*****May Bluebells 2012 ***** So far 23 Pink 17 Blue and 12 Yellow!!!

We need to buy something for the garden. Our old house had a playground down the road but we don't have one here. It's B's birthday on the 21st so we will be getting him some outside stuff for his main presents.

Congrats to Kendra!!!!
Aww congratulations to Kendra - was she a blue or a yellow bump?

Bumpin - (sorry I'm hopeless with names, esp at the moment lol) - good idea on giving them a call. Hopefully all the BH's are a good sign for your actual labour though.

Is anyone getting anything like 'real' contractions? I had a bout of them at teatime tonight with full on period pain, backache, 4 mins apart....had 6 of them in a row as hubby started to get the counter out lol. Poor Earl didn't know what was going on and tbh I started to panic as hubby can now drive, but I don't think he can go all the way to Essex and back :wacko: Baby is now firmly under orders not to arrive before Thursday....and I WILL NOT be drinking any more RLT! lol :blush:
Don't know what contractions feel like a I was induced and epiduraled very early on in the process. Your def like the real deal :shock:

I have been having bh that are stronger then ever before. I didn't get them last time with Bobby but I am pretty sure they are BH as they tend to stop if I move. They are pretty ouchie though, I was surprised. My hoohaa has been pretty stingy lately. Is that normal?
Aimee: what you describe as "real" contractions, have been my bh for nearly 24 hours now... 3 mins apart, but they just dont get any stronger.
Aimee: what you describe as "real" contractions, have been my bh for nearly 24 hours now... 3 mins apart, but they just dont get any stronger.

I really do feel for you hun - I was in labour for 43 hours in total with Earl, and that was bad enough. :hugs: I really do hope you either get a break or move on soon, just so they stop for you, or you feel like you're achieving something.

Mine I think were caused by baby engaging further. Bump has dropped, bottom is now lower and baby has been wriggling like crazy reminiscent of when a dog gets it's head stuck down a hole :haha:. Hubby can feel legs, feet and even toes in the gap that's been created. I have been resting all evening (apart from Earl shouting 'Mummy, Mummy, Mummy, Mummy' repeatedly about an hour ago. I go up to see and find him half fallen out of bed, propping himself up on his arms, well and truly stuck. I couldn't help but laugh out loud. :haha:) and eaten far too much ben and jerry's! :blush:
I'll go through the threads in a little bit, I just wanted to say: Holy pelvic pressure, Batman! I can hardly walk. It just started this afternoon. My mom is saying that my bump looks a lot lower too O_O

I think it's time for me to start packing my bag. I was in denial, but this baby can be here any day now. I doubt I'll go into labot before my scheduled c-section, though, but this pelvic pressure plus the on and off cramping I've been having today made me realize I am almost 38 weeks. How did that happen???
Bump has dropped, bottom is now lower and baby has been wriggling like crazy reminiscent of when a dog gets it's head stuck down a hole :haha:.


I'll go through the threads in a little bit, I just wanted to say: Holy pelvic pressure, Batman! I can hardly walk. It just started this afternoon. My mom is saying that my bump looks a lot lower too O_O

I think it's time for me to start packing my bag. I was in denial, but this baby can be here any day now. I doubt I'll go into labot before my scheduled c-section, though, but this pelvic pressure plus the on and off cramping I've been having today made me realize I am almost 38 weeks. How did that happen???

Yep yep! I got major pressure when this baby engaged. I tend to get pressure feelings later in the afternoon. The cramping and all that... time to pack your bag BUT it could still be weeks so pack and then relax! :flower:

I was in bed talking with DH on Friday and got a series of 4 cramp-like pains that were about 4 min apart. I wasn't quite convinced they were contractions when they just stopped anyway. I hated how I felt disappointed. I didn't have any BH I could feel with my first so I've been kind of assuming that when I get contractions again this time it will be the labor. Thankfully it was just a short time though and they didn't come back. I'd hate to have to wonder all the time. Went to take a sauna with DH to relax afterwards.
Seems like all the babies are getting ready now! I couldn't sit down properly or walk yesterday afternoon cus I had such bad pressure pains, he keeps wriggling and I think he's pressing on nerves cus it hurts my legs like mad when he shuffles a certain way!

Up early on bank holiday watching finding nemo :haha:

Plan for today is finish hospital bags and pack jess bag! 4 sleeps!!!
Seems like all the babies are getting ready now! I couldn't sit down properly or walk yesterday afternoon cus I had such bad pressure pains, he keeps wriggling and I think he's pressing on nerves cus it hurts my legs like mad when he shuffles a certain way!

Up early on bank holiday watching finding nemo :haha:

Plan for today is finish hospital bags and pack jess bag! 4 sleeps!!!

