Congrats Rosie! I think I'm due the same day as you (may 6th here). Unfortunately, they are making me wait until December 20th for my gender scan and I will be 20w3d. The waiting is KILLING ME!!!!
I technically have 2 dates at the min the 6th and the 8th, 6th is my ivf date and matched with my 8 week scan but on my 12 week one the scan the scan machine was really old and they couldn't get a could pic because baby was moving around so they said they will confirm at my 20 week scan although the scan yesterday hes measuring a couple days ahead of both those dates! have a feeling hes gonna be a big boy!
my 20 weeks isn't till 27th December so ill be nearly 22 weeks :O so glad I ahd this one! x
Well, either way, we know baby will come when baby is ready to come! Yeah, I would DIE if I had to wait until 22 weeks!
oh I know with everything that's happened theres no way I could of waited till 22 weeks to see baby again I wanted to be able to enjoy xmas! ive been told because of what happened whrn I had DD the chances are if I insist (which I will be) I wont go past my due date so if ive not gone into labour by due date ill be booked in for induction which is huge peace of mind for me just need to decide on vbac or planned section now :/ x