Morning all. I write you all from the comfort of my home today!
I had my 38 week check up yesterday and had my first cervix check. My feet have been extremely swollen and I've been having some braxton hicks so I let my doc know about that. my blood pressure was elevated and they found a little protein in my urine. I got my cervix check and I am dilated 2 cm almost a 3 and 50-60% effaced and cervix is very soft! OMG! I am so excited that I am making progress.
Just to be safe I was sent to labor and delivery triage to be monitored. My blood pressure was staying high and I was told that if it doesn't lower I will be induced. My contractions were 8 minutes apart too HOLY CRAP! I was not ready for all this! But, after and hour it lowered and I was sent home. I must say I was a little bummed out. i got very excited to see my little man. My hubby even showed up with our overnight bags, and cameras, everything. We are so ready for this. I am staying home from work today, which was my last day of work before I started my maternity leave on Monday. I am going back to triage at labor and delivery on Saturday morning for another monitoring session. I have no idea what will happen but I really would love to have Noah this weekend! But, if he's not ready to come out just yet I am OK with that too. I am just so happy that something is happening and it feels like I won't be pregnant forever LOL.