*****May Bluebells 2012 ***** So far 23 Pink 17 Blue and 12 Yellow!!!

Just got back from a delicious dinner out with the DH while DS was on a play date. It was SO great to spend some stress-free time with just the two of us. We don't get to very often because I always have to ask from friends since our family members don't live nearby. We knew that this might be the last chance for a while to be kid-free so we definitely appreciated it!

Any news from PrettyUnable? I don't have her on FB.
Well I went in for my appointment and the Dr said that I wasn't very dilated but cervix was very thin and baby's head very low. He didn't give a dilation measurement but I am assuming it has to mean like a 2 if he wasn't concerned about it. I told him I had been experiencing decreased fetal movement and so he sent me for an NST where at that point the baby was moving around so much that a nurse had to sit there for 20 minutes and hold the monitor down on baby because the Dr wouldn't let me go until we could get 20 minutes of uninterrupted baby heart rate. I felt awful that they had to take the time to do that for me when it was obvious that after I got there baby was perfectly fine. I think it was because baby moved to the other side of my belly during the night so his movements didn't feel the same to me and I automatically thought there was an issue. So now lucky me I get to go back to twice weekly appointments for monitoring until I have him. Hoping this whole full moon thing has some logic to it and that I will have him over the weekend!
Kendra, now that I am having NSTs twice a week, I've learned that there are many times when I won't feel her but she's actually being very active.

Now that she's running out of room, her movements are a lot stronger but not as "jerky" or noticeable sometimes. It's great that you talk to your doctor about your concerns, though. I feel like paying attention to her movements is my new full time job :haha:

I went to the chiropractor today, to make her turn. She said it usually takes a few sessions, so I'm going back next Monday and Tuesday. Boy did it hurt!!! I thought it would be more like a relaxing massage :dohh:
I was joking with my DH that I should get a doll and show him where the doctor touched me: the idea is to align and open the pelvis, so she massages your bum, your hips, your lower back, and your pelvic bone, of course.
I find it funny that I have to go through the pain of the chiropractor's massage so that I can get her to turn and then enjoy the pain of labor and delivery :haha:
Nits - you're a brave lady lol. I don't think I could cope.

I had another bad night last night. Got to take Earl to pre-school and then do the shopping though, so no time to catch up. Will just have to get an early night. My tummy muscles felt like they were tearing last night - really painful but nothing to suggest we'll get a May 4th baby lol.

Can't believe we're 4 days into May and still no babies on here?! :wacko:
I know I am going to go overdue again :shrug: very annoying as I just want to have as much time as poss off with baby before going back to work and each day is a day I lose :(

How long will you be on leave?

OT but kind of "fun" to share: What not-baby-related things are getting you super emotional lately?

1) Bloody TV programmes are making me emotional - crying at them :haha: even ones that are ridiculous to cry at :dohh:

2) I cried at my cons appt when they asked how my SPD was - I didn't realise how much it was upsetting me :shock:

Ana - I am on leave until middle of February *sigh* I know that is a long time for some but DD was just over a year almost 13months when I went back last time and that was THE most difficult thing I have done - this one will be 9months and I worry I am going to miss walking etc :cry: I reeeally hope baby does turn but I am glad you are taking it in your stride and what will be will be...super helpful and nice of your mum to be over so long!! :thumbup:

Meghan - I keep getting strong and uncomfy and sometimes regular tightenings and I hope it will amount to something and it doesn't - I had 3 sweeps with my DD but if baby is not ready to come then they don't work no and when they are before term they don't tend to work which is prob what happened with us both this time :dohh: why are they inducing you if scan shows all ok? :hugs:

Aimee - glad appt went so well that is great news :wohoo: aaah bless Earl but at the same time Mummy needs to :sleep: :dohh:

Monique - :thumbup: sounds like a great evening with DH and def a good opportunity to grab some "us" time before the madness begins :haha:

Kendra - :haha: what a little monkey but definitely did the right thing don't feel bad they are there to help....yes the full moon always sends labour wards mental so FX there will be a flurry of babies born!

