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May Emeralds 2014 - Parenting

starry night, you've done amazing! Most important thing is baby is being fed. she needs a healthy and happy mama more than breast milk. :hugs:
starry night, you've done amazing! Most important thing is baby is being fed. she needs a healthy and happy mama more than breast milk. :hugs:

i 100 per cent agree!!! i go by the moto a happy healthy mum = happy healthy baby/family! by doing as long as you have you have given a really good start and some breast milk is better than none!

We have our health visitor coming out again tomorro for 8 week check he will be getting weighed too hasnt been weighed in 4 weeks im looking forwad to seeing how much he has put on!
My first baby was healthier and happier on formula then he ever was breastfeeding. Its great if it works, but if its not working then we can all be thankful for formula! Its not the poison some people make it out to be.

I agree Rosie, Happy/healthy mama = happy/healthy baby. It took me a LONG time to believe that when shit hit the fan with G. I was soooo convinced that formula was bad, that I couldn't see how I was hurting everyone. I dont wish that experience on anyone.
my little chunk is weighing in at 10lb 12oz today :D happy mummy!
My little chunky monkey he weighed in at 11lb 11oz today at 5weeks 6days.

That would explain why so many clothes are now too small and the need for size 2 nappies!
hahaha, miss J is still only about 9 lbs, and she's almost 2 months old!
Thanks, ladies. I've been seeing the doctor for my PPD and she was very supportive. Even suggested a formula that may help with the colic. :) I have noticed an almost-immediate improvement in my mood after quitting nursing. It suddenly sheds light on my near-PPD with my son. My mood also greatly improved after switching to FF with him but I thought that was simply because BFing was going poorly and I was just happy to see him fed. This time BFing seemed to be going well but for that nasty hormone business. IF I were to have a 3rd child I'd still try BFing. DD is much, MUCH happier now too. She still has colic but there has been a HUGE mood change. She no longer cries ALL day and she's more awake and alert during the day.

And congrats to all the chunky monkeys. I love itty bitty babies when they're new but I also love the roly-poly babies too! My son started small but became a chunky monkey and I could never stop pinching his thighs and cheeks (both kinds!) So cute.
Starry I'm so happy your feeling better! You being happy and healthy is the most important thing! After birth makes your body flip out majorly with hormones at the best of times, I felt so strange after I had Noah I honestly ask OH if I had died like 100 times, nothing felt real anymore and I thought I had died :shock: how weird is that! Formula feed or breastfeed the most important thing is they are being FEED :hugs: xxx
Lots of great weight gain. My little peanut just broke 8 lbs!!! We keep going to lactation and the Dr for weight checks to keep an eye on it and make sure it's going up.

It makes me feel like i have a supply issue or is this just a growth spurt? Yesterday she just wasn't content. Ate every 2-3 hours crying like she was starving. My breast is always soft now but not sure if it's since she's eating more or not. I wasn't feeling well last night and tried to pump too and didn't even get an oz. Does that mean it's all she's getting too each time? Went into crib at 930 and is just waking at 3. Is that too long to let her go as it will also decrease my supply?
Pumping is no way to tell how much you are producing. Even with the hospital grade ones. Baby is much better at getting milk out. I pumped one breast yesterday and got 3 ounces before I stopped because no more milk was coming out. Scarlett woke up less than five minutes later and I put her on that breast and she was swallowing while time so there was obviously more milk. At the point you are at your body should be evening itself out and knowing the exact amount it needs to make so you'll stop leaking and feeling full all the time so breast will feel soft. When baby has a growth spurt they up the amount of times and duration that they nurse for. Also like the link I posted the other day babies under three months will continually have bouts of crying for no real reason for hours and hours. Bf babies comfort nurse as well so during these times they'll nurse longer. Just this week Scarlett has nursed daily anywhere from 3-6 hours STRAIGHT. If not she she was screaming her head off! Rest Of day and night she was fine. Last two days she's gone back to normal. Babies at this age should be breastfeeding every 2-3 hours. No longer than 4 hours. I'm not sure I would've let her sleep that long but if she woke up and nursed just fine and nursed well before bed I wouldn't really worry about it. Might've just been sleepy and this growth spurt! Scarlett had started sleeping longer at night as well. I think everything you said is completely normal and you are doing great!

