*****May Bluebells 2012 ***** So far 23 Pink 17 Blue and 12 Yellow!!!

Meghan I know exactly what you mean, I am soooo twitchy now about baby coming and would just like him or her to arrive as I just want to know all is well :hugs: I just don't think it is going to happen anytime soon for me :dohh:

Kendra - sorry you are in a lot of discomfort, you're right though best to make some money if you can handle the work :hugs:

Nic - hope the brisk walk helps!! :dance:
Hi everyone still have no Internet. Hope you are all well :D still waiting for my ikea order but house is looking less nuts x
It is very quiet in here today.....are you all off having babies without me :hissy:
Not me!!!
Another May mummy has though *facebook stalker* :rofl: She hasnt been on the thread in a while tho, It's PrettyUnable xx
Modo, you should upload pics of the new house.

OT: my mom is here :happydance: She brought a tons of presents for the baby too :haha:
Lots of books and CDs in Spanish =D
not me... :cry:

I just went on a mad woman cleaning spree, then went to the gym to walk on the treadmill for an hour. if nothing happens tonight, im giving up. Baby can stay in there! *stops feet and pouts*
Aww poor thing :( I am still uncomfortable, having tons of pains throughout my uterus and down below but nothing like contractions I don't think unless I'm gonna be one of those women who says later "I didn't even know I was in labor!" Have been having some HORRID contractions in my low back and when I do I can feel discharge and stuff coming out of me so I'm hoping that this means something but I have no idea anymore :(
:hugs: to everyone who's in a lot of pain!

I just wanted to say: I'm 37 weeks today - OFFICIALLY FULL TERM!!!! :happydance:

I spent many weeks worried I might have a preemie. I can breath now =D

:wohoo: Happy Full Term Ana - must be a huge relief :yipee: glad your Mum arrived safely!!

I am bloody shattered today!!! I want my baby to come - the sweep didn't work, so if a sweep from a cons doesn't work nothing will :dohh: oooh well!!! I know I am going to go overdue again :shrug: very annoying as I just want to have as much time as poss off with baby before going back to work and each day is a day I lose :(
Morning. I feel in a really good mood today got quite a lot of engery too. I've kind of resigned myself that she'll come when she's ready and probably when I least expect it so I'm not other thinking things now!
Im ironing at my friends today and that takes me 3 hours so then I'll come home and rest xx
Yes exactly how I feel RE: baby if you sit and wait it will never happen so best to get on with it and it "might" happen :haha: A day morning of :iron: for both of us then :wohoo: (sarcasm) - hope you have a good rest later xx
All the frustration is setting in, amazing how quickly you go from praying every day they stay in there to just wanting to hold them in your arms! My son arrived on due date so really hoping this one isn't like his dad- always late!!
Hi all,

Could someone have a word with my little boy! I am everso proud of the progress he's making with potty training, but waking me up at 4.30 to have a wee in 'the big boy toilet', isn't cool! lol :blush: Bless him....I suppose I should get used to it.

38 weeks today, and I'm at the midwife today too. Got my iron count back....apparently it's responding (not sure of exact levels) and I'm to continue as I am :happydance: Just need to find out my GTT result. Would it be wrong of me to call before my appointment to find out?! :shrug: I'm just curious.

Dropped little man off at pre-school this morning, now just going to have an hour to myself with hubby, a cuppa and then on with the day. Hope we're all ok an dhugs to those that need them. I'm continuing with the good days today - apart from my carpal tunnel has spread a little to my left hand too now.....makes life interesting! :haha:
Aimee - I am not looking forward to that - A still wears a nappy at night and so far she hasn't woken me for a wee and I am not going to push the night time potty training, I figure she will get it when she is ready as long as dry in the night so I really feel for you him getting up at 4:30 when we are this preggo and need our sleep!! I would ring if you want to know it makes no odds, just one less thing for her to look up really! Hope they come back okay and you have a nice hour with DH and rest of mw appt goes well!