I too can't believe that no babies are here yet :shrug: :hissy: I really wanted a :baby: today haha!

AFM - went to a hypnobirthing class last night to relax and get DH into it so he knows the right things to do and say to calm me down if needed, it was nice but I was tired :sleep: got back at 10 and then the babysitter left at 10:30 and we went to bed...! Had the worst night for pain last night I couldn't get comfy at all the SPD was at an all time high threshold of pain and JB was shoving his/her bottom in my ribs all night :dohh: soooo tired today! Up early and taking JT to her dance class for the first time at 2pm! :flower:

Hope some babies come!! Truck loads of labour :dust: for us all!!! :dust:
Vesper - glad you had a nice date! We're planning to go out on Thursday the night before section, :) jess will be at my mums so we thought we would make the most of it seeing as it will be twice as hard to get a baby sitter in future! x

Kendra - don't feel bad that's what they are there for! Glad baby is fine and you're abit more reassured and hope he arrives soon :) *x

Nits - hope she turns!*

Aimee - sorry you had a bad night :( and its funny how all the babies seem to be hanging on lol! Maybe waiting for the weather to pick up :haha:

Sorry I haven't replied to everyone, read last night but was so tired so didn't reply so I've only done the last page!

Pre-op went fine though consultant apparently should've booked me in for the coming Tuesday Pre op slot as I couldn't have my bloods done because there was too much of a gap :dohh: i started getting upset because it's nearly an hour drive and I didn't want dh having to take more time off work to go back as the blood room isn't open by the time we could get there after work! They said I could have my bloods done on Friday when I get there but it might mean I'm last! Slots are 9/10/11 though so they said baby should definitely be arriving by lunchtime and also that the elective c sections are a separate part of the hosp do it's very rare that any energencys on labor ward interrupt them as they have their own theatre so it only happens if they are super busy and it's a real real emergency! Got my tablets ready to take the night before too! So this time next week I'll be on the ward or maybe going up to theatre! Scary!

Does anyone have any weekend plans? (apart from hoping to give birth :haha: ) as its our last ever weekend with just jess we planned to do some things with him but the weather is rubbish! I have a climbing frame from the Argos Easter sale arriving tomorrow morning and we need to stock the freezer up so dh doesn't starve while I cba cooking lol, I want to catch all the washing up too if I can, so we're having a pretty boring weekend doing our last bits of organising I think! If the weather is better then we plan on taking Jesse to the petting zoo and farm place near MILs which he loves and we haven't been since last summer! :) the walking might do me good too!*
Jai - we must have crossed posts :haha: glad your hypnotic thing went well but sorry you were in pain last night :hugs: I slept surprisingly well, I've struggles for months with back and hips hurting at night but I'm so exhausted now that my body seems to block it out and just let me sleep! Hope you feel better today xx
Thanks Becki :hugs:

So glad your pre op went so well it really is all happening now hey? That is great that you can have your bloods done on the day as it is a nightmare to go back and forth when you live so far away I live far away too so completely understand!!! Sooooo exciting to think this time next week you will be there ready and prepared for baby :) and to have a nice meal the night before sounds purrfect :) I think if I do have to be induced then we will do the same thing the night before!

We aren't up to much - I am seeing a friend tomorrow so prob do lunch with her but the rest of it will be tidying up and doing things exactly like you said and if nice we will also take JT to the farm! xx
Jenna: they usually don't let you go much past 41 weeks here, and where I am so miserable my dr has aged not to push it to far past then. I'll be 41 weeks on tuesday, and the gel can take a day our 2 to get labour going. I would like baby to come on its own, but it looks like this one will remain stubborn.

