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May Emeralds 2014 - Parenting

Glad to hear infant gaviscon works for your LO, buggz!

I'm sick and OH is away for the day. No idea what it is that I've caught, my throat has been sore since Thursday and now I'm coughing and I'm nauseated... I'm afraid I've passed it to Arthur even if they say it's less likely considering he's breastfed, he's being more fussy than the usual :(
BuggZ- glad to hear you found something that makes babe happy! Sometimes causing a scene is all it takes :)

Fleur- sorry you are Ill my two boys and OH is sick :nope: I'm just hoping Scarlett and I don't get it!!

Scarlett is one month old today!! She's taking a celebratory nap while I pump out of fullness and boredom :haha: who else loaths pumping? It's just the initial turn on of the pump that makes me cringe. Idk why!
Bugzz - glad you were able to get the appointment you need and that you were able to be given a solution for the reflux. Seeing our little ones in pain is no fun. :(

daddiesgift - the only thing i hated more than BFing was pumping but I never got anything from pumping so it felt like a waste of time.

afm - DD smiled today!! And it was a real, responsive smile and not just gas or a dream smile. And once she started she didn't want to stop. She was meeting some relatives for the first time and she smiled for them too but most were for me. Oh, that was the balm this mommy needed to soothe all those horrible nights and scream fests. I know more are coming but oh, those smiles! DS was 5 weeks before he started to smile so I was surprised to see them so soon.

Ugh, DS and I are down with colds and he has the most horrible cough. Yesterday DD seemed to be sick too. Greenish snot was coming out of her nose and she had bit of a cough but today she's seemed much better and her breathing sounded much easier. I'm glad as she's still so little.
Starry night the smiles are amazing aren't they!

Last couple of days Lexi seems to have really found her voice, she lays in her Moses basket chuntering away to herself and cooing at everything. Her screams and cries have developed a bit more volume and body too which is less cute :D

Finally DTD last night, hubby insisted on waiting till after my 6 week check. Was worried it would hurt or feel different, thankfully it's all good so that a worry to check off the list.
Wannabe - that gives me some hope. I'm terrified to DTD again. The first time after my section and miscarriages were kind of raw so that makes me wonder how bad it will be after a vaginal birth and 2nd degree tears. I'm still bleeding so it's kind of a moot point right now but I'm planning on waiting for my 8 week check. With my son I was having my first AF at that point (only a 2 week break between my post partum bleed and first AF....so sucky).

afm - PPD is such a roller coaster ride. I'll have an awesome day and start to think that the whole PPD diagnosis was overkill or me milking the baby blues for attention and then I'll have a bad day and remember why the doctor and public health nurse need to visit. Last night was bad. I went from being terrified that both my kids would die (DS is down with a cold and DD had thrown up an entire feed last night) right to "I don't want kids anymore!" after I couldn't get DD down to sleep after two tries.

Overall I feel in control but the lows are a bit frightening. Nights are starting to get a bit more consistent so I'm hoping that helps with my mental strength during the day. The main routine is 1 night with a four hour block before and after. Though she nearly slept the night again last night (6 1/2 hours) so that is twice in 4 days. And the gentle formula seems to be starting to help with colic and reflux.
Layla was 1 month old yesterday! She's now 10lb8oz (she was 8lb10oz at 3 days, so almost gained 2 lbs) and 23".(was 20" at birth)
Big baby :) she's doing great!
Glad Layla's doing well!

Bryson had his 2 month check up yesterday. He's 10lbs, 11oz (10%) and 22.5 inches (20%). He didn't like his shots very much and is a little feverish now, poor baby. Other than that, doctor says he's very happy and healthy and right on track!
Aw, great that Layla is doing so well and gaining weight and length as she should!

And I'm glad that Bryson's appointment went so well. It's so hard to watch them get their shots though.

Hannah is becoming bit of a porker. She was 9lbs 7.5oz at her last weigh in which was last Thursday. Sometimes I think all her weight is going into her face, it's so round! haha Yesterday she was snacking all day. I had to feed her every 1 1/2 hours though she was only taking half of her usual bottle in that time and it would take an hour for her to do that. But her colic was flaring up a bit so I'm thinking it had more to do with that. She seems to get the nibbles when her tummy is hurting her. :( It's hard on both of us!
We've been sick for days now :( it started with OH and my oldest now it's me and the two youngest! Scarlett is just congested :nope: I've spent the whole day disinfecting the house, bleaching the floors and washing any and everything possible! Tired of being sick :( she's currently napping while I pump one breast. Kept leaking and I don't wake her anymore to eat so I figured I might as well add it to the freezer stash. No idea when I'll use this stash but it's there :haha:

We've DTD already. I had stopped bleeding already but I did spot afterward so I'm waiting till I get birth control before we keep at it.
We both had our follow up yesterday. Everything looks good and healed. Down 23 lbs and got a prescription for birth control. What are all you ladies doing about the pill? You going back on right away??

