 28!! Hope you are not in any pain today. Please don't feel you are a bad wife you are not it is just hormones probably and Men take things the wrong way! :dohh: aaah Toystory would love to watch something other than the little mermaid atm :dohh: 9 more sleeps?? :shock: how exciting!!!!!! Good luck tomorrow! x

Ana - shame baby hasn't turned but there is still time and at least another option for mode of delivery :) 3 babies for you then! You are def not old hun!! Big bumps are lush I love them and you are by no means huge!!

Meghan - I do hope baby comes for you soon and the BH turn into something it gets frustrating when things keep stopping and starting!!! I went 2wks over last time and couldn't move as was in sooo much pain I was devastated and in a right old state I was induced in the end at 42wks it isn't soooo bad when you look back but if you are in it and desperate for baby to come it feels hideous, just try and relax and it is more likely to happen :hugs: easier said than done I know but I am glad they have a plan in place for you now! Try not to worry about measurements - see my post below but most of the time it is fine :hugs:

Aimee - sorry about the carpel tunnel how horrible for you! I think 2 is a good number espesh if with health probs :hugs: do you know what you are having? Hope the pain eases xx

Kendra - that scan moment is soooo funny you must have been in stitches :rofl: bless him!! Hope that the niggles you are feeling are the start of something - when do you finish work now?

Aidens Mummy - aaaah I was wrong So you are the baby :) :hugs: how r u?? Not heard from you in ages!

Kiwi - love Casey better but it is obv something for you and DH to decide between you, at least you have the name we still are not that far :dohh:

Monique - I find it hard getting up off our sofa as it is low :haha: the hoisting is funny eh? awwww I bet it was a bit emotional with the babies etc :cloud9: not long until it is yooou!!


So I went for my final consultant appointment yesterday and went alone I thought I would be okay as it was just to discuss how my SPD is and a possible management plan for Induction later on etc etc. but she measured me - only showed 31cm well that is a maximum growth of 2cm in 5 weeks and NO growth in 2 weeks! She then went and talked to the DR's and got me a scan there and then....I now regretted going on my own....I started to panic and even cried I know too much and all these thoughts went through my head ok so baby was fine on last scan but what if not grown at all arrrrgh!!

Anyway it was same sonographer and she was super lovely again - all was okay *phew* never been sooo happy ever ever - Jellybean is still average/just above so goodness knows where s/he is hiding the little tinker but my gawd what a bloody fright!!!!

So I then had a discussion about my SPD and inducing me....I decided I don't want to be induced yet and will see how I am on my EDD I want a spontaneous labour sooo badly so we have not booked it and will see how I go! She gave me a very vigorous sweep I went for a walk/shopping and then bounced on my ball DH and I had :sex: and still nothing :haha: not surprised though...I bet this monkey is just too damn comfy even though I am in agony :dohh: oh well s/he will come when wants to and in the meantime I am going to cherish every last kick as this is my last pregnancy too :cry:

Hope you all have a good day and sending loadsa labour :dust: to those due to pop we need some babies!!!!

Oh and we are super stuck on baby names especially boys!!! NAME SUGGESTIONS PLEEEEEASE!!!!
Roll Up Roll Up! Place your bets! Who's going to pop next!? I'm guessing not me lol - my BH's and everything have eased off, even my heartburn is better and I had a brilliant night's sleep (Earl even let me sleep in by bringing his books and blankets to the foot of our bed for half an hour! :cloud9:) and feel really good today. Makes a change after yesterday as we were all feeling awful after hubby's hospital appointment - had to wait for nearly 2 hours :dohh: Thankfully he's not going to have to have an operation, but needs to keep off his arm for a further 2 weeks minimum. We've had to take the car off the road as there is a problem with the tracking. Will be putting it in at the weekend, or may just trade it in....not decided yet.

It's so exciting to hear about labour getting so close for some of you ladies. I think mine is the calm before the storm, but I remember this happening with Earl about the same stage and he ended up late. I'm actually enjoying it (apart from the fact I can't put on my own shoes/socks! lol :haha:) so I'm hoping to stay in/on a bit longer lol (Plus hubby hurt his arm yesterday and set himself back so now can't move his arm again...... could do without that! lol).

Midwife tomorrow at 12....get to make sure the results were ok (I have a horrible feeling my aneamia is going to be problematic and/or my tsh levels will have changed. Either way, I have pretty much accepted my fate that I'm not going to get my midwife led unit, but I just have to not let that stop me from being active/using water. I have been told that every L&D ward has at least 2 baths as well as the birthing pools (NNU has 2 of these too) so hoping to take my oils and just stay in the bath the entire time if I need to! lol :haha::blush:

Best be off.....Earl and I are getting the bus into town today. Library, shops for baby toiletries and then I think we may just have to visit the pet shop to see the hamsters lol (who needs the zoo when you have pets at home!? lol :blush:)
Thanks Jenna. I'm just worried after last weeks appointment and scan. Baby was measuring small, only in the 12th percentile, and this week my measurement hadn't changed at all. I'm scared baby isn't growing, or there is a problem with my placenta or the cord, and we just can't see it on the scan. My friends sister list her baby last year at 38 weeks from a knot in the cord and now I'm super paranoid that something is really wrong. I heard from my dr today, I was supposed to have another scan on fri, but she couldn't get me in until monday. So now she won't be able to book my induction until then, and so I might be waiting until next thursday... I want this baby out so badly so that I can know its here safe and healthy...
Sorry bumpin, I get that way sometimes too, I hope that nobody has to go through anything terrible with their babies this month!

I guess all my pains and niggles meant absolutely nothing. How utterly frustrating I just want to cry! I am in so much pain and so seriously uncomfortable. Baby is so low my belly is just hanging and its made the skin so painful and I look ridiculous.

As for work I should just be working through Friday and then I'm done. We shall see though, I mean if he's going to take his sweet time might as well make some money :/
The couple of weeks leading up to the due date are awful Every niggle gets your hopes up :hugs: Now Ive reached mine I kind of feel resigned to be at least a week late. I actually can't imagine going into labour and I've done it twice before totally spontaneously.
I have a MW app at 4pm and we have to walk as I have no car, so unbeknown to Noah he's in the pram and we're going to walk really briskly :haha: It's not that far, but far enough xx

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