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May Emeralds 2014 - Parenting

Wannabe Mommy - Glad to hear that Lexi slept well for you :D

Nic - Sorry to hear that you had a rough night with Lyle :hugs:
growth spurts are ROUGH. we just got through the 6 week one.

miss J is 8.14 as of yesterday - 3 pounds in 6 weeks! all from mama milk! makes me so happy that it's going well this time :)
Scarlett is a pound heavier in 2 weeks! I also felt pretty proud knowing all the pain of breastfeeding is working so well for her tummy :)
Awesome to hear ladies! I have an appt tomorrow for a weight re check to compare 1 week. When we left the hospital Molly was 6 lbs, last Wed appt she was 7 lbs 10 oz. Def gaining weight and Dr seemed pleased. Hot out today!! Little miss seems to have a heat rash today.
Only 1 feed during the night and she slept like a dream. I feel human again!!!

Not sure if it was the key or not but just in case it helps anyone else.....

We folded up a towel and put if under one end of her Moses basket mattress so she slept with her head raised. She drifted off within seconds and for 4 hour stretches.

I may have to try that as she falls asleep fairly well in her bouncey chair. She did sleep 6 1/2 hours in her bassinet last night even if it took her 1 1/2 hours to fall asleep. I'm just tired of doing that battle. :wacko: Also sucks not having any adult or "just us" time with DH.
Great to hear all these bubs gaining weight! :)

Lyle is defiantly going through a growth spurt!
Looking forward to the HV weighing Lexi next week, she looks and feels like a chunky monkey so I know she's put weight in but not how much.
Gracies put on loads of weight! She was weight at the drop in clinic a week ago and weighed 8lb 14oz then MW came on monday, weighed her again and she was 9lb7oz! Shes a month old and nearly 3lbs heavier!
Oh my goodness my "little" man is such a chunk! He started out at 8-12, by 2 weeks he was 9-7 by 5 weeks he was tipping the scales at 11lbs. He's 7 weeks now and I don't know how much he weighs now but he is in size 2 pampers and while he still fits into 0-3 months clothes most of his sleepers are two short! He is definetly going to be tall like his sisters, we don't go to the dr for another few weeks I'm super interested to see how big he will be!!

As for sleeping he is still getting up about 1:30am and then again around 5am. It's brutal. Two nights ago after I nursed him at 10:30pm I gave him 2oz of formula and he slept 6 hours for me, last night I tried to do the same thing but I couldn't keep him awake and he barely drank 1oz of the bottle and was back to his normal waking schedule. I really need him to drop one of his night feedings I'm not picky I don't even care which one, especially since it's summer and my big kids aren't up until after 8!
O will only lay on his back if he is propped up a little hates been flat, good for reflux babies too!

Were on our first little holiday at center parcs, although i havent been able to go in the pool because of the csection scar infection DH took O in the pool today and he really enjoyed it bless him! gutted i couldnt take him in his 1st time but i managed to get some pics of him in there!

we have HV comin oout on monday so he will get weighed again then he is really filling out and getting so cute little rolls on his thighs now!

were also starting a babymassage course on wednesday too which im looking forward too!

Hes loving been in the stretchy wrap too its amazing when hes unsettled and i need to get things done with DD, today he slept for over 2 half hours in it he always imediatley settles in it, im such a convert to them now im going to go to a local sling meet to try some different ones out, anyone got any suggestions for a more structured carriers? x
Went to the Dr. Molly is now 7 lb 13 oz. She gained 3 oz in one week and is up 1 lb and 5 oz since birth. She's still a little peanut bit Dr is happy with where she is.

Also figured out my right nipple pain. I've been only pumping that side for 2 days now since it hurts for her to latch. There is a white spot on the nipple and apparently it's a milk blister, kind of like a blocked duct. Been doing hot compresses, pumping and antibiotic ointment. Need to keep doing for a few days.

So not sure if any of you from the may board remember my work situation.. its been confirmed that due to my may sales numbers, I no longer have a job there. They can not let me go during my leave, but after the 12 weeks on Aug 4 when I try to go back I will be let go. Looking into talking to a lawyer as I think I have a case on my hands. Only thing making it ok is knowing I stay home with my little girl and I will file for unemployment.
ugh. having such a rough week. my 2 year old is driving me insane. he has developmental delays, and I just do not have the patience for him these days. he just doesn't understand anything I say. J is the crankiest baby, if she's not nursing or sleeping, she's screaming. she will only sleep ON ME ( daddy just won't do) I spend the whole day going from 1 crying child to another, and seen to be yelling all. the. time. I can't get anything done in the house. hubby and I have been fighting because of how little gets done, nothing is where it belongs, and he's feeling neglected and is bitchy because of it. I get no time too myself,because as soon as I try to shower, eat, or even pee, someone starts crying and apparently only I can deal with it

I seriously hope this gets better.
:hugs: bumpin - I hope these days pass quickly. H is a cranky baby too and it's so tough. She will sleep on other people but her bassinet is like poison to her so night time routines are tough. And my son has just been diagnosed with developmental delay as well. One thing I found has helped with H has been to keep her well fed. She's still fussy but the extra feeds has opened up extra happy minutes here and there. Makes it bearable. With my son the fussiness was he wouldn't sleep so figuring that out helped loads too. So I hope you find what makes J tick and can help ease the fussiness.
Gaves - sorry about the work situation I really hope the lawyer is able to help and ouch for the milk blister.

Bumpin - that sounds incredibly frustrating! Could you try a carrier like a wrap or ring sling so you can carry J around while you're doing stuff around the house and looking after your 2 yr old?

Lexi has been an angel all day so should have known she was gonna be a bugger tonight :D currently looking forward to a night on the sofa, napping between her outbursts as OH has an early start for work so needs some decent sleep.
she hates the wrap. she fights it and screeches every time I try her in it. currently we are set up in the chair, where she has been nursing for over an hour. she falls asleep, lets go, wakes herself up, starts screaming as soon as her eyes open... maybe this is a continuation of a growth spurt?
Could be. Having similar issues. Sound asleep on me but the min I try the crib or swing eyes wide open and screaming. A ton more eating too... def thinking growth spurt. Sorry to hear that things are rough at the moment and hope it gets better SOON. Keep us in the loop with how you are doing. This forum is still my saving grace!!
Scarlett does those same things some days it's completely normal. She was up from 5-10pm today nursing, waking up when put down, crying hard for no apparent reason. It's frustrating that's for sure but it will pass!

Saw that this morning and liked how it explained the crying phase :)
well she slept ( on me) from 11 pm until 5 am. then back to sleep until 9. must be as growth spurt! here's hoping for a less cranky day
Turns out all I had to do to get her to sleep was strip her down, put her in her vibrating chair and play some kenny rogers. Apparently she likes his deep country voice :D


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