Becki: glad your preop went well! Hopefully the weather clears so you can have some fun with you're little guy!
Aaaah I see - sorry didn't see you were in Canada :dohh: yes I have stubborn babies - not sure where they get it from :blush: haha
No out of the ordinary plans here. We usually do a big shopping trip for food on Saturday and DH goes with DS to his gym class on Sunday. Other than that, we are just hoping for DS2 to come along...
I've got to try to keep Earl occupied over Sunday/Monday/Tuesday as hubby has revision to do. Thankfully the weather is picking up a little, but I have no idea what to do with him for 3 days. Earl's been at pre-school this morning and is absolutely shattered so hoping for a nice early night tonight at least. :sleep: We really should do some 'just the 2/3 of us' activities, however, we are going to be so busy in June/July that I'm not sure how much we can physically do lol. May suggest the zoo/sea life for after hubby's exams next week if we're still here - in fact, there's no 'may' about it lol.
Man I am also irritated that we're 4 days into May and nobody has had theirs yet! SO many mamas going overdue! I certainly hope I am not one of them not sure I can take another week of this crap :( Maybe my baby will be a Cinco De Mayo baby and come out soon enough that mom can have a margarita snuck into the hospital LOL
:haha: Kendra, you'll have that margarita soon!

Jenna, I'm sorry about the SPD =(
I had it really bad during the second trimester. At one point it was so bad that I had to manually move my leg from the gas pedal to the break every time I needed to stop. And then, one day I woke up and the pain was gone O_O

Becki, your baby will be here so sooooon =D
It's only another week and a half until my c-section :wacko: providing she doesn't turn. If she does, then I'll join everyone else and play the waiting game.
We're all so close :happydance:

mmmm, I may get togetehr with my Spanish-speaking friends tomorrow. I don't know if I have any plans besides that.
May 14th is my birthday. I usually love celebrating birthdays but I think we'll just have a very low key dinner with DH and my mom. I can't be bother to invite people over. I need my 5 naps a day, I can't be playing hostess :haha:
Did it? WOW I have never met someone where it just sent before - something must have realigned for you - so pleased you do not have it anymore! I hope you have a nice wkend - 14th is my EDD so my baby could be born on your bday :dance:
Maybe it wasn't full-blown SPD? It was really bad pain, though. But yeah, it just went away.

I may share my birthday with some of the babies here =D
How exciting is that? ^_^
Nits - my Hubby has his £1 on the 14th for the day that baby will arrive- We're hoping he's right lol. I originally had the 11th, but I think that's wishful thinking, and I've changed my mind to the 19th. Hubby is hoping I'm wrong as he has exams on the 21st, 22nd and 23rd :wacko:

We can now officially start baby eviction :happydance:- hubby test drove the car to the shops and was able to do everything he needed to without pain :thumbup:

Becki - glad that the pre-op went well too! :thumbup: While going last isn't nice, at least you'll be able to be thoroughly prepared and not rushed on the day too. :thumbup:

Anyone else feeling stupidly calm about the whole thing? I was at the MW's on thursday and she said I was the most calm 2nd timer she'd ever seen. She was trying to make me nervous by asking me things like 'is everything ready?' etc and I was responding with 'yep, all done'. She said that probably means that baby will be overdue ..... :dohh:

Anywho, best be off. Housework to do, washing to put on, small boy with a cough to look after and a shopping trip to fit in too. :wacko: At least I went to boots yesterday and spent my advantage points like I've wanted to for weeks and got all the toiletries including 2 tubs of sudacrem, for free. I only had to pay for 2 bottles that I wanted. I have MAM ones but they're the big 8oz ones and I like to have a couple of smaller ones as baby will be FF and you need to be able to give water etc. Found out though that the teats for the Boots ones I've bought fit the MAM ones so if I have a problem getting replacements I can just use the Boots ones until I can get MAM ones! :thumbup:

Anyway, enough of my rambling. Earl is watching Cars (again lol), hubby is asleep, and I am starving! lol Situation normal in our house lol. :flower: I love Saturdays lol
Grrrrr!! LO and DH have passed their cold on to me :dohh: I have a blocked nose a sore throat and a horrible vibrating noise in my ear now :( just what I need in the last few days before the baby arrives!!!

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