Sharon - I know it is so funny isn't it? :haha: oooh I hope your baby isn't late either, if mine takes after me again then this one will be late too :dohh:
I know I am going to go overdue again :shrug: very annoying as I just want to have as much time as poss off with baby before going back to work and each day is a day I lose :(

How long will you be on leave?

OT but kind of "fun" to share: What not-baby-related things are getting you super emotional lately?

1) Everything related to segregation/racism. I am watching Mad Men and there's a lot about the Civil Right's movement this season. It makes me want to cry. I am also reading this really good book, Small Island, and there's a lot of racism there.

2) A dead mole :haha: I had a little mole living in my car. We got it out and it just sat there on the ground, not moving much. It looked so small and vulnerable. I just wanted to cry. :dohh:
Kendra: I think im going to be ones of those women too. These bh are getting sooo uncomfortable! I keep getting my hopes up that something is starting, and then they fade off to just being tightenings. I always end up disappointed!

Happy Full Term Ana! :thumbup: You made it! Have they booked your section? Or are they going to see if they can turn LO? Glad to hear your mom arrived safely. How long is she staying for?

Jenna: I have lost all faith in sweeps! after 3 of em, I can't say that I want another next week. My OB is going to check my cervix on monday... Im hoping I dont last until then.

Aimee: I think he'll get the hang of just going on his own eventually. I know quite a few ladies whose little boys refused to potty train until they were nearly 4! I always heard that boys are harder to potty train than girls.

AFM: As im sure you all have figured, nothing happened for me last night. So baby can just stay in there! I had a few hours of excitement where I thought I had sprung a leak in my waters, but sadly, it was not. So Im going to assume that Im going to be induced next week. My mom had a hard time convincing me to come out too. They tried to induce her on the friday, sent her home on the sat cause it didn't work, and told her to come back on manday so they could try again and if it didn't work they could prep her for a c section. I elected to come on my own on the sunday...
MW went great. BP 110/68, Iron count 10.9, GTT Normal, 2/5 engaged and Signed off for MLBU!!

Apart from the fact that I had to wait nearly an hour for my appointment (to be fair the 2 appointments before me were a booking in and a sweep :wacko:) it couldn't have gone better :thumbup:

Thanks for the warm word re: the potty training. Earl still wears a nappy at night but for some reason has started to wake up in the night to use the potty or to be tucked back in. I think he's just very aware of it at the moment. We're not pushing it until after our holiday in July, but in the meantime he's so keen, I'm just letting him lead. Shattered now though lol :sleep:
Happy Full Term Ana! :thumbup: You made it! Have they booked your section? Or are they going to see if they can turn LO? Glad to hear your mom arrived safely. How long is she staying for?

Thanks =D

Yes, I have a c-section booked for May 17th (AKA exactly 2 weeks from now :wacko:) but we are still trying to make her turn. I have a chiropractor's appointment today, she'll try the Webster technique https://icpa4kids.com/about/webster_technique.htm
and I've been doing acupuncture. I know I should be doing downward dogs and what not, but I can hardly walk, I don't want to be trying this awkward head-down positions :coffee:
Can you believe they even suggest you lean an ironing board against a couch and lay there, head down? 0.o
I don't even have an iron, let alone a board. And I am afraid it would break right now if I try to place my very pregnant body on it :haha:
I have to talk to my OB again this Tuesday about an ECV, it really depends on my amniotic fluid levels.

My mom is staying for 6 months. At first it sounded overwhelming, but I am super grateful that she's here. DH just switched jobs. He had 3 weeks of paid vacation saved up for when baby was born, and then he got laid off :cry: We were SUPER lucky that he got hired by a different hospital right away, but no vacation time and we can't afford to have him take 2 weeks off without pay, since I've been on medical leave since 33 weeks...

Baby will be here soon, don't despair. Enjoy the last few days of feeling it kick inside of you and jump on your bladder =P
Nits that's really tough but it's great that your DH got another job right away.

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