Is she EBF?



All these babies are gaining weight great!
To those still breastfeeding I admire you! I found it so difficult :(

Had Lyle had the clinic today he's 6 weeks and now weighs 11lb 7oz!
Still only taking 4oz of formula at each feed :)
Thanks for the reassurance daddies. Guess I just wanted reassurance that it's normal. A lot of my friends haven't breastfed so aren't helpful. Right now she is EBF!
No problem :) even when you know it's normal you still doubt it sometimes. The other day when she was on the boob SIX HOURS. I kept saying to myself no way in hell is that normal! :haha: I was told her behavior is normal but not the duration and she's more than likely soley comfort nursing after two hours. Problem is she won't take any pacifier! You can only distract her for so long before she wants more boob! She's not napping well either because big brothers are so loud all day! But the last two days have been soooo much better so I'm thinking maybe just a growth spurt and she's a stinker :winkwink:
Layla wants boob constantly too.
She occasionally will take a pacifier but it doesn't really help cause she will spit it out within 10 min lol.
I'm tandem nursing her and my 3 year old, but my 3 year old is only on the boob 3 or so times in 24hrs.
I think Layla is having a growth spurt ATM (3 week growth spurt), she's been wanting boob ALL the time , not sleeping good during the day and my boobs were "empty" all day yesterday.
She wanted to eat more than usual during the night last night as well.
And even though I've been breastfeeding for 3 years now, I STILL doubted my supply yesterday !!
I know my supply is fine but her nursing so much and emptying them all day made me doubt my supply.
She was also way more fussy than usual and started crying like someone was hurting her , every time i would put her down!
Jillian is a major Boob monster also. we spent 3 hours in the chair comfort nursing the other evening. my boobs also never feel any different from the start to the end of a feeding.

I personally believe you let a baby sleep, once they've regained their birth weight. add long ad her weight is continuing, she is getting enough. However, your body produces more milk stimulating hormones at night, I believe I read that they are highest between 1 and 5 am. so add long as you nurse once in that period, you shouldn't affect your supply. that being said, I would go with what the LC is suggesting. sheIS the expert :)
^ oh yeah. I've heard that too about not waking after they've regained birth weight. I don't really have that problem as she wakes herself up every 2-4 hours :dohh: if I'm lucky four, at night it went from every two hours to every three. :dance:

I can NOT wait for this to get easier. It has from the first week or two but my nipples are still hurting when she latches. When does that stop! It's not as sore during feeding though :dance: she's also being a turd lately where she's not opening as wide as she use to. Or she'll pull off and slurp nipple back in so she's only latched on nipple.

Someone brought me a fancy nursing cover today! I was just using a blanket but it's far too hot for that. I usually don't care about covering up but her doing the in latching to look around thing I'd rather the whole world not see my nipple multiple times :dohh:
My baby is FF'ed and she is going through a phase where she wants to eat every 1 1/2 hours so I'm cutting back the individual servings a bit but not much. I didn't think formula fed babies cluster fed as much as this one does. My mom told me that colicky babies think they need to eat more than they do. It seems like that would be true because when my stomach hurts I keep nibbling thinking something will make me feel better. It never does though.:wacko:

The colic is BAD today. She didn't let me get more than 1 hour of sleep at a time last night and this afternoon she wouldn't let me nap. I had to leave her in our room to cry just so I could snag 15 minutes of actual sleep on the couch as I was in tears myself.

I'm getting NOTHING done today but yesterday my doctor said my only "to do" list should be to make sure everyone is fed and everyone gets some sleep. Well, everyone is getting fed.....:dohh:

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