Up not too early (didn't get my lie in but Earl didn't get up til 8.30 anyway :happydance:) watching Monsters Inc. lol :haha: Think we should start the Pixar appreciation society! lol

Hubby took it upon himself yesterday to get the cot down out of the loft - he just about managed it without killing himself (he's A LOT better than what he was) and we now have the cot assembled in our room. I was worried because if the LO is as big or bigger than Earl then the Moses Basket just isn't going to cut it for more than a couple of weeks. :wacko: We now have the cot, and the travel cot is within reach too so can get that down when it's required (i.e. when the moses is definitely too small and needs replacing lol). Just have to sort out the room today as at the moment the cot is simply obstructing traffic lol. :haha:

Nits - I packed my bags a couple of weeks ago, and now it's annoying me that things I'm looking for are in there lol. I think it's probably better to have left it. Re: pelvic pressure.....there are times I feel like I'm walking like John Wayne lol. I also get sciatica a little (usually if I turn too quickly or something). I don't remember when/if this happened last time but hubby is sure it was very close to the end. :wacko:
At least I'm getting a break from bloody toy story :haha: jess calls monsters inc 'monster sink' lmao and goes on about 'mika zowski' :rofl:
He's outside in the garden already on his 'bouncy-line' so I took the opportunity to stay in bed and DH has just brought me up a cup of tea! Probably cus he thinks I might cook him breakfast if he does that :haha:

We haven't even got a cot I chucked it when we moved last year :dohh: jess was in the swinging crib til about 5months though (when he did sleep on his own!) so think we'll be okay for a while!

I'm the same with the hosp bags too though I'm going to finish them and not open them again after today! I keep going in like when I can't find the hair brush etc cus I know there's one in there and then forgetting to put things back!

Think we will try get to the big park today too while DH is off! He's excited cus he only has to work 3 days this week and then he gets two weeks off lol! x
Well , I woke up at 4 am because I could hear a little mouse in my room (did I mention we live in the forest?). I've been up since then.

Last night my mom Helped me organize all if amy's things and prepare te bags. Everything is ready now! Now I'll just sit back and wait, and wait and wait ... :haha:

I wish I had a toddler to wstch pixar movies with at 4 in the morning
:brat: blah. Can't this baby just get here already? I was so hoping I wouldn't get too impatient but waiting for this kind of life changing event makes everything else kind of feel like it's on hold. I'm so glad I'm not in pain really or anything but I'm over being pregnant.
Nits - you will do before it feels like 2 minutes has passed!
Eek mice! We used to have some living in the garden walk at our old house but luckily they never came inside that I know of, I'm not too worried about them here because even though we live in the country and the garden backs on to fields, there are chickens in next doors garden so our garden has cats in it all day and foxes all night so I hope that will keep the nice away! :haha:

I've felt really sick all morning, hope I'm not getting a big as well as this silly cold! Just made DH run me a bath, I can't get comfortable because of this horrible pressure between my legs and in my bum, think he must be engaged now!! Then when I get out I'm going to force myself to do the hospital bags properly! x
:brat: blah. Can't this baby just get here already? I was so hoping I wouldn't get too impatient but waiting for this kind of life changing event makes everything else kind of feel like it's on hold. I'm so glad I'm not in pain really or anything but I'm over being pregnant.

I know what you mean! Kind of feels like life is on pause at the moment! 4 days left and it seems like four weeks as everything is dragging! Then they are born and it's like fast forward!! Not much longer now for any of us! xxx
Hey!! Still here too!!! :growlmad: Im fed up now, I ache, my pelvis is broken into a million pieces :rofl:
Ana - You can have my toddler for a bit if you want!!! He's cute and likes watching TV!!!

Well just waiting now. Got a Sweep at 41+1 on Thursday. Got backache and period pains now but that's the norm for me this time it seems Im too tired to make a big post so I just wish you all well xxxx
What ever happened to this +14/-14 days... seems like they got it wrong and meant due date + eternity! I can't believe hardly any babies are here yet. Ridiculous.

Becki, at least you know the day. That must be such a relief! It's on my due date. I am trying to tell myself that I'll be a week over like with my son. Then maybe I won't go ballistic when the due date comes and goes. I'm just battling with the never ending fatigue... and the worst is that I know that birthing isn't going to make that go away...

:rofl :Ana, you can have my toddler too. He loves youtube. Give him an ipad and he's out of your hair for 5 min... sometimes longer. :rofl:

Nic, I sincerely hope you don't need your sweep. What in the blazes it that baby of your waiting for ?!?!?!
Oh, and does anyone else have people say stupid effing things to them like "Oh, still in one piece, huh?"??? :growlmad::growlmad::growlmad:

I had 2 people within 5 min of walking out the door this morning ask me that. Um, isn't it obvious that I am you bloomin' ***/€%/=)?!? :growlmad::growlmad::growlmad:
NO idea what she's waiting for and yes I'm sick of the silly questions :haha:
I completely agree with everyone - it must be the day - I am in pain, pelvis is broken in a million pieces too I am grumpy emotional and want to meet my baby and I am not even overdue yet so feel sorry for those of you that are :hugs: hang in there it won't be long for any of you - Becki hit it on the head with the dragging and then the fast forward button it is so annoyingly true!

Monique - my MIL always asks me if I am still in one piece it really pees me off!! I hate dumb questions!!

Nic your gorgeous girl needs to come now please!!!! come on sweetie we all want to see you xxxx

So jumping jacks it seems it is ladies :rofl:

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