Molly finally gaining better and was up 10 oz in 10 days! We are now at 8 lbs 7 oz.

She's been waking up in the night right after her first feeding. She grunts and groans sounding like a gremlin (lol) sounds like she's trying to poop or something but doesn't and I try gas drops and burping. Lasts off and on for hour+ but in the meantime I can't sleep. Anyone have this or have suggestions since I'm not getting much sleep...
I had my postnatal check last week and was prescribed pill but shes told me im not aloud to start it untill AF starts back up again :/

Great weight gain for molly fantastic news!

I think O has got silent reflux I was/am hoping its colic, ive just switched him to c&g comfort milk for colic and hoping this works if not it will confirm my suspicions I was hoping to avoid it this time, but at least i know what im looking out for symptoms wise and can hopefully get meds/milk sorted before it gets as bad as DD had it.

On the positive side hes now 2 months old already and for the past week and halfhes been STTN hes in bed for between 7-7.15 i dream feed him at 11 and he wakes around 7.30 am im just hoping it lasts and hes like his big sister!

hes really enjoying his baths now smiles away kicking all the time which is lovely to see!

MY csection infection has FINALLY CLEARED UP :happydance::happydance:
Do you all get a burp everytime? Im EBF so I guess she will burp less but everytime she doesn't and I put her down a little while later she spits up. How long do you try to get a burp? She been out cold on me 15 min now and I want to go back to bed!
While I was still nursing I wasn't able to get much in the way of burps like I do with bottles. And sometimes that burp won't come. My DS I could pat and stroke and bounce and rock for half an hour and not get anything. Hannah fights it too at times but it comes. I say if it's been 10ish minutes just put the baby down. There may be spit up but bouncing and patting for too long will make you both frustrated.

I find that if Hannah has resisted a burp and I put her down without one, she is usually fine. Just a bit of spit-up and she sleeps right on through. However, if she is fussy she usually lets out a big burp just by my picking her up. If that was the problem she settles back down.

afm - not going back on the pill. Haven't been on it since we started TTC#1 in 2009. I don't like what it does to me. So we'll be using condoms until we make our final decision on whether or not we're done having children. Once we make that final decision DH will be getting a vasectomy. We'll probably be taking a year before making that leap. We don't want to rush into it. Health Care covers the vasectomy but not its reversal and we learned from a friend that it's about $10 000. Yikes.
I usually give it 5-10 mins and if there's no burp I give up and put her down. We bottle feed and Lexi has always been a pain to burp, infacol makes it better but not 100% of the time.

I have an appt 17th July to get a copper coil put in. We always said we'd only have 1 child so I want something long term but can't do hormonal anymore, it took a year after coming off the depo for my periods to come back which was scary.

So I'm taking Lexi along to a model agency tomorrow for a casting. I never thought I would but she's so pretty and this could be a way to make some extra cash so I can take longer on maternity. I need to find out more about it tomorrow to see what's involved and make sure there's nothing we feel uncomfortable about.

Don't suppose anyone has any experience you can share have you???
DH and I DTD just shy of 3 weeks, even sooner than after DD. :dohh: :haha:
I went back on the pill Nordette and just finished my first pack and all is well so far. We are pretty sure we are done having children but will make the decision in the next 3 years. If we are, DH is getting the snip at 25.

I can't get DS to burp every single time but he doesn't seem too bothered. If it's late at night and he falls asleep, I just let him sleep. He's not a big burper to begin with.

No experience modeling here! Plenty of people tell me to but I think DD is too shy.
I rarely burp Layla, never burped Aleena really either.
I think with breastfed babies , they don't really suck in too much air :)
Lexi is like the energiser bunny today. She's been awake since 4pm, smiling, kicking and cooing non stop. Wondering when she'll crash or if this is going to go on all night????

Finished making my first baby romper today.

We are having sleep issues here. Daytime sleep has gone to crap... she wont sleep without nursing, and only sleeps in 20 minutes bursts! This can end anytime now. Poor thing is sooo overtired, she is miserable. She sleeps in 3 hours stretches at night, which is also shorter than previous, where I would get a 5 hour stretch followed by a 4 hour stretch. Makes me wonder how successful breastfeeding really is. She has her 2 month appointment and vaccines tomorrow, so I guess we will see
We are having sleep issues here. Daytime sleep has gone to crap... she wont sleep without nursing, and only sleeps in 20 minutes bursts! This can end anytime now. Poor thing is sooo overtired, she is miserable. She sleeps in 3 hours stretches at night, which is also shorter than previous, where I would get a 5 hour stretch followed by a 4 hour stretch. Makes me wonder how successful breastfeeding really is. She has her 2 month appointment and vaccines tomorrow, so I guess we will see

I FF and Lexi eats every 3 hours including overnight. I think it's the baby more than the method of feeding that determines length of sleep.

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