Yours is really different. Where's your gestational sack? That's the black bit.
I don't think yours looks that different, just zoomed in, and no sack (which I have now learnt is the black bit!?)
My pictures are of where the heart beat was. There was more baby around it when she moved from the heart beat.
Thing is babies implant in different places and wombs are different shapes. I wouldn't worry too much.
I just totally trust my nurse.
Ahh mine wasn't zoomed it at all.
It's different machines and different quality.
I've also been told it's really hard to get accurate measurements this early and they can be a week either way so maybe it is just an error.
Don't worry you've got a heart beat and that's great.
Can't wait for my next one!!
Ah did you. These scans are at my IVF clinic. I have booked an appointment with my doctor for next week to notify them of my pregnancy then I get a midwife and a NHS scan at 12 weeks.
our midwifes ultrasound machine is old, no sound lol, but it